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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 37

FIRE & ICE – Episode 37

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Tears thr_@tening to roll down her eyes as she walked trying her best to hide her face and get to the restroom,she suddenly bumped into a body

“Alice?” Jove called but she didn’t look up,she turned to the other side but Jove held her back and made her look up

“Are you okay? Why are you crying?” He asked looking concerned

Alice broke into the tears she have been preventing and hugged him,Jove’s heart skipped a beat the moment her body clash on his. She hugged him like that weeping silently,,

Jove didn’t say a word,he started patting her back gently for some minutes.

Alice sniffs and broke the hug

“I’m sorry” She muttered

“What happened?” Jove asked and she shook her head


“Liar,,I’m sure it’s because of Kingston” Jove said and began wiping her tears

Alice sniffs

“You don’t have to cry” He said after wiping the last tears

“It was uncontrollable,,” Alice muttered

“Do you wanna go out?” Jove asked

“Where?” She asked

“I don’t really know,,but somewhere to calm you down” Jove said and she smiled before nodding

Jove arranged her hair before holding her hand and they started walking

“Do you have anywhere in mind?” He asked

“No,,you should think” Alice said

They got to his car and he opened the door for her

“Thanks” Alice smiled and entered

Jove also entered and immediately drove out


Minutes later,Jove stopped the car

“Where’s This?” Alice asked and looked out

“Cinema?” She asked and Jove nodded

“Wow,,amazing.” Alice grinned widely and immediately stepped down from the car

“Let’s do this!” Alice winked and Jove smiled

They both went in



Kingston keep on staring at Moon as she ate,he was holding his spoon but he wasn’t eating. He only stared at her

Moon looked up

“Why are you not eating? Why staring?” She asked

“You don’t have anything to say? I thought you wanted to say something to me” Kingston said

“No,I have nothing to say” Moon replied and Kingston dropped his spoon

“Then why the drama earlier? Why did you even interrupt me when,,,,,”

“Because I am your mate and we are supposed to get close,,we should know each other more. But your attentions are,,,,”

“Don’t mention her name,,” Kingston cut her off

“Do you like her?” Moon asked

“I love her” Kingston snapped and she dropped her spoon

“Well,,you should stop loving her and,,,,”

“I can’t stop” Kingston cut in again and she glared at him

*You should love our mate,not anyone else* A voice said in Kingston head and he was confused

*You’re hurting our mate with your words* Another different voice said and Kingston frowned

*Stop that,,He’s hurting Alice too” Another one said

“What happened?” Moon asked

Kingston stood up

“When is your next class?” Kingston asked

“I’m skipping classes” Moon roll her eyes

“You just started and you’re skipping?”

“Like you care” Moon scoffed

“You’re right,I don’t care but you should leave after eating” Kingston said and went in

Moon scoffed


“What the h*ll is going on In my head?” Kingston muttered pacing around

*Your Demons* One said and Kingston stopped

‘What? My demons?’ Kingston thought

*He meant,,your friends* Another one said

‘Are you two?’ Kingston asked

*More than two? We are five*

Kingston scoffed

‘Introduction,,,We are Aline, Botis, Dantalion, Kleio and Odin’

Kingston let out a groan and fell on the bed

*Nice meeting you,,,and our mate is kind of pretty,don’t you think?* Aline said

*I agree with him,,she’s pretty* Odin said

*Alice is prettier and we love her more* Botis said

*Just you,,I love moon more* Aline snapped

*Alice is prettier and segzier* Dantalion said

*I’m with Alice,,,*

Kingston shouted frustratingly

‘Can i,,,not hear your voices again?? Please?’ He said

*Okay,,enjoy your day*

They became silent


Moon walked out of Kingston’s apartment and head to class,Jupiter walked pass her and bumped her shoulder into her almost falling ber down but she didn’t even look back

Moon frowned and her eyes turned red,she wanted to hurt Jupiter but Jupiter turned right at the moment and control electricity with her hand toward Moon,,

Moon screamed and fell on the floor hardly

“Don’t ever think of it,,I can see them even before she think about it” Jupiter warned and walked away

Moon stood up and dust her clothes angrily.

“Did you fall? Sorry” A voice said mockingly and she looked up

Odette and Seraphina are standing In front of her

Moon looked at Odette

“It was you,,last night right?” She asked

Odette and Seraphina exchanged glances

“You didn’t tell me she’s also mad” Odette said amd Seraphina shook her head

“Just finding out” She muttered and they walked away

Moon scoffed

“Why is she pretending?” she asked no one in particular before going to class.


“Hey” Seth sat down beside Odette in class

“That seat is for Alice” Odette said

“Well I don’t think she’s coming here,,I saw her going out with Jove” Seth replied and Odette raised her brow


Seth nodded

“So let me sit beside you today” Seth smiled

Just then,Bran walked over to them

“Odette” He called and Odette looked up

“Bran” She smiled

Bran made an eye contact with Seth and they both glared at each other,but suddenly Bran smiled at him

“Love the hair style” Bran said and Seth scoffed

“Thanks” He muttered

“How about we talk later?” Bran whispers to Odette

He winked at her before going to take his seat

Odette swallowed and shook her head

“Stop,,it’s annoying” Seth said beside her

“You’re also annoying” Odette snapped

The teacher entered and everywhere became silent

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