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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: FATE OF LOVE – Episode 70

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“Time of dealth 8: 54 pm”. The doctor finally said.
Hot tears falls down Jesse’s eyes, as he looks at the lifeless Sharon.
He enters the operating room, looking like a walking dead.
He went closer to Sharon, her face were pale and her lips were dried.
He held her hand, and it was so cold like ice.
*Sharon is gone*. His inner self said to him, but he shakes his head in tears.
“No, is not true right, you are just sleeping and you are going to wake up soon right, you are not dead Sharon, how can you be dead when our wedding is in a week time, you can’t die Sharon”.
“Sharon please get up, don’t leave me I beg of you, please,,,,,, chabia!!!”.Jesse yells in tears.
“You said you love me right, you said you love I and Alvin right,,so please Sharon wake up, I can’t go on with life without you, so please wake up”.
“You can’t die, not now that we can finally love each other without any hindrance from anyone, so please Sharon, you can’t leave me and Alvin, I love you so much, Sharon!!!”. Jesse cries out, as he hugs the lifeless Sharon.
Alvin didn’t say a word, he was just looking at his mom crying.
Jesse looks at Sharon again, her eyes were still closed, her body was cold, and there was no sign of her coming back to life.
“She is dead”. Jesse said inwardly looking at the lifeless Sharon.
“Sharon”. He muttered in tears.
Jesse hugs the dead Sharon crying.
*The love of her life is dead*
*The mother of his child is dead*
*The only woman he has ever love in his entire life is gone*
Jesse said inwardly as he continues hugging and screaming out Sharon’s name crying.
And Alvin wasn’t left out.
And the doctor and nurse felt so sorry for them.
Millet, Rhett, Liam, Joanna and Janet rushed inside the hospital, only to find a shattered and a heart broken Jesse, sitting on the floor, and he looked lifeless, even though he was still breathing.
And his clothes were filled with Sharon’s blood.
Millet looks at his clothes and quickly asked.
“Where is Sharon, what happened to Sharon, where is she”. She asked as tears falls down her eyes.
“My mom is dead unnie, she left us for good, my mom is dead”. Alvin said crying.
And Millet unknowly fell to the floor, as tears falls down her eyes.
“No, no, no, that not true, she can’t die, she is not die, no!!!!!”. Millet yells in tears.
“Millet”. Rhett muttered as she squat beside her.
“Is not true right, Sharon is not dead right, she is not dead, she can’t be dead”. Millet said in a teary voice.
And Rhett pulls her into a hug, as Millet cries so painfully.
Liam, Joanna and Janet were also sobbing in tears, Sharon’s dealth was a painfull thing to them.
As for Jesse, he didn’t say a word, only his tears could be seen, his mouth couldn’t utter a word, and his ears couldn’t hear anything.
*His Sharon was dead*
That was all he keep thinking as he freely allows his unending tears to flow.
Violet quickly enters Nikky’s house, panicking still holding the gun in her hand.
“Violet where have you been, why are you bleeding from your head,,,,oh my Goodness!!!!!!!, What are you doing with a gun!!!”. Nikky exclaims in shock.
“Not now Nikky, I need to leave korea immediately”. Violet said as she began arranging her clothes Inside a luggage.
“Why are you leaving Korea Violet, what did you do this time huh, answer me Violet”. Nikky half yells.
And Violet looks at her.
And the police men enters the compound with their vans.
“Violet, if you are in there, surrender yourself already”. A police said with a hand speaker.
“Violet why are the police looking for you”. Nikky asked
And Violet points the gun at Nikky, and she flinched in fear.
“Wha….what are you doing Violet”.
“Shut up and do as I say”. Violet said pointing the gun at her.
Violet came out from the house with Nikky, she held Nikky by the neck and points the gun at the side of Nikky’s head.
“Don’t come any closer, or am going to ki|| her”.
“Please she is going to ki|| me, don’t come any closer”. Nikky pleaded in tears.
She couldn’t believe Violet was using her as a bayout.
“You heard her right, one move from you, am going to ki|| her!!!!”. Violet yells in anger.
And the police men instantly stopped on their track.
Violet smirks as she made her way towards her car still holding Nikky’s neck.
The moment she got to her car, she quickly pushed Nikky away, and drove off.
“Quick, let go after her”. One of them said.
And they quickly enter their vans and went after voilet.
While Nikky continues to hicupping in tears.
Violet continues riding her car with great speed, as the police men keeps chasing after her around the streets of Seoul.
And she was even $h00ting her gun at them while driving.
“Just give up already Violet, surrender yourself”. Violet could hear one of them say with a hand speaker.
“Never,,,,,,there is no way am going to rot in jail, I rather die and go to hell, then Spend the rest of my life in jail”. She muttered angrily and increased the speed of her car, as the police continues chasing after her.
Then one of the police men brought out his gun, and shot at the tyre of Violet’s car.
And Violet immediately lost control of the car.
The car enters the bush, and continues going non-stop into the bush, until it hits a big tree.
And after few seconds the car exploded.
Jesse sits in the floor of his room, looking at Sharon’s picture, and there was lost of tears in his eyes.
His mind flashback to the very first day they met, where he practically saved her life, and how shy she was to look at him.
And also how she fell on top of him, while trying to untie his bandage.
How both became close, and the very first day both confessed their feelings for each other.
The numorous kisses and hugs they shared.
Her beautiful smiles that always melt his heart.
Everything they shared and gone through together keep flashing back to him, and he couldn’t help but cry.
“Why Sharon, why did you die, didn’t you think of me and Alvin before giving up, how can I live a happy and a normal life without you, why did you leave to be alone in this world, Sharon!” He muttered and broke into tears.
Janet enters the room and sees Jesse crying.
“Jesse”. She called.
But Jesse was only crying.
Janet sighs and said.
“Violet has been caught by the police, she is the hospital though, since she got so wounded due to the explosion in her car, I heard half of her face and body got burnt by the explosion.”
But Jesse didn’t say a word, his tears never stop flowing down his eyes.
“Jesse, you have to stop crying, no matter how much you cry, Sharon is never going to come back, she is gone Jesse, and you have to accept that and be strong for Alvin”. Janet said.
“But why mom, why her, she didn’t deserve to die, not after everything she went through in her dad’s hands, not after what life made her went through, not after what I made her went through, what is FATE so cruel mom, while does FATE always seperate us, I thought I could finally have a happy ever after with her, but FATE choose to take her from me, I can’t live without her mom, I just can’t”. Jesse said and broke into tears.
Janet sighs and went to Jesse and hugs him.
“That enough Jesse, Sharon won’t be Happy wherever she is now seeing you this way because of her”.
“I wish she never died mom, I wish I was the one who died instead, I wish she never died”. Jesse said crying.
And Janet continues to pat him, cleaning the tears in her eyes.
Jesse, joanna, Millet Rhett, Alvin Liam, Anna, Janet were present in the court, to hear the final jugdement of Violet’s case.
Violet has already been discharged from the hospital, and her beautiful face was never the same again.
Half of her face and eyes were gone, and it was all covers by fire burnt mark, even half her beautiful body was so burnt, and she looks like a monster, with also half of her hair gone too, due to the fire.
She became a face in which no one wants to see, and a face which little kids will cry, when they see her face.
“Final judgement”. The jugde said.
And Violet looks at him with tears in her eyes.
“After all the reports and witness made, Violet Conner is found guilty for all the charges layed against her, and for the murder of Sharon lugard, you are hereby sentence to life in prisonment with external labour”. The judge finally said and hits the panel.
And everyone raised their feet, as Violet was been taken by the police men.
“Jesse, am sorry, am sorry for everything, I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me”. Violet said between tears, after the fire incident that happened to her, she regretted everything she ever did.
Jesse looks at her with cold eyes, and his eyes were already red too.
“Forgive you, you ended the life of the one person I have always love, and you expect me to forgive you, I wish I can ki|| you right now, but I can’t, but am glad you are going to rot in jail for the rest of your life with that ugly and disgusting face of yours!!!”. Jesse yells.
Violet sobs in tears and looks at Nikky who quickly looked away.
“You can take her away now officer, she deserved to rot in jail!!”. Millet half yells in anger.
And Violet continues hiccupping in tears as was been taken away by the police.
“Jesse”. Janet calls her.
And Jesse looks at her as tears falls down his eyes.
“Sharon has finally get the justice she deserves”. Janet said between tears.
And Jesse nods in tears as he hugs his mom.
“Dad”. Alvin calls.
Jesse disengage the hug and looks at Alvin.
And Alvin quickly hugs him.
Jesse cleans the tears in his eyes and hugs Alvin back.
“Don’t worry Alvin, am never going to leave you okay”.
“Promise,,,you are never going to leave me like mom did”. Alvin asked still hugging his dad, with tears in his eyes.
Jesse blinks back his eyes and said.
“I promise Alvin”. Jesse muttered and continues hugging Alvin.
And the others try to fight back their tears, especially Millet.
Joanna came out from the studio and sees Liam waiting for her.
“Liam”. She calls and Liam looks at her and smile.
“I told you I was going to take so long, and you still waited”.
“Of course I did, I was waiting for my Angel”. Liam said caressing her cheeks, he tried to kiss her, but Joanna turns her head away playfully.
“What was that for Joanna”. He pouted out and Joanna looks at him and chuckles with a smile.
“Let have lunch together, Is going to be my treat”. Joanna said with a smile.
“No I won’t go with you until I get a kiss”. Liam closing his eyes.
“Suit yourself then, I will just have lunch myself”. Joanna said playfully and walks away.
“Joanna”. Liam calls and went after her, and Joanna quickly run away laughing before Liam could caught her.
Alvin came out from the school building, and sees Millet, Rhett, and Roxana waiting for him.
“Rox, unnie, Hyung”he calls looking at them.
“How are you Alvin”. Rhett asked with a smile.
Alvin nods and looks around.
“Where is my dad”.
Rhett looks at Millet, and Millet smiles and went to Alvin.
“Your dad is busy at work Alvin, that why we came here to pick you up instead”.
Alvin looks at her sighs.
“He is at Mom’s grave right”. He asked wearing a sad face.
And Millet looks back at Rhett.
Roxana smiles and went to where Alvin was standing and wrapped her arms around his shoulder.
“Who cares where your dad is Alvin,,,,you should cheer up because Aunt Millet and Uncle Rhett, we be taking us to the game station, you can play wh@ťěver games you like”. Roxana said smiling.
“Really”. Alvin asked with a sad face, looking at them.
And both Rhett and Millet nods at the same Smiling.
“So you see, I wasn’t lying, that why you should stop wearing a sad face, it makes you look ugly”. Roxana said.
“Am not ugly Rox”.
“Then that why you should smile Alvin, if you keep wearing a sad face, I might loose interest in you”. Roxana said.
And Alvin chuckles with a smile.
“There,,,,keep smiling Alvin, it makes you look so cute”. Roxana said touching his cheeks playfully.
“Stop doing that Rox”. Alvin said jerking her hand off playfully, and Roxana giggles with a smile.
“So are you still coming with us”. Millet asked.
Alvin looks at Roxana, and she nods her head smiling at him.
And Alvin looks at Millet.
“I will come with unnie”. He said with a smile as he looks back at Roxana who smiles back at him.
And Millet and Rhett were so happy to see Alvin smile again.
Jesse sits on the floor near Sharon’s grave, he looks the infinity necklace in his hand and back to Sharon’s grave.
“I wish I have given this back to you Sharon,,,is being a year since you pass away, but yet I still feel so hurt about your dealth”. Jesse said sniffing in his tears.
“I thought I told you to be happy even if am gone, so why are you always crying”.
Jesse looks at his right hand side and sees Sharon sitting near him.
“Sha,,,,, Sharon”. He muttered in surprised.
“Aigooo, why is my cutie always crying”. Sharon said patting his head smiling.
“That because you left me Sharon, you died, why, why did you die Sharon”. Jesse said as tears falls down his eyes.
“That because I couldn’t stop my FATE, so you should stop crying and be happy Jesse, I don’t want to always see you cry because of me”.
“But I can’t Sharon, can you please come back to me, I can never be happy without you, please come back, chabia”. Jesse said hicupping in tears.
Sharon smiles and caress his hair, cleaning his tears.
“I wish I can Jesse, but I can’t, because am Dead,,,,and I can’t rest in peace because you are always crying,,so please stop crying already and move on, we still have a son who needs you Jesse,,, promise me, you are no longer going to cry, that you are going to be happy from now on”.
“Sharon”. Jesse muttered in tears.
“Please Jesse I want you to be happy, I no longer want to be the reason for your sadness, please, Jesse stop crying and be happy okay”.
Jesse looks at Sharon and she smiles at him.
He tries to touch her, but she slowly disappears and tears falls down Jesse’s eyes.
“Sharon”. He muttered in tears.
*Please be Happy Jesse*. Jesse could her voice echoes in his ear.
He slowly cleans the tears in his eyes and looks at Sharon’s grave.
He place the infinity necklace on her grave.
“Am going to try to be happy from now on Sharon, but always know that you are always going to be my first and last love,,,I love you so much Sharon”. He muttered in tears.
He cleans the tears in his eyes, and let out a smile, as he continues looking at Sharon’s grave.

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