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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Pierce stood in front of Joanna’s room wondering if he should knock or not.

He felt bad about her knowing the truth in that manner and earlier, he didn’t know why he had gotten so angry at seeing Francis and her together.

It’s one of the reason why he had hit Francis and ever since their fight, he hasn’t been feeling good.

He was still contemplating when he saw Jocelyn approaching him.

“Are you here to apologise to her?” Jocelyn asked.

“What do you think? I believe you are here to do the same right? ” he replied.

“Why would I apologise to her?” Jocelyn asked.

“The game, I know you threw the ball on her on purpose ”

“But she did the same to me and so I don’t owe her an apology ” she said touching her broken nose.

“Francis is right, you might look all grown up but you are just a child” Pierce said.

“Stop referring to me as a child!” She yelled at him.

“But you keep on doing things only a little girl with a little mind will do. You knew of my feelings and yet you use that to get your own way and stupid me…stupid me kept doing things for you solely to make you happy, hoping you will get to see my heart and notice me but that will never happen right?” Pierce asked.

“Am sorry, I didn’t mean to use the feelings you have for me. I just….I just ”

“Save your excuse,Jocelyn. Right now, I don’t want to see you” he said turning to walk past her but she pulled him back and before he could prevent it, she stood on tip toe and kiss him.

Pierce was at first stunned by her action but when he notice someone starring at them a distance away, he pulled away.

He turn only to see Joanna and Francis starring at the both of them, the sad expression that had been on Joanna face earlier was on her face again and it tug at his heart seeing her that way.

Still on Francis back, Francis carried her straight to her door, ignoring Pierce and Jocelyn who were watching.

He set her down and when she was on her feet. He open the door for her to go in which she did.

Pierce began to walk towards her door but Francis block the path.

“You’ve made her cry for one day, I suggest you stop here” Francis said.

“But have got to talk to her and…..”

“Do that tomorrow, just let her be for tonight” Francis said and when Pierce thought about it, he agreed and left with Jocelyn following him.

He was almost at his room when he turn to glare at Jocelyn.

“Why don’t you just leave, you’ve done enough for a day” Pierce said.

” You haven’t forgiven me yet and….”

“Let’s just quit it Jocelyn!” Pierce said suddenly.

“Quit what?”

“This! Us! Let’s end it here once and for all. You love Francis and if you want him then fight for him yourself, I won’t let you use me again and also you don’t have to worry about me and my feelings again cause I will get you out of my system if it’s the last thing I do” Pierce vowed walking off while Jocelyn stood wondering why his words hurt.

Mirabel stood at the pool only in her swimming suit contemplating on getting into the water when she heard some one say.

“Taking a swim at night might ruin your skin” the stranger said coming to stand beside her.

“But I heard swimming at night is the best” Mirabel replied.

“It isn’t and the water here is totally harmful, am telling you this from experience. Take a look at my skin, I got this from swimming at night” he said showing her a part of his skin which was rough and that was how Nicholas saw them when he got there.

“Get away from my girlfriend!” Nicholas said as she went to pull Mirabel away from the guy.

“Sorry dude, I thought she was alone and….”,

“She’s not alone. Am here with her and so it’s best you beat it!” Nicholas said to the guy who went off.

“And who is your girlfriend?” Mirabel asked.

“You of course or is there any other girl here?” He asked.

“Look Nicholas, it’s one thing for us to share a kiss but for you to claim me as your girl friend then that’s a different issue ” she said.

“What’s different about it, we already know how we feel about each other and….”

“And what do we feel? What do you think I feel for you?” Mirabel ask while Nicholas move close to her.

Taking hold of her hand, he placed it on his chest where his heart kept thumping fast.

“Do I have to tell you that am insanely into you?” He asked while Mirabel kept starring at him.

“I love you Mirabel and I know you feel the same ” he added.

Mirabel move away from him, putting a distance between them.

“I find that hard to believe cause just a few weeks ago, you were going about dating most of the girls in school ” she said.

“That’s the past me, the present me is willing to leave my naughty acts for you” he said looking serious with his words.

“Am sorry but I find that hard to believe” she said turning past him to leave but he wrap his arms around her from behind stopping her from going further.

“What must I do to make you believe me?” He whispered into her ear.

“Don’t do anything” she said trying to break free but he tightened his hold on her.

“I love you and it’s the first time I feel this way about someone, I won’t let you throw away some thing good. Am gonna prove to you that am not the guy you think I am” he said and slowly she turn to stare at him.

“Give me a chance” he murmured kissing her gently on the lips and unknown to them both Evelyn stood by the door way starring at them both and pulling out her phone, she dialled Jessica number.


“Is that all you brought?” Mirabel asked as Joanna put the last of her belonging in her bag pack.

“Yes” Joanna replied.

“Can’t believe we are leaving this paradise” Mirabel said sadly.

“We’ve had enough fun, it’s time to go back to school and project and assignment ” Joanna said making Mirabel grumble loudly.

“Let’s go, the others will be waiting” Joanna said as she went to open the door only to see Francis there with his back pack.

“Why are you here?” She asked.

“He came to be our chaperone, right Francis?” Mirabel ask from behind.

“Wrong! I came to give her my bag pack” Francis said.

“Why?” Joanna and Mirabel asked at the same time.

“Thanks to carrying her last night, my back ache all over and so it’s only right that you carry my back pack in return” Francis said.

“Wait! Did you carry Joanna on your back. You never told me that part” Mirabel said accusingly.

“I never sent you to carry me and if I had known that you would be this petty then I would have refuse” she said carrying his bag pack.

“Wh@ťěver! Just pay back your dues cause my back still ache all over” he said.

“Don’t exaggerate! Am not that heavy” she said as they all left the hotel room.

“Joanna ” Pierce call suddenly stop them all.

“Can I talk to you for a while” Pierce said starring at the three of them.

“Can you guys take my bag pack, I will join you soon” Joanna said to Mirabel and Francis.


Joanna made her way back to the apartment she shared with Francis.

It’s been three hours after their return and during that time she received a call from her mom which got her going home to see them.

She still can’t believe that the second kiss she had with Francis will give him powers.

But he doesn’t look like someone with powers,she thought as she open the door only to see him seated on the sofa.

“Did you see your momma? Momma pet” he mocked.

“Don’t patronise me” she said as she went to seat on the other sofa.

Her gaze went to him while he kept watching TV.

What power does he possess? Why did she have to share the second kiss with him? If she had known he will get to have powers with the second kiss, she would have stop him.

And the third kiss, if she were to share a third kiss with him then he will be her soul mate, she thought as she kept wondering what sort of power he possess.

Suddenly Francis got out of his seat and walking to where she is, he pulled her up.

“What are you doing?” She asked and his reply was to kiss her, startling her into silence.

When she finally regain her wits, she move out of his arms starring at him.

“Why did you do that?”

“Cause I want to be your soul mate” he replied.

“My….my what? Ho….how do you know that?” She ask.

“Don’t tell me that you…..” She added again when she saw the answer in his eyes.

“I can hear your thoughts Joanna, I think that’s the power I possess” he said which got her eyes widening in shock…

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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