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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 34

FIRE & ICE – Episode 34

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Alice entered Kingston’s apartment and met Linus and Jove sitting,,they both looked up when she came in.

Well,they became friends again even though it’s limited,they just talk and that’s all. They also found out that Moon is Kingston’s mate but Kingston never had any moments with yet which at least makes Alice happy,she doesn’t even know what she’s going to become if she ever see them together or becoming close as mates.

“So,,,what’s up? Did you get him?” Alice asked before sitting down

“Hmm nope,,,do you know it’s his birthday?” Jove asked and Alice gasped

“d@mn,,,where do you think he went to?? Is he going to be Okay?” Alice asked worriedly and they nodded

Alice sighed out

“I hope he’s fine,,” She muttered

“Don’t worry,,He’s okay” Linus smiled

“Somehow I feel bad for him” Jove mumbled

“Me too,,,I can’t imagine having demons,,,grrr” Linus shook his head as if he’s scared

Alice chuckled

“I badly want to be a witch right now” She rolled her eyes and the boys laughed

“I’ve never seen anyone praying to become a witch,,,that’s why I like you” Jove said



Moon dropped the book in her hand and exhaled,her mind was filled with Kingston’s thought and it’s sad,even after he found out she’s his mate,he refused to talk to her. He doesn’t even look at her twice whenever they come across each other and it’s hurting as h*ll.

*He only have his eyes on her,,,Alice* Moon sighed inwardly

*Are you sad?* Serpentina asked

*Isn’t it obvious? I never planned to have a mate but seems like I want him badly now,,he wouldn’t even look at me* Moon muttered and shut Serpentina out.

‘Should I go talk to him?’ Moon thought and immediately stood up,,she put on something more comfortable and went out of the room.

She walked straight to Kingston’s room but as she tried opening the door,,Alice came out and she stopped when their eyes met.

Alice stood and cross her arms as they continue staring at each other without looking away

“Hi” Moon said with a smile and Alice scoffed

“You too” She said coldly

“Is he in?” Moon asked

“Why don’t you go in and check?” Alice said and walked away

Moon turned and stared at Alice,,she returned her gaze to the door with no expression

*He’s not in,,today is his birthday so he’s probably somewhere else* Serpentina spoke up

*I thought I told you to get lost!* Moon yelled

*You should pass your aggression on her not me!!* Serpentina yelled back before going silent

Moon exhaled and walked away angrily.


Alice met Jupiter on her way and stopped,,Jupiter smirked at her

“Any news from someone’s mate?” Jupiter asked

“Stop It” Alice glared at her

“I don’t want to” Jupiter grinned

“You know you’re annoying right?” Alice glares even more

“Of course I know” Jupiter replied

“Can you help me with something?” Alice asked

“What is it?”

“Can we go somewhere else?” Alice looked around

“My room?” Jupiter asked

“You’re not the only one there” Alice scoffed

“Nobody is coming to the room in two hours so,,let’s go” Jupiter said and they both walked to her room.

Jupiter locked the door as they entered,,

“Have a seat” Jupiter offered

Alice sat down on the bed and Jupiter joined her

“So,what can I do for you?” Jupiter asked

“The future,,Kingston and I” Alice said and Jupiter laughed out

“What’s funny?” Alice frowned

“I thought you gave up already? His mate is here Alice,,do you still believe you two can ever end up together?” Jupiter asked

“You should know by now that I don’t give up Easily” Alice said

“I think you should” Jupiter sighed

“Because it will cost your life,,” Jupiter added and Alice sighed

“But that will only happen when you have s*x with Him” Jupiter said

“So,,if we have s*x,,,,I’m gonna Die?” Alice asked and Jupiter nodded

“Not immediately,,but definitely you know it can’t work out in future even if it works now”

“I really don’t care,,,I just want his attention that’s all. I h@ťě it when he try to avoid me all in the name of the silly curse and mate” Alice scoffed

“Hmm,,,honestly I don’t like her” Jupiter said


“Moon,,I don’t like her at all” Jupiter shook her head

“She’s kind of nice,,but bad for her,,i don’t like her” Alice hissed

“So,,what are you planning?” Jupiter asked

“Kingston,,,is in love with me. But,,,he wouldn’t even hug me,,or kiss me,it’s so hard” Alice sighed

“Can’t believe you’re still being naughty after knowing he has a mate” Jupiter laughed and Alice roll her eyes

“Then,,,seduce him” Jupiter suddenly said and Alice faced her


Jupiter nodded

“Just get his attention from his mate and he will be all over you ,,,” Jupiter said

“How do I do that?” Alice asked

“Well,,,you’re in the right place. Queen of seduction” Jupiter said proudly and Alice laughed

“The fact that you’re the queen of seduction and you couldn’t even get him to fall for you” Alice shook her head mockingly

“Shut up” Jupiter snapped

“You know you’re being soft right now,right? I mean,,crying won’t solve anything,just make him fall for you even more since we don’t care about his mate” Jupiter roll her eyes and they laughed

Alice stood up

“I know what to do” She said and left the room



Vesta sat down beside Kingston,he haven’t changed his position since he appeared in the room. He was feeling so uneasy and uncomfortable,it was as if his whole body was hitting up and it’s hurting too. He keep on hearing different voices in his head that he doesn’t even know which one to listen to,crazy headaches hitting him badly

Vesta looked at his hair which keep on changing color,from Black to White and then Red,,,it didn’t stop. His eyes turning green and red every second

“Am I going to die?” Kingston asked,,even his voice changed

“Why are you asking?” Vesta asked

“I’m In pain,,,my head hurts,my whole body,,,,” He stopped and let out a groan as the pain hit him again,,his eyes becoming more red,,his veins coming out.

Vesta stood up and rub his hair,,Kingston looked up weakly,his eyes getting close and like that he fell on the floor and lost his consciousness.

Vesta sighed and walked out of the room.

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