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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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with à
{£nchanted by her…}?

Genre: College Romance

Tags: Love, h@ťě, suspense, love triangles, supernatural, s£x, unrequited love, secrets, mysteries, rivalry, betrayal.

By, Gbemi Writes



Joanna Mills is known in college for her crazy and sassy character and to top on that, she’s also known to be the school loser.

Well that’s all thanks to the baggy clothes and rimmed glasses under which she hides her beauty.

And another thing you should know about Joanna is that she comes from a family of supernatural being, she and her parents each have a power they posses but have to keep a secret.

They also have the power to choose their soul mate through a first kiss.

Having a huge crush on Pierce Campbell, a guy whose beauty had got her hook on the first day made Joanna choosing him as her soul mate and also the guy she will have her first kiss with but then

A little mistake got her kissing someone else and he turns out to be the worst of the worst, a playboy, a creep and most of all, he is the school bad boy.

What do you think will happen between this two?

Will the bad boy be her soul mate or will she end up with her crush?

Fasten your seatbelt cos we are about to take another ride on this✌️✌️✌️



༒︎♔︎ (First kiss)♔︎༒︎

Dressed in her white wedding gown, Joanna walk down the aisle, a huge smile splayed on her lips mostly for her loved ones who were all in church starring at her and also for the man who is waiting for her in the front.

She got to him and just when she’s about to take the hand he stretch to her, they all heard a voice thundered behind them.

“Joanna! Are you really doing this again?” The middle age man who walk into the church asked.

“Err…doing what exactly?” Joanna ask quirking up a brow.

The man walk towards her and taking out his hand fan, he began to hit it on her head.

“Wake up you fool! Wake up and stop sleeping in my class”

Joanna open her eyes to reality only to see her teacher glaring down at her and also the other students starring at her.

Did she fall asleep during class? She thought wiping the saliva off her lips and also wearing her glass properly.

“Why exactly do you tend to sleep in my class!” The teacher yelled at her.

“Am sorry professor Cannes, it won’t happen again” she said.

“You said that the last time too. Aren’t you scared to flunk this class?” He yelled spitting on her.

I would if it were math or other core subject but it’s history, so f-__-king boring, she thought this within.

“Am sorry sir, I promise to keep on sleeping….I mean to refrain myself from sleeping in your class ” she said causing laughter from some of the students.

“You really are a hopeless case” Professor Cannes said before going back to his position and after addressing them on their projects, he left the class and soon every one began to disperse while some linger to chat.

“Sleeping Jojo” Mirabel Saunders, Joanna’s only friend called as she came to join her.

“Don’t even get me started” Joanna said.

“I won’t but I just want to know how it felt having Mr Cannes spit on you while he lectured you” Mirabel said.

“Terrible, that man is a talking disaster. I don’t even know why I signed up for his class” she said.

“That’s because you flunk maths and you need an extra subject to make up for it ” Mirabel said to her.

“Wh@ťěver, as soon as I can am quitting his class for…..” Joanna stop talking when people screams outside the class caught her attention.

Mirabel took hold of Joanna hand pulling her out of the class so they could witness the spectacle going on before it’s over.

But this didn’t turn out to be a spectacle cause the four hottest guys in Royal college who were passing by were the one causing the noise.

?”They are all just perfect!”

“Is Theo lips for me?” ?

?”Take me in your arms for one night, Nico”

“Am here for you Pierce, any time you want me” ?

?”Be mine, Francis. I love you so much”

“Their name suits them perfectly, my Terrific four”?

The girls screamed out saying praises their way and Joanna found her gaze going to Pierce.

The most handsome, her super duper crush and the guy who will soon be her soul mate.

He had his face fixed on his phone while the other guys kept waving at the girls causing some of them to faint.

Joanna scoff at them and just at that particular moment, she caught Francis starring at her, he smirked at her before looking away causing Joanna to wonder why he did that.

Well he’s known to be a flirt and a big bully in school, he isn’t like her Pierce who is as gentle as a dove, she thought grinning foolishly.

“Snap out of it! I know you are crazy about Pierce but don’t let it show” Mirabel said.

“I just can’t help it! He’s just so perfect!” Joanna said shaking her body in excitement.

“She looks like a Zombie doing that!” Some one said to his friend as they walk past the both of them.

“And you look like a moron with that smile on your face” Mirabel retorted which wipe off the smile on his face.

“Exactly my thought bestie” Joanna said giving her a high five.

“But to be sincere, you’ve got to improve with your dressing. You keep hiding your segzy little body beneath this baggy clothes, how will Pierce ever notice you?” Mirabel asked.

“He will, soon enough Pierce love will be mine” She said walking off while Mirabel followed suit.


“Seems like you both have gotten gifts from your girl fans again” Theo said walking in with some gift bags which had Francis and Pierce name on it.

“Probably a segzual letter inviting Francis for a f-__-k again, remember the last letter he got from that Evelyn girl? She sure was bold ” Nicholas added, eating a snack since eating is his hobby.

“How are things with her? Are you still f-__-king her?” Theo asked.

“Ended things with her three days ago and now am being stalk by her” Francis said showing them his phone which had a lot of missed messages from Evelyn.

“Wow….she sure is one who doesn’t give up on a guy” Theo muttered.

“I might feel flattered if it’s me she wants but as it turns out, she only wants more of my Ďïčk” Francis said throwing his phone on the chair while he went through the gifts bought by girls who is also after his Ďïčk.

“Aren’t you gonna check yours?” Nicolas asked Pierce who was busy selecting a music to play.

“Not interested” Pierce replied.

“You are always not interested even when a hot blooded female is in front of you, you are still not interested. Are you possibly gay?” Nicholas asked Pierce who threw him an angry look.

“Oops! That fell out wrongly, am sorry” Nicholas said as he continued with his snack.

“Am not gay,am just not interested in dating or f-__-king any one as you three put it” Pierce said before leaving the lounge.

“I doubt if he is straight!” Nicholas said.

“He might probably be scared of girls” Theo chipped in.

“Let’s just leave Pierce alone, he’s probably going through some thing we can’t fathom. Help me bring his gifts” Francis said……


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