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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“You can what? I can’t believe it!” She said moving away from him.

“Think of some thing from within and I will say it to you” Francis said.

Joanna thought of some thing and immediately he said it.

“Calling me a jackass isn’t the some thing I asked you to think of” Francis said.

“Oh my God! The second kiss did work and just now we both….had the third kiss” Joanna said looking confuse and surprised by the whole thing.

“According to what I heard, the third kiss will make us soul mate and although I really like the third kiss better than the other two, I don’t understand a thing going on here. You’ve got some explaining to do” He said seating beside her.

Joanna whose thought was preoccupied suddenly felt Francis hand on hers, he took hold of it which got her starring at him.

“Let’s do some talking” Francis said.

“Tell me about this power, how it started and…..just tell me about it, make me understand” He said.

“Well it all started years ago, long before I was born ” Joanna began slowly.

“The first female of our family had gone through an ordeal which was unfair and unjust and one night while hoping for a miracle, she was granted powers by the almighty which got her fighting and winning her battle”

“And since then every female in our family has been blessed with powers” she added.

“So you are saying your mother and your grandmother and your great grandmother all possess a sort of power?” He asked and she nodded.

“So then how come I have powers?” He asked still feeling confused.

“Well our powers are only meant to do good and not evil but a descendant of ours used it for evil. Due to her possessing a power, she bullied her husband and ended up ki||ing him and so as punishment to her, the almighty made it possible that every of the men we choose as our partners will also posses a power after the second kiss has been shared ” she said.

“So the second kiss we shared got me my powers and that’s all because of one of your descendant who misuse her powers right?” Francis asked.

“Yes. Back then it was a form of punishment but now we use it as a way of searching for our life partners which is by sharing a first, second and third kiss with them ” she added.

“Tell me more” Francis asked intrigued by all of it.

“Well once every of the Mills female turn twenty, we go out searching for our partner. Someone to share our power with and….”

“And that person was meant to be Pierce?” Francis asked suddenly cutting her off and she nodded.

“I had chosen Pierce to be the one I share my first kiss with but then the incident happen and we ended up sharing not one but three kisses” she said blushing a bit when she remembered the kisses they shared.

“The first was a mistake, the second was an impulse and the third was intentional “Francis said which got her looking at him.

“Apart from getting powers from the second kiss and also being your soul mate with the third, what does the first do?” He asked.

“It makes us attracted to each other” she replied slowly.

“That explains the fierce desire I have for you” he said earning a deep blush from her.

“Which is why we can’t let this thing develop into some thing ” she said suddenly which got him looking at her.

“Explain that ?” He demanded.

“Well if it hadn’t been for the kiss, am sure that you wouldn’t look my way, what am trying to say now is that you might think you feel some thing for me but you don’t” she said.

“So what I feel for you now is nothing? Is that what you are trying to say?” he asked and she nodded.

“But some how I find that hard to believe” he added.

“Why?” She asked and he placed her hand on his chest wanting her to feel his heart.

“Do you feel that?” He asked and when she made a move to pull away, he tightened his hold on it.

“My heart had a normal beat before I knew you but then it became like this and that only happens whenever you are by my side or close to me” he admitted.

“The kiss doesn’t determine my feelings for you Joanna cause my feelings is solely mine and so is yours. So don’t tell me that what I feel is a false thing” he finished while she kept starring at him.

“An….and what do you really feel?” She found herself asking.

“Do I have to spell it out for you? People around us noticed it but why can’t you ?” He asked and that got her pulling away from him.

“I think have heard enough and it’s time that I retire to my room” she said getting up but he took hold of her hand, preventing her from leaving.

“Running away won’t get rid of the feelings I have” he said.

“Francis it’s best that we…..”

“I love you Joanna, am deeply in love with you. Even without us sharing the kiss, am sure that I will certainly have been your soul mate” he said getting off the seat and turning her to face him.

“Don’t run away from me, from us, from the beautiful thing we can both have” he said.

“I don’t know Francis, I don’t really believe that what you feel for me is the real thing. What you feel is due to the….”

“To hell with the kiss” he said suddenly.

“Don’t say that!” She said more gently.

“I will. I love you and I know what I feel. This is isn’t due to the kiss we share, it isn’t because of the attraction as you put it. It’s the real thing. You belong to me just as I do with you” He said trying to convince her.

“Francis I….”

“Don’t! Let’s end it here for now. I will give you time to think about it and I expect to hear your answer tomorrow ” he said letting go of her hand.

“That will be hard to do” she said while he gave her a puzzled look.


“You can hear my thoughts? How do you expect me to think when you can hear every thing?” She asked.

“Oh! I forgot I posses such power. I will leave then, I will spend the night with the others and give you enough time to think about it” he said heading to his room to get the necessary thing he need.

“Francis you…..”

“Just think about it! Give it some thought and give me your answer tomorrow and remember that I love you,I mean it, I really do love you” he said before leaving the house.

Joanna slowly made her way to her room and getting on her bed, she lay on it thinking about Francis.

“Francis loves me” she muttered putting a hand on her chest where her heart was racing madly at the thought of him.

“Do I feel the same way?” She murmured again as she let out a sigh before closing her eyes.

Just yesterday she had thought her self in love with Pierce and having Francis confess to her now makes her feel confuse.

Is what she feel for Francis the real thing ?

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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