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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE - Episode 9

FIRE & ICE – Episode 9

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“Ice,,,Ice,,wake up”

I opened my eyes to see Odette,,please don’t tell me it’s morning already,I don’t want to see that tiger right now,please

“It’s 6am already” She said and I jumped out of bed immediately

“What did you say? I told you I should resume by 6am,how could you wake me up exactly,,,”

“Babe,,it’s just 5:30. Come on,,go and take your bath” She laughed,,I see others still sleeping

“Thank you” I smiled and rushed out of the room

I took off my clothes and entered the bathroom,,after brushing my teeth,I took my bath and hurried out of the bathroom.

I used the lotion and put on a simple short dress,,I honestly don’t have any long dress aside trousers but right now,I don’t want that. The dress is a free one,that is exactly what I want right now,something free. I packed my hair in a ponytail and used earrings,,I added a little lipstick and wore my sneakers,,no heels. This is a simple Alice for you,,I hurried out of the dressing room

“What’s the time?” I asked

“You look hot” Odette said

“Don’t flatter me,,please what’s the time”

“You need to go,,you have just five minutes left”

My eyes widened immediately

“Geez,,bye,,,see you later” I rushed out of the room

Now I wish I have a speed ability,,I could see some students staring at me wondering why I am running like this but I don’t care,,I don’t want him to be cold toward me today,I really don’t.

By the time I got to his apartment,I was breathing heavily

“Morning Alice” The guys greeted with a smile and I nodded my head

“Thank you” I said and went in

I entered the room hoping he’s still asleep but to my surprise he was sitting down fully dressed,,looking hot as usual. The moment I entered,a strange wind from nowhere blew up my dress and that I had to use my hand to fold it tightly on my body. I looked up and he was staring at me,,with those eyes of his. I let go of my dress immediately,,

“Good morning” I greeted

“It’s 6:10am,,you’re ten minutes late” He snapped and I groaned inwardly,please don’t start again

“I’m sorry,,I really tried my best,,,,but I guess it wasn’t enough” I said

He stood up and moved closer to me,,I mean really close that I had to move back but to my surprise,he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer that a gasp escape my lips and I looked up

What is he doing?

“What is the name you gave me in your head?” He asked in a whisper and I froze,what is he doing to me??

I couldn’t talk

“I asked a question” He said

“Ti,,,,Tiger?” I said almost stammering

He let out a quick smile and lean more closer to my ear,,I closed my eyes.

“Do you want me to start acting like one? I haven’t even started” He whispers

“I’m sorry” I muttered

I felt him release my waist and the scent of his sweet fragrance reduced,I opened my eyes. He was standing in front of me,,,

“Come with me” He said and walked out of the room

I immediately followed and to my surprise,,he brought me to the dinning room.

“Sit down” He said and I sat down,,a young girl came out which I assume as a maid,,she started dishing out the meal,,I almost screamed out when I saw my favorite again

‘Fried rice!’ I screamed in my head

He looked at me and my expression became blank,,,

After serving us,,the maid left and Tiger started eating,,I took the cutlery also and there was silence.

How did he f-__-king know that I am hungry?? Well that’s not important right now,,

After eating,,we returned to the room and he didn’t tell me before I took one of the books he gave me yesterday and started reading

“Do you even have any power aside fighting?” He suddenly asked and I looked up.

Is he trying to annoy me or something?

“I don’t know,,,” I said and he scoffed

“You don’t know? Then why are you Here?” He asked

“I have a super hearing ability,,and I can control ice,,not with my mind though” I said

“Ice?” He asked and I nodded

“So,,that’s all?” He asked and I nodded again

“Words” he snapped

“Yes” I said

“Show me then,,” He said

“How?” I asked

“I’m sure the two guys you always meet outside,,are talking right now. Can you try to hear what they are talking about?” He asked

Wait I don’t think I can,,,I can only hear words within few kilometers but definitely not as far as that

“I,,,I don’t think I,,,”

“I h@ťě that word,,,you can. Just do it,,if you don’t then sorry you have no reason to be here,,if you really want to learn and master it well,,,you have to do it” He said

“Okay,,,” I muttered and there was silence

I tried to at least get something but I couldn’t,,,

“Your mind right now,,,,is not focused,,you’re thinking about something else” Tiger said

I nodded

“Close your eyes” He ordered and I shut my eyes immediately,,and I think it walked because I started grabbing their voices,,at first it was low but then it became loud as if they are right inside this room.

But I frowned,,,I can’t believe those two are talking about me,,,,I listened for a while and immediately disconnected

“What is it?” Tiger asked and I turned my face to him

“What are they talking about?” He asked again

“They are talking about,,,,me” I managed to talk

“You? What is it about?”

How will I tell him this? It’s embarrassing

“Tell me” He snapped

“They,,,they,,, are talking about my,,,,” I bite my lips

You can hear my thoughts right,,I can’t say this $h|t out,,those two are busy right now talking about my @zz and B-__-bs wishing they can have s*x with me.

I looked at his face to see any reaction but saw none,,did he listen or not?

“I did” He said and I sighed

“It’s embarrassing” I muttered and bite my lips

Is that the reason why they always greet me with smiles all over their faces?

“The ice” Kingston interrupted my thought

“Okay,,,,” I muttered and opened my palm,,,small iceberg appeared and he nodded

“But,,,is this all you do?” He asked

“Huh?” I don’t understand

“You just open your palm and this ice comes from nowhere,I understand,,,,,but you’ve never done anything with it?” He asked

“Can I do something with this?” I asked

**Writer’s POV**

The cafeteria was filled up,,everyone was busy eating,it was noisy too.

“I wonder how Ice is doing,,what if she haven’t eaten?” Odette sighed

“I don’t think Kingston is as wicked as that” Perse said

“I hope so” Odette said

Suddenly a hand hit their table and they looked up

“Where’s Alice,,where did you say she is just now?” Jupiter asked and the girls shifted uncomfortably

“Answer me!” She yelled

“She’s with,,Kingston” Perse said

“That Ɓîtçh” Jupiter snarled and walked out of the cafeteria

“Isn’t she the Ɓîtçh?” Odette scoffed and they continue eating

Jupiter got to Kingston apartment,she opened the door at once without knocking.

She met Alice alone,,she was reading.

“Hey,,,get out right now. I want to talk to Kingston” Jupiter said

Alice scoffed and ignored her,,she continue reading

“Are you deaf! I said get lost!” Jupiter yelled

Alice ignored her again

Jupiter moved closer to her and pulled her up

“Are you crazy?!” Alice snapped throwing her hands off and Jupiter landed on the floor,,it was at that moment that Kingston came in.

“Jupiter,,” He rushed to her

“Are you okay?” He asked helping her up

Jupiter broke into tears

“I don’t think I can walk” She said and Alice couldn’t believe her ears

“I was only trying to check the book she was reading,,,and she pushed me,,,I think I broke my wrist” Jupiter said in tears

Alice scoffed

Kingston looked at her

“Don’t tell me you’re going to believe her again” Alice shook her head

“You should apologize for hurting Me!” Jupiter yelled

“It’s okay,,come with me and get it treated” Kingston said

‘Wait,,seriously?’ Alice thought watching them

“I can’t walk” Jupiter said and Kingston carried her

Alice eyes widened as he took her out of the room,,,

She fold her fist angrily and sat down trying to calm down,,Kingston came in seconds later but she didn’t move

“Are you done with any of the books?” Kingston asked and Alice glared at him

“You won’t ask me what happened?” She asked

“Does it matter?” Kingston scoffed and sat down

Alice stood up

“Where are you going?” He asked

“I’m leaving” Alice replied

“Why? I didn’t ask you to leave”

“Just call your girlfriend,,I’m tired of taking every blames while she’s the real devil” Alice said walking toward the door

Kingston pulled her back and she landed on his laps,,she gasped

She tried getting up but he held her back strongly that she couldn’t move,,,

He smirked and lean closer to her neck,,Alice closed her eyes,she felt his warm breath on her neck and a soft Mõ@ɲ escape her lips unconsciously

“Get back to work” Kingston suddenly said coldly and Alice opened her eyes at once


“What,,I said get back to work. Continue reading” Kingston said

Alice immediately stood up from his laps and frowned at him,,,what the h*ll did he just do?

“I’m going out,,finish two of these books before I return,,,do you get that?!”

Alice nodded grumpily and Kingston went out


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