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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 48

FIRE & ICE – Episode 48

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Bran entered and closed the door gently,he came here immediately he heard that Odette is sick.

Odette already woke up and now she’s eating

“How are you feeling?” Bran asked

“Fine” Odette muttered

Bran touched her belly and she looked at him

“You don’t feel any pain?” He asked and Odette nodded

“I was worried,,I thought it’s really bad” Bran said

“I heard Kingston saved me” Odette replied

“That’s good,,” Bran smiled

Odette dropped her spoon

“You have something on your lips” Bran said and immediately helped her wipe it off

“Thanks” Odette took her lips in and dropped the food

The door opened and Seraphina came in

“Oh,,Bran,you’re here” Seraphina said walking to them

“What did master said?” Odette asked

“He want me to represent you” Seraphina replied

“What? But why? I am totally fine” Odette said

“Are you dumb? You have the same face as the witch,,what if she tries to hurt you again? Do you wanna die?” Kingston asked as soon as he entered with Alice,Alice touched him

“Who is she?? Why would she have my face?” Odette asked

“That’s what you should be thinking about,not the mission,just stay here and rest” Alice said

Odette sighed

“She’s cruel,,,I saw it,,she was standing right in front of me and another her stabbed me from the back” Odette said

“That’s her demon,,,” Kingston said

“She’s quite dangerous than I thought” Seraphina said

“Kingston once fought with her,,,” Alice said

“Really?” Bran asked and Kingston nodded



“Are you sure we are in the right place?” Jupiter asked scanning the mansion with her eyes

“They know we will be here,,so be careful” Kingston said

“I will go in first,,,” Jupiter spoke up

“Are you crazy? You can’t go in alone,” Linus snapped

“Hey,,are you scared?” Jupiter mocked

“It’s not a joking time” Kingston snapped

“Let’s split into two,,” Jove suggested and they did immediately.

Alice,Kingston,Jupiter,,And Linus walked in slowly,,the house seems odd but they continue going in.

“Let’s stop here,,,Linus and I will go in first,,you two can come later,,we can distract them that way” Jupiter said

Kingston and Alice nodded and stayed back

Linus and Jupiter went deeper,,,They met Leviana sitting on an imaginary throne

She turned to them immediately they came in

“I was expecting you” She smiled and before they could blink,she vanished from the throne and appeared in front of them

Linus and Jupiter immediately removed their swords

“I don’t joke with things like this” Leviana said

“We are not here to play either so watch out coz we are here to ki|| you” Jupiter said

Kingston and Alice came in

“Wow,,,finally we meet again.” Leviana said and smiled at Kingston

“Is she crazy?” Alice scoffed

Leviana moved closer to Kingston and touched his chest

“Why don’t we continue from where we stop the last time?” She asked

“Get your hands off him” Alice said and pushed her away

Leviana glared at Alice and vanished in front of them

“Did she escape?” Jupiter asked

“Stay here,,the others are coming.” Kingston said and also disappeared


Kingston met Leviana in another room

“I can see you really mean business” Leviana smirked

“I already promised my master,,I won’t leave here until I see your f-__-king end” Kingston said and Leviana laughed

“Is that a challenge?” Leviana asked

“No,,you’re not even up to my finger,,” Kingston said and Leviana fold her first angrily

Kingston smiled

“I see you’re angry already” He said

Leviana’s four demons appeared and with Leviana they are five,,

Kingston fold his arms together

“Then I think I should just rest and watch,,what do you think?” He smirked and lean on the wall,,his five demons appeared in front of leviana and her demons while Kingston watched them.

“Start” Kingston said like an order and his demons started the fight first.

“They are amazing” Kingston smiled

In a minute,,Kingston’s demons finished them,Leviana’s demons vanished and leviana fell on the ground groaning angrily.

Kingston walked closer and squatted in front of her,,The demons entered him back.

“What do you think?” Kingston asked Leviana who is still on the floor

Leviana laughed

“I guess you think you’ve won,,,” leviana said and Kingston immediately understood

*Botis,,get Alice,,hurry* Kingston said in his head


Jupiter and Alice hold hands as Leander appeared in front of them,,Alice rub her palms together and it produced a blue flame which she threw on Leander but she immediately moved away and the flame landed on the ground breaking into pieces.

Leander let out a loud scream and ,dark smokes filled the air.

Jupiter snapped her fingers and all the dark smoke returned to Leander making her fall heavily on the ground.

Jupiter was about going to her when Linus rushed in

“That’s dangerous” He said holding her back but then Leander vanished in front of them

“What is going on? Everyone of them keep on vanishing,,do you think they are real?” Alice asked but all of a sudden she saw Kingston

“Kingston,,you’re back” She immediately rushed to him

Linus and Jupiter exchange glances

“Alice,who are you talking to?” Jupiter asked

Alice looked at them and turned back to Kingston

“They can’t see me” Botis said

“Huh? Why?”

“I’m Botis not Kingston” Botis said


Botis immediately grabbed her hand and just then Leviana’s demons appeared.

“Just stay behind me” Botis ordered and Alice nodded

“What’s going on?” Linus muttered

“No idea” Jupiter said

Botis opened his mouth and balls of fire came out,,it consumed the demons one after the other.

“They are gone” Alice muttered

Botis was about to reply when Kingston entered

“Alice,are you okay?” He asked

Alice immediately ran to hug him

“What about others?” Kingston asked

“They are waiting let’s go,,” Jupiter said

Alice turned to see Botis but he’s nowhere

“Did you get Leviana?” Linus asked as they walked out

“She vanished” Kingston replied

“That got me worried,,it happened to everyone of them” Jupiter said

Moon and others join them outside

“Alice,,are you okay?” Seraphina and Persephone asked at a time and she nodded


“We are fine”



“You’ve been smiling,,,what’s the secret? And,,where were you all day?” Jupiter asked Alice who was lying on her bed

“Kingston and I visited my mom today,,it was really crazy honestly” Alice said

“Wow,,I’m jealous” Jupiter pouted

“Oh please” Alice roll her eyes

Jupiter fell on the bed beside Alice

“Where’s Moon tho?” Alice asked

“She’s weird,,I hope she’s not what I am thinking coz I’m gonna ki|| her” Jupiter scoffed

“Thank goodness you know she’s weird” Alice muttered


Odette was the only one in the room,she lay on the bed,reading a book. She heard a knock on the door and dropped the book in her hand,she stood up and walked toward the door,she opened and Bran waved

“Hey” He smiled

“Bran? What are you doing here?” Odette asked

“To see you,obviously” He said

“Can I come in?” He asked when Odette didn’t say anything

“Oh right” She said and walked in,,Bran followed.

“Are you okay now?” He asked and touched her head

“I’m fine ,you don’t have to worry about me,,thank you” Odette replied with a smile

She was surprised when Bran hugged her

“Don’t get hurt again,,it makes me sad” Bran muttered

Odette wrapped her arms around him too hugging him back

“Can I kiss you?” Bran asked and Odette gasped inwardly

“Your heart is beating fast,,,” Bran chuckled and pulled away from the hug

“Can I? I won’t if you don’t reply” Bran said

Odette nodded gently and Bran smiled,,he held her waist and pulled her closer,he gently placed his lips on hers.



Alice roll from one side of the bed to another,,

“Why is he not back?” She muttered

Kingston went to master min’s office for an important meeting.

She stood up and sat down on in front of the study desk,,she took one of the books and started opening it

“Are you waiting for your boyfriend?” A voice suddenly asked behind her and she flinched

“Hey,,don’t be scared.” Leviana said when Alice faced her

Leviana’s mouth was filled with blood that she look so scary

She grabbed Alice’s neck but her hand froze

Leviana laughed

“You think this will have an effect on me??” She asked

Alice punched her face and Leviana released her immediately,,she fell on the floor and immediately stood up rushing toward the door.

Alice tried opening the door but couldn’t,,she turned back to Leviana who has an evil smile on

“Don’t act smart,,I h@ťě it” She said



“You can’t destroy her that way,,she’s a spirit” Master Min said

“Spirit? Does that mean,,she’s not real?” Kingston asked and Master Min nodded

“She’s a spirit created by a demon,,,to destroy her,,you have to use her sword on her” Master Min said

“Her sword” Kingston muttered


*Alice is in trouble,,,,,* Odin said in his head

Kingston stood up immediately

“What’s wrong?” Master Min asked but Kingston already left

By the time he got to his room,,it was empty.

He looked at the blood print on the wall

“Come save her,,,or I’m going to ki|| her” Was written on the wall


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