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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 27

FIRE & ICE – Episode 27

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Kingston’s Apartment**

When they entered,Jove and Linus were present too with Alice and Beauty

Jupiter and Alice exchanged glares

“Oh Oh” Linus muttered staring at both girls

“They don’t get along” Jove chuckled

“I see” Linus nodded and winked at Jupiter but she rolled her eyes and walked over to where Beauty was busy playing

“She’s gonna help us find out who her parents are” Kingston said

“Right,,why haven’t I thought about that?” Jove said

“Your brain is obviously dry” Linus scoffed

“She don’t talk?” Jupiter asked

“She never did” Alice replied

“I wasn’t asking you” Jupiter snapped

“Kingston and I are one” Alice snapped back while the boys watched without saying a word

“You’re scaring the baby” Linus said with the way Jupiter and Alice are glaring at each other

Jupiter turned to Beauty and carried her,,,Beauty smiled and Jupiter also smiled at her.

Jupiter held her hand and closed her eyes while others went silent.

Jupiter opened her eyes again with a frown

“What’s wrong?” Kingston asked immediately

“Come with me” Jupiter said to Kingston

“What about me?” Alice asked and Jupiter faced her

“I want to see too,,” Alice said

“Hold her other hand and close your eyes” Jupiter ordered and Alice immediately obeyed.


Alice and Jupiter suddenly appeared in front of a small house

“Where’s this?” Alice asked

“I think it’s her parents house” Jupiter replied and walked toward the entrance,Alice also followed

They saw Beauty first,she was sitting down on her babyseat playing with her toys

“What’s going on? Isn’t that beauty?” Alice was confused

“Are you dumb? Shouldn’t you understand that this happened already? Just keep quiet and watch” Jupiter snapped and Alice nodded

They continue watching Beauty playing alone but then all of a sudden a body appeared,,more like a ghost or something in front of her,the ghost was bringing out blood from her mouth and her hair scattered,it was really scary.

Beauty started crying,,really loud

“That’s scary” Jupiter muttered

“Baby what’s wrong? Mommy is cooking,why don’t you just play? Please?” The mother appeared trying to pet Beauty but she wouldn’t stop crying

“I don’t think the mother can see the ghost” Alice said and Jupiter nodded

Soon there was a snap and it’s another day,,but it was midnight. Beauty was sleeping beside her mother when an evil spirit appeared,Beauty opened her eyes and the moment she saw this,she started crying and the mother had to wake up too petting her without knowing what exactly is wrong.

Alice and Jupiter exchanged glances

“Poor girl” Jupiter muttered

Another snap and it’s a the park that evening,Beauty’s mom was holding her and looking around each minute and the moment she saw that no one was watching,She dropped Beauty and walked away

“No,,,,” Alice shook her head almost running to pick Beauty up but the scene disappeared right in her face and they are back in Kingston’s room

Alice and Jupiter were breathing in and out

The moment they are okay,Alice grabbed Beauty hugging her tightly,,she didn’t know she was crying.

“What happened?” Linus asked Jupiter who was also looking sad

“It turned out,,,,her mom actually abandoned her at the park that night” Jupiter said

“What?!” They all shouted

“What type of mother does that?” Jove asked

Alice wipe her tears

“I think,,her mom think she’s a strange child” Jupiter said

“We need to go to her,,,we need to talk to her. I mean,,,it’s not the little girl’s fault,,I wish I can help” Alice said

“What is she talking about?” Links asked

“Beauty can see what a normal human can’t see” Jupiter said

“I told you right,,,she saw those people that night” Alice said to Kingston

“Doesn’t that mean,,,,she’s like us?” Linus asked amd they all nodded

“But she’s too young to experience these. It’s like a punishment,,I don’t want that for her,,I wish There’s something I can do to help” Alice muttered

Kingston thought for a while,,,

“Only a f-__-king witch can disable her supernatural abilities for now” He spoke up

“I don’t know any witch” They all said at a time and Kingston sighed

He thought about Leviana but she wouldn’t even help,,,the second option is his mother and even heaven knows he can never ask for her help

“I don’t know anyone either” Kingston muttered

“Tomorrow is Friday,,,,the treasure hunt,I can’t wait” Jupiter spoke up

“I’m not interested in that” Jove spoke up

“You’re the only one then,,coz,,,I’m fully ready” Kingston spoke up

“If you’re doing that,,Then me too” Linus smiled

“I’m also interested” Alice smiled

Jupiter stood up

“I’m leaving” She muttered

“Should I walk you out?” Jove asked

“You don’t have to stress yourself when I am right here” Linus tap Jove’s chest and followed Jupiter out

“Don’t follow me!” They heard Jupiter’s voice

“What do we do about her?” Alice asked pointing at Beauty

“I don’t know” Kingston muttered

“See you two later,,,” Jove said and left



Kingston let out a groan and sat up on the bed,,he held his head and sighed. Now he’s wishing Alice was here,,he would have slept like a baby but now he’s alone,she’s just like his medicine.

He stood up and went to take a bottle of water,,how he’s gonna spend all night staring and doing nothing suddenly made him sad.

After taking the bottle,he turned back to the bed but he was shocked to see his mom sitting down.

“Are you okay son?” Vesta asked

“What are you doing here?” Kingston asked

“You know I can feel your worries” Vesta said and Kingston scoffed

He totally forget about that,,well he used to be close with his mom when he was a kid because she simply knows when he’s worried and restless even though he had no friend,,she will always try her best to make him happy but still he was lonely. Their closeness ended the very day her mother was against him getting a girlfriend and it turned to hatred when the girlfriend eventually died.

“I wish you can’t feel them,,it’s disgusting” Kingston said

Vesta smiled and stood up

“Poor you,,,,” She sighed

“I h@ťě it when you say that!” Kingston snapped

“That girl,,,,”

“Stop” Kingston muttered

“You know what I am talking about,,,you should stay away from her before things get worst” Vesta said

Kingston eyes turned red,

“Who are you to tell me what to do?”

“I am your mother! I know what I am Saying Kingston,,haven’t you noticed?! Every single time you disobey me they Dies!” She yelled

“That’s because you always ki|| them!” Kingston snapped back,,tears are beginning to form in his eyes

“Oh moon goddess,,,how dare you accuse me of ki||ing? I warned you Kingston,I’ve always warned you,,,”

“Then,,,why don’t you give me any reason why I can’t have a girlfriend? Tell me the reason,,” Kingston said and she kept quiet

“Get out if you have nothing to talk about”

“You’re not like everyone else Kingston” She spoke up and Kingston looked at her

“Have you ever wanted to know who your father was?” She asked

“Who was he?” Kingston asked

“He wasn’t a human” She replied and Kingston scoffed

“Are you trying so hard,,that you’re telling me lies,,”

“I was human when we met,,he wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a human,,but he did and I was supposed to die because of the curse.”

“Then why are you alive?”

“He died in my place,,I was pregnant with you when I discovered,,,my powers. You boosted out my abilities. But Kingston,,,I was told about the curse,,,,,”

“Why would the curse be on me when I am human? The only difference is my powers and,,,”

“You’re not a human,,,,,” She cut in and the bottle he was holding fell from his hand


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