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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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with à
{£nchanted by her…}?

Chapter 13☆14

By, Gbemi Writes


༒︎♔︎ (His Roommate )♔︎༒︎


“You fool!” Louis, Francis father yelled as he ran about the room throwing things at Francis who kept dogding it.

“I told you to stay low, I told you do wh@ťěver you have to do when the election is over but you just had to go ahead and complicate things!” His father yelled again taking a book to throw at Francis who move out of the way before it could land on him.

“And have told you severally that it’s not me in the picture and I know that this time for you is crucial due to your senator candidacy so why on earth would I ruin it for you” Francis asked and just at that moment his mother walk in on them.

“What’s going on here?” She asked.

“Your son has done it again and thanks to him, probability of me being a senator is zero” Louis said handing the picture of Francis going into an hotel with Evelyn to her.

She look up and Francis shake his head at her so she wouldn’t say a thing cause he knew he couldn’t fool his mom even though he could do that with his father.

The truth is that the picture was taken five days ago and that had been when he was on cloud nine wanting to f-__-k anyone and Evelyn was readily available. He had totally forgot his father campaign and all.

“If he says he is not the one then you should believe him” his mother said supporting him.

“I knew you are going to support him” Louis said starring at his wife.

“Let’s just calm down and try to talk about this” Genova said starring at her husband and son.

“Right now am too angry to talk about a thing. I want him out of my sight!” Louis said starring at Francis.

“But where do you want him to go and….”,

“I don’t know! Just get him away from me before I lose my patience and break something on his head” Louis said and quickly Genova went towards Francis to pull him out of the study.

“And your account will be frozen until you realise what your actions can do to me!” His father yelled after them.

“My account? Isn’t that a bit too …..” Francis didn’t get to finish his sentence cause his father threw another object his way and he was out of the room before it could land on his head.

“Why on earth did you choose to do that, I know you are a man and have to satisfy your urge but you should have been careful” Genova said hitting his arm.

“I didn’t mean for that to happen, I forgot totally and my account can’t be frozen” Francis said pouting sadly.

“You know that whenever your father says he will do something then he will but let me send some money to you before he….oh! He froze mine too” Genova said starring at her son.

“Dad is taking this too far” Francis said.

“He really is! Why don’t you go and stay with your friends and I will let you know what your dad decides on when I speak to him” she said and reluctantly he left.

Francis got to the dorm he often use with his friends and the three were all seated waiting for him.

“What’s with your message?” Theo asked as Francis walk into the room.

“Am glad you three read my message and are all here” Francis said as he took a seat.

“I need money, my account has been frozen by dad” Francis said explaining to them why his account got frozen.

“So, I will need all the help I can get ” Francis said and at that Particular moment his three friends got a message.

“Sorry dude but we can’t help you” Pierce said while the other two nodded showing him the message they got from their father.

“If we are to help you with a thing then our account will be frozen too” Nicholas said.

“This is why I h@ťě our fathers being friends. This suck!” Francis said putting his hand over his face.

“I would have really love to help but I can’t afford to risk my account being cut off” Theo said to Francis.

“And I can’t disobey my dad” Pierce added.

“And I….”

“And you also can’t help cause you are afraid of your dad?” Francis said cutting Nicholas off while also helping him to finish his sentence.

“That isn’t what I was going to say” Nicholas said which brighten up Francis face.

“Since we’ve been told to kick you out of the dorm and not to help you with a dime. I can help you annonymously” Nicholas said.

“Then start spilling it” Francis said ignoring his two other friends.

“You see there is this apartment that a girl bought for me and…..”


“This is the only house that hasn’t been rented out , I don’t know who the owner is but what I can tell you is that it’s a nice place to stay ” Mirabel said to Joanna as they went on a house hunt journey.

She didn’t know why but Francis words about her finding an apartment which is close to school got her doing just that, she thought as they turn to leave when they heard Nicholas voice behind them.

“And what are you two angels doing in front of my house?” Nicholas asked.

“Is this your house?” Joanna asked and he nodded.

“Liar” Mirabel said glaring at him.

“I know you find me annoying but don’t doubt every thing I say, if I tell you that this place belongs to me then it does” Nicholas said showing them a key and climbing the steps which led to the door way, he open the door.

“Want to have a look?” He asked Joanna who nodded in reply before going into the house with a reluctant Mirabel.

“It’s awesome” Joanna couldn’t help but to let out when they were inside.

“I did the decor myself , am great right?” He asked and Joanna’s answer was to do a thumbs up at him.

“Stop praising yourself and tell us if you are going to rent it to Joanna, she’s looking for a place to stay which is quite close to school” Mirabel said.

“Really? I really can’t….” Nicholas stop talking when he realized some thing, it wouldn’t be bad if he had the two of them living together.

“It’s up for rent, you know have gotten offer from a lot of people but am going to give it to you. So if you are ready, we can sign every document you want to sign and you can begin to live as soon as you like” Nicholas said having a mischievous smile on his face…..


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