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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 58

FIRE & ICE – Episode 58

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Alice walked into the club house and many eyes followed her hot legs,she was putting on a crop top and a short exposing her segzy bellybutton and perfect legs,,her long hair followed every movement she made.

She sat down in the tall chair in front of the bar,,the waiter in charge smiled at her.

“Whiskey” Alice said and brought out her phone,she only came here to calm her head down from her silly thought and strange voices in her head

“Here” The waiter dropped a cup in front of her and she took it immediately and gulped everything down at once

“Another glass” She said and let out a soft groan,,the headache is back again. She closed her eyes and different flashes that she could hardly take note of started coming into her head,,

“f-__-k me” Alice spat and touched her head,,the headache died down a bit

As soon as the waiter dropped another glass,she consumed everything at once

“More,,more” She said

In few minutes,she was partially drunk.

“Hey hot legs” A guy sat down on the second seat,grinning widely at her

“Hi” Alice smiled still sipping from the glass in her hand

The strange guy touched her smooth thigh naughtily

“You’re so f-__-king hot” he bite his lips and Alice chuckled drunkily.

He moved his hand up and was about getting hold of her Břě@šť when Alice grabbed his hand

“What are you doing?” She frowned and he smiled

“Wanna have a taste of you” He said and Alice twisted his hand

“Arrrgh!” He screamed in pain

“Get lost!” Alice yelled and throw his hand off.

She paid for what she bought and walked out of the club,,she was still drunk but she managed to board a taxi



Kingston was in his room working on his laptop when suddenly a knock came up

“It’s open” he said and a guard came in

“What is it?”

“Boss,,a girl is here,she claims this is her house,,I don’t understand her” The guard replied

“What?” Kingston faced him

*Mate is here,,she’s here,,smell her,,*

Kingston spranged up and rushed out of the room confusing the guard even more.

The guards are about dragging Alice out when Kingston came out

“Stop!” He snapped and they released her immediately

Kingston walked toward Alice who seems drunk

She grinned at him

“Are you the new security? Let me in” She said and started walking in still staggering

‘How did she even know this place? Is it the mate bond??’ Kingston thought as he followed her slowly

She almost fell but Kingston immediately caught her before she landed on the floor,he carried her on his shoulder and the guards exchanged looks.

Kingston entered his room and dropped Alice on the bed,,her eyes are closed,she’s sleeping already.

Kingston sighed and touched her head,,she shifted on the bed and changed position,

Kingston stood up and was about going out of the room when

“Tiger,,,,,,” Alice murmured in her sleep and Kingston turned back immediately

“Tiger,,,,,I miss you,,,,I love you” She added,her eyes still closed

“Alice??” Kingston called but she was fast asleep already.

He sighed and rough his hair

“I’m going crazy,,it’s obvious I might just run mad if this doesn’t end soon” he said staring at Alice again



Alice stretched on the bed and smiled,,she opened her eyes and gasped, wondering where she is

“Where is this? Where the h*ll is this” She immediately got down from the bed still looking around the large and well decorated room.

Kingston came in with just a towel around his waist,,

Alice opened her mouth wide unable to talk,,he was looking so hot that it’s too hard to ignore,his f-__-king abs!

“Are you back to reality now?” Kingston asked with a smirk and Alice closed her mouth.

She suddenly held her head as the snaps started in her head again,

“Arrgh!” She screamed holding her head tightly

“Alice!!” Kingston called and immediately rushed toward her

Alice groaned in pain,,the headache hit her more hardly this time

“Kingston!!!” she screamed and passed out

“Alice!!! Alice!”


Alice opened her eyes weakly,,

“You’re awake” Kingston said and Alice turned,,the sight was blurry at first but then she saw him clearly

“Kingston,,,,,” She called weakly

“Alice” Kingston called in return

Alice sat up properly

“I will get you water” Kingston stood up

“Tiger” Alice called and Kingston stopped walking,,,he faced her almost immediately

Tears started running down her eyes

“Did,,,I make you wait for too Long??” She asked

Kingston rushed toward her and pushed her into his chest,hugging her possessively

“I’m so sorry,,,I’m really sorry” Alice cried

“Stop crying,,,it makes me even more sad” Kingston said pouring kisses all over her face

“Just punish me all you want,,for not recognizing you as promised,,you can punish me,,I love you so much,,I f-__-king love you alot” Alice said

Kingston smiled and held her cheek,,without waiting,He smashed his lips on her tempting red lips,,he really need that energizer right now more than anything.


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