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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 57

FIRE & ICE – Episode 57

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Kingston entered the class and his first gaze landed on Alice and Ryder chatting,he looked away and went to sit somewhere else

*I feel like burning that guy* Botis said referring to Ryder

*Don’t do anything,,* Kingston warned and Botis scoffed before going quiet

Alice looked up and their eyes met but she immediately looked away and continued her chit chat with Ryder

“Hey Hottie” Yuna said seductively,sitting next to him

Kingston didn’t even bother to look up,he brought his phone but Yuna grabbed it from him so he had no choice than to face her. She smiled at him

“You look so handsome,,mind getting close?” Yuna asked

Kingston’s expression was cold,he took his phone from her and stood up from the seat,he sat down beside Alice and she looked at him

“Are you going to chase me away?” Kingston asked and faced her,they both stared at each other,nobody is ready to look away.

Honestly,Alice hardly slept throughout the night,she couldn’t stop thinking about everything Kingston said,as much as she want to turn deaf ears to it but there’s something about it,,,the necklace. How did she get it?

They looked away from each other when the lecturer came in.



Kingston was sitting down alone,even though few girls tried joining him but his cold and dangerous glare chased them all off,he was stabbing his food gently but his stares are on Alice who was eating with Jupiter.

“Can I sit down?” A guy asked

“You’re already sitting down,stop the drama” Kingston scoffed and finally removed his eyes from Alice

“Do you like her?”

“Who?” Kingston asked

“Heard her name is Alice if I am not wrong”

Kingston scoffed and kept quiet

“I’m Dion”

“I didn’t ask for your name” Kingston snapped

“Oh,,sorry” Dion muttered and continue eating silently

Alice stood up,walking out of the Cafeteria but mistakenly bumped into Yuna and her drinks poured all over her,staining her white too

“Are you crazy?!” Yuna yelled and slapped Alice

The students gasped

Alice glared at Yuna dangerously and slapped her on her right cheek and her left cheek shocking the hell out of Yuna

“Next time,,I will f-__-king break your hand,do you get that?!” Alice said

“Hey,,,” Ryder held Alice’s hand trying to calm her down but almost immediately a blazing fire fell on Ryder’s hand and he immediately let go of Alice’s hand,,groaning in pain

“Ryder!” Alice’s eyes widened,,some students immediately poured their water in Ryder’s hand and the fire went down

“f-__-k,,where did that come from?”
“That’s weird”

The students began to murmur,,Alice was also confused until her eyes fell on Kingston. He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria coldly,,Alice followed him silently and he went into a restroom.

Kingston splash water all over his face,his eyes are so f-__-king red that he might just explode but he’s been controlling himself. Ever since he left the institute,He’s never used his powers senselessly,it’s one of the rules,once you’re out of the institute,you are to live your life as a normal human,don’t show yourself,,,it’s not a surprise that humans are weak.

*You told me not to do anything,,then why did you?!* Botis yelled

Kingston sighed,the scene flashed through his head again,,just seeing Ryder holding Alice’s hand made him mad,if he hadn’t stopped that d@mn fire with his head,even the water wouldn’t be able to control it.

*Our mate is waiting,,go out already* Odin said and Kingston raised his head,,Alice?? Waiting??

He walked toward the door and opened,Alice was backing him,her finger in her mouth,,lost in thought,

Kingston stared at her until she turned by herself,their eyes met and she took her finger from her mouth.

“What are you doing here?” Kingston asked in a soft tone but he wasn’t smiling

“I don’t want to believe this,,but I need to ask,,it was you right?” She asked

“Me? What are you talking about?” Kingston asked blankly

“The fire,stop pretending,,it’s just crazy,how could fire come out of nowhere,,,,”

Alice was talking but Kingston couldn’t hear a thing,his eyes are focused on her red lips,the way it moved was making him go crazy that all he wanted at that moment was to just grab her and kiss her senselessly

“Are you even listening?” Alice brought him back to reality and Kingston locked her eyes with hers

“I’m going to tell you,,if,,,”

*Don’t say it you idiot!!* His demons yelled and he stopped

He wanted to ask her for a kiss

*You’re becoming senseless* Botis said

Kingston run his fingers through his hair

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” He said and started walking away but Alice grabbed his hand and he faced him,just by holding him,he could feel his whole body heating up

“If you touch me again,I swear I’m going to make you scream out my name in a naughty way” Kingston said and Alice immediately released his arm.

“You’re crazy” She said and walked away.

Kingston smiled and followed her

“You don’t have any question to ask? I’m sure you dreamt about me” Kingston said beside Alice

“You mean to say,you dreamt about me?” Alice said in a mocking tone

“Absolutely,,I dreamt about you. So what about you?” Kingston asked

Alice stopped,,her eyes went to his necklace

Kingston followed her eyes and it landed on his necklace so he smiled

“How did you get it?” Alice asked

“It’s called,,Fate,,,it’s gonna help bring back two separate hearts,like ours” Kingston said

“Ours?? How many times do I have to tell you I’ve never had a boyfriend?” Alice snapped and Kingston kept quiet,,He’s not going to force her to remember,,

“Okay” He muttered

“Am just wondering how you got it,,,maybe through magic,why aren’t you using your head?” Kingston scoffed and walked away

Alice sighed and touched her necklace

“Boss,,you have a meeting with the CEO of K Company tonight” Celi said to Kingston on the phone

” I can’t remember having anything to do with them” Kingston replied

“He sent a message himself,,I will send the address and every details” Celi said and Kingston hanged up

“Weird” Kingston muttered walking toward hitonigh

Kingston entered his car and drove off

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