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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Francis stop his car in front of the restaurant where in a while he will be seeing Jocelyn.

After Pierce confession about her feelings for him, he was thinking of calling her to meet up but she sent him a message first, asking him to come meet her at this restaurant.

He only thinks of her as the little sister he never had and in a million years to come, he doesn’t see him self getting romantically involve with her.

So that’s mainly why he agreed to come see her, so he can let her know about his feelings and for her to move on from him and who knows that might probably make her notice Pierce feelings for her.

With that in mind, he got out of his car and was making his way to the restaurant when he got a call.

On seeing the caller, a smile appear on his face before he answered.

“Don’t tell me you are lost in the super market ?” He asked.

“What do you think I am? A toddler?” Joanna replied hotly which got him smiling widely, some thing which attracted the looks of two ladies who were walking by.

“I only called to ask you about the kind of tooth brush you use, I don’t want to buy some thing you don’t use” She said.

“Just get me anyone, am fine with using any brush” He replied.

“That’s fine and …..Oh my….. Arrrghhh!!” she yelled out suddenly startling Francis

“What’s wrong Joanna?” He said but there was no reply.

“Talk to me! Is some thing wrong?” Francis said worriedly but there was no reply and the last thing he heard before ending the call was the voice of a woman saying.

“Is she okay?”

Immediately, Francis went back to his car and was about to get in when he heard his name being called.

“Are you leaving?” Jocelyn ask as she got to where he is.

“Am sorry but let’s schedule this meeting for some other time” he said but she held his arm.

“But why are you suddenly leaving?” Jocelyn asked tightening her hold on his arm.

“Some thing might have happen to Joanna. Am sorry that I have to leave in this manner but I have a bad feeling about this so let’s reschedule this meeting for some other time, am sorry Jocelyn” he said pulling his arm out of her hold and getting into the car he drove off leaving Jocelyn standing there.

“d@mn you Joanna, d@mn you” Jocelyn muttered as she tighten her fist in anger.


Francis halt his car in front of their apartment and when Joanna made to get out, he held onto her arm.

“Don’t! Let me” Francis said as he got out of the car and move to her door to open it.

“You are going too far, treating me like a invalid” she said jokingly.

“And aren’t you a invalid?” Francis asked as he help her out of the car while she limp on one foot.

“Common, Its just a fall and I ended up injuring two of my toes that doesn’t make me an invalid and besides the doctor you Insisted I see told me I will be fine if i don’t strain it ” she said staring at him.

“And that’s why am being like this so you don’t strain it more” he said and before she could stop him, he lifted her into his arms bridal style.

“Francis!” She called.

“You aren’t meant to strain it, remember?” he said as walk with her to the front door.

Opening the door with ease, he carried her straight to her room where he set her down on her bed.

Joanna couldn’t help but to feel touch by this gesture of his.

After her fall at the super market and while she was help by the people there, she had been worried on how to get home and was surprise when she saw him arrive.

Though he kept nagging her about being careful, he has also been thoughtful. Insisting on seeing a doctor and buying the things she couldn’t get to buy and also carrying her in his arms just so she wouldn’t strain her injured foot, he truly is the best room mate any girl could ever have.

Now where on earth did that thought come from? Just this morning she had been cursing him and now this?

Shaking her head to get rid of thoughts that have to do with Francis, she sat up preparing to pull off her top when the door open.

“Oh! Am sorry” Francis apologise as she quickly pull down her top.

“It’s okay but just knock next time” she said as he walk towards her.

“I sure will” he replied putting the first aid box on a table nearby before seating on her bed and taking hold of her leg, he put it on his laps making her feel strange with his action.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“The bandage is all bloody, I want to change it” he replied and all through the process of changing the bandage, she sat watching him.

Being this close to him some how made her notice the little mole on his cheek, his blue eyes which were solely focus on her foot and his perfect nose, though a bit crook but still perfect and there is his lips….a lips she’s tasted not once but twice.

That thought made her look away from him. She felt hot all over just looking at him and she shouldn’t be feeling this way cause she’s in love with Pierce.

* “Well after the first kiss comes the attraction and then attraction blossom into love” *

Her mother words came back to haunt her, could she be attracted to Francis? But he is the wrong guy and she shouldn’t be attracted to him since she’s in love with Pierce, she thought.

Pierce is the guy she loves and he should be the only one she’s attracted to, maybe what she feels for Francis is just a feeling of gratitude, she thought again and at that moment Francis look up at her which resurge that weird feeling in her again.

What she’s feeling is far from gratitude which is not right, she claims to be in love with Pierce and she’s attracted to Francis.

“Is some thing wrong?” He asked.

“I feel sleepy, I want to sleep” she invented quickly.

“Okay, let me finish this” he said as he deftly put the bandage around her injured foot and putting her leg on the bed, she quickly lay on it, closing her eyes and pretending to be asleep.

“You must be very sleepy” he muttered as he use the sheets to cover her before switching off her light and leaving the room.

Joanna open her eyes when she heard her door click and quickly pick up her phone to call her mom who will be able to explain this to her but then she remembered her mother telling her a week ago that she will be going on a seminar this week and will be out of reach.

Her father will probably be busy with patients at the hospital where he work as a doctor.

Sighing out, she put down her phone and decide to wait for her mother return.


Pierce got to the park where Jocelyn had told him she was and found her sitting on a bench, her head bent and her shoulders droop.

She had called to tell him earlier that she will be seeing Francis in the evening and that she intends to tell him how she feels but when he saw her text a little bit after the call, he knew some thing must have happen.

“Jocelyn, what’s going on…..” He stop talking when she lifted her head only to see tears on her face.

“Pierce” she burst out before getting off the bench, moving straight into his arms.

“What’s wrong?” Pierce asked.

“He left me there, he left me for her” Jocelyn said in between tears.

“Francis did?” Pierce ask and she move back a little to stare at him.

“He did, he stood me up just so he could go to Joanna. I really h@ťě her and I want her gone, do some thing Pierce,do some thing” she said tightening her hold on his shirt even as she kept crying.

“Shhhh, it’s gonna be okay. Every thing will be fine” Pierce said pulling her back into his embrace.

“Every thing won’t be fine as long as Joanna is with him, I want her gone, I want her far away from him, please help me. You are the only one I can rely on ” Jocelyn said.

“Fine then, I will get her away from Francis, I promise you” Pierce said while Jocelyn tighten her hold on him…….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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