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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The game continued and they were dared to do multiple things except for Joanna and Mirabel whom the bottle never stopped on.

Some one spin again and this time it stopped on Francis.

“Let me! Let me give him a dare” Theo said quickly shutting whoever wanted to talk.

Theo got out of his seat and went to whisper his dare in Francis ear.

“That’s cheating, you’ve got to say the dare out” a student said.

“You guys will see it, after all it’s a dare” Theo said going back to his seat.

Francis stood up and slowly walk around the table putting a lot of people on suspense.

“Just what’s this dare?” Nicholas asked feeling anxious.

Francis walk past Evelyn who had thought that he was coming to her and he stopped right behind Joanna.

Leaning over her, he bent and kissed her right on the cheek surprising everyone and mostly Joanna who turned to stare at him in surprise.

“Keep watching! It’s not the end of the dare” Theo said to everyone and at that moment, Francis kissed Joanna fully on the lips, surprising everyone again.

Joanna who was shocked by his kiss tried to pull away but he curve an arm around her, imprisoning her in his arms while making it for her to escape.

He bit gently on her lips and as soon as she let out a gasp,he plunge into her mouth.

Tasting and familiarizing himself with her, the kiss went on until Francis stopped.

He move back and with their gaze still locked, he gently caress her lips before moving away while everyone cheered at him.

“Kiss a girl who you find attractive, that was the dare” Theo said making everyone laugh, well except for Evelyn and Pierce who found his action a bit more startling.

“Are you okay?” Mirabel asked Joanna who was still shaken by the kiss.

She stared at Pierce only to see him starring at her and using the rest room as an excuse, she left them while Mirabel followed suit.

“Wait up? Are you leaving?” Mirabel asked.

“Have got to” Joanna replied.

“It was just a kiss, It shouldn’t mean a thing” Mirabel said.

“Your friend is right! It’s just a kiss and it shouldn’t mean a thing to you” Francis said behind them just as they made it out of the club.

“You jerk!” Joanna yelled at him.

“Can you please leave us alone” Francis said to Mirabel who at first didn’t want to but on receiving a sign from Joanna, she left them and went back into the club.

“Why did you do that? And in front of Pierce” She asked.

“It’s just a game and besides the kiss we shared will certainly help you with Pierce” Francis said.

“How will kissing you help me with him?” Joanna asked.

“Pierce needs a push to make him realise that you are attracted to him and the kiss was the only thing I could think of in doing that” Francis said.

“If the girl who fancies get fancied by someone else then he will sit up straight and act accordingly ” Francis added.

“So your saying that to get Pierce to notice me, I must find a guy who will find me attractive and will want me?” She asked and he nodded in reply.

“Who will do that?” Joanna asked and Francis smiled.

“Me of course”

“Are you crazy? How can you pretend to like me when I know you feel the opposite?” She asked.

“If we are to succeed in getting Pierce to fall for you then am willing to sacrifice myself ” Francis replied.

“I don’t think this is right, I have a bad feeling about it and there is Evelyn,she’s your girlfriend and….”

“Evelyn is not my girlfriend but a f-__-k mate, get your statement right before spilling it out” He said.

“If she’s your f-__-k mate or any thing she isn’t one who will let another girl have you and even though it’s gonna be for a while, I don’t like the deception and…..”

“Do you want Pierce?” Francis asked cutting her off suddenly.

“I do” she replied a while later.

“Then do as I say. Remember that am the one who is the boss here and also if I find it tiring and want to end it, I will surely tell you” he said convincing Joanna.

“So smile and let’s go back in” Francis said.

“I don’t want to go, I wanna go home” she said.

“Then wait here, let me get my car” he said walking off without waiting for her reply.

As soon as he was gone from her sight, she turn and began to head to the bus station.

She didn’t know why but having Francis around got her feeling jumpy and weird, she thought as she saw the bus station a few distance away.

She was still making her way there when a car stopped beside her which got her stopping.

“Why the hell don’t you listen?” Francis asked getting out of the car and coming towards her.

“I would like to take the bus home” she said.

“Dressed like that? Do you want to be R@P£D?” Francis asked.

“I certainly don’t want that, I just….what are you doing?” She asked as he suddenly lift her into his arm taking her to his car where he ordered her to open the door and put her into the car.

“This is the only way to make you listen” he said as he got into the driver seat.

She rolled her eyes at him and feeling defeated, she let herself relax as he took her home.


“A thought just pop into my head love” George said as they prepared for bed.

“What thought?” Jennifer asked as she sat on the bed.

“What if Joanna have a second kiss with hi, what’s gonna happen?” George asked.

“Well since nothing like that happened with us, I don’t know. Why do you ask? ” Jennifer replied.

“I don’t know but I feel like something will happen and wait a moment…..the second kiss we shared got me my powers right?” George asked and Jennifer nodded again.

“So if she share another kiss with him then he definitely will…..”

“Be someone with powers like us” Jennifer completed her husband sentence.


Francis stopped in front of her house and he turned to see her asleep and snoring.

“That doesn’t makes you cute” he muttered starring at Joanna who was snoring loudly.

He still didn’t know why he kissed her earlier at the party? It might probably be the will to help her get Pierce that prompt him into doing so but still the kiss felt great, he thought starring at her.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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