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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 59

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? EPISODE 59 ?



Violet enters Jesse’s office and sees him smoking like always.

“Jesse” she muttered to him.

“Yes, what do you want”. Jesse said not looking at her.

“I already have the information you needed about Sharon”. Violet said

And Jesse looks at her.

“So what did you find, what happened to her over the years”.

“A lot”.

Jesse raise his eyebrows, and gave her a sign to continue.

“First the sole call Don Roman who called you poor and had you beaten up is already dead”.

“And what the cause of his dealth”.

“Surcide, he was arrested for being a drug Lord, so he committed surcide .

“So the sole call Almighty Don Roman was a drug Lord”. Jesse chuckles and shakes his head.

“And everything he had was taken from him, and due to that Sharon become poor”. Violet said.

And Jesse could feel his heart acheing on hearing that.

“And you won’t believe what Sharon became after the tradegy that happened to her”. Violet said.

And Jesse looks at her.

“What do you mean by that Violet”.

“She became a call girl”.

And Jesse shakes his head, not believing what Violet just said.

“No, no Violet that not true, Sharon can never be a wh-_-re”. Jesse said Still shaking his head in disbelief.

“And why not Jesse, she lost everything she had, including the rich life she is used to, she couldn’t accept the fact that she was poor, so she began sleeping around with different men, just to earn some cash, she just got lucky to be employed by Kim, and that why she works here now, and she still selling her body to men after her job here”.

“No, no that not true, that true, Sharon will never sell her body to someone else!!!!”. Jesse yells at tears falls down her eyes.

“I knew you weren’t going to believe me when I tell you the kind of life Sharon lives now, and that why I have someone who can tetify of what kind of girl Sharon has become”. Violet said.

“And who could that be”. Jesse asked coldly, cleaning the tears in his eyes.



Jesse sits in the VIP Of odaegam restaurant looking at the man in front of him, he was his late 30s, and Violet was also with them.

“So what your name”. Jesse asked coldly.

“My name is Ha-gyeol”.

“So tell Ha-gyeol, do you by chance to know this woman”. Jesse said showing him a picture of Sharon.

Ha-gyeol looks at the picture and chuckles.

“Of course I do, she is very popular at silver Rain bar”. He answers.

And Jesse glumps down nothing.

“So who was she to you”.

“She was no one, she is just a beautiful wh-_-re, who was always at my Beck and call”. Ha-gyeol answers.

And Jesse fold his fist, holding back his anger of punching this man who just called Sharon a wh-_-re.

“And what else”. Jesse managed to ask again, even if he was so angry right now.

“Like I said earlier, she was popular at silver Rain, since she was beautiful and got the shapes Evey man was craving for, we had S*x alot of times which I can’t even remember since she was a big time wh-_-re and a good kisser too”.

“What did you just say”. Jesse asked coldly.

“She was big time wh-_-re and…….” Ha-gyeol couldn’t even finish what he was about to say when Jesse gave him a huge punch on the face, making the man fell off from the chair he was sitting.

“Jesse”. Violet calls in shock.

Jesse picks up the man from the ground and held his collar so tight.

“What did you just say huh!!!!!, Who the heck are you to Sharon a wh-_-re!!!!”. Jesse yells in anger, and punch so hard on the face again.

The man fells to the floor, Jesse was about punching him again, and Violet held his hand.

“That enough Jesse, you don’t have to beat him up, when he was only saying the truth, Sharon is a wh-_-re and you should accept that, don’t make this man suffer because of the truth is trying to tell you”. Violet said.

Jesse jerks her hand away from hers, and Violet almost lost her balance due to the way he jerked his hand off her.

“Get out, get out!!!!!!!”. Jesse yells in anger and in tears.

And Violet quickly help the man to stand up and they both left.

Jesse falls to the floor running his hands through his hair, looking so heartbroken.


Violet came out from the restaurant with Ha-gyeol, and he quickly said.

“What was that for Violet, you didn’t tell me getting punched was part of the deal”.

“Am sorry Ha-gyeol, I didn’t know he was going to punch, here you”. Violet said giving him some cash.

“I added more, due to the fact that you got punched.”

Ha-gyeol looks at the money and smile.

“This is a lot,,but who is that pretty woman in the picture, and why did you have to make lie to that guy in there, is that Sharon his girlfriend or something, are you trying to make him h@ťě her”.

“Is none of your business, you already got paid right, so shut up and leave”. Violet half yells.

“Wh@ťěver”. Ha-gyeol kiss the money and leaves.

“Let see Sharon, if you will ever get the chance to tell Jesse about your child with him, am sure his hatred for you has increased to ?”. Violet said.

And a wicked smile appears on her face.



Jesse sits inside the bar drinking none stop, he watch some girls as they laugh flirting with men, some where striping and dancing on stage.

*So this what Sharon do here, she sells her body for money, and she even kiss this disgusting men just for money*. Jesse thought inwardly, glumping down the entire body of wines.

His eyes were red, and there was lot of tears in his eyes, his heart was hurting so badly, he couldn’t believe Sharon was capable of selling her body out to men.


“Joanna is Jesse back yet”. Janet asked.

“Why bother asking about him, when you know where he will be by now”. Joanna sighs and sits in the sofa.

And then Jesse came home looking all drunk, it was by God’s grace he was able to drive back home safely.

He made an attempt to walk further, but falls to the floor.

“Jesse”. Janet calls him , and quickly went to him.

“Mom”. Jesse muttered in tears.

And Joanna was surprised to see him this way.

“What wrong Jesse, why are this way, why are you crying, did you get yourself drunk again, but why”. Janet asked looking so concerned.

“Why does she have to continue hurting me this way mom, I thought I have finally forgotten about her, I thought I h@ťě her now mom, but why am I still hurt knowing the truth about her life, I shouldn’t be affected if she kiss or sleep with another man right, but why does it hurts so much hearing that she sells her body for money, why is she always hurting me mom”. Jesse said crying.

Janet sigh, she didn’t need someone to tell her he was talking about Sharon, since Sharon was the only one who can make Jesse feel this way.

She pulls him into a hug, as Jesse cries like a baby in her arms.

Joanna felt so pity for her brother, how could Sharon do this to her brother, why does she keep hurting him. Joanna thought inwardly.

And she made up her mind to erase the feeling she has for Liam.



Sharon sighs for the tenth time, as she was belting on wheather to enter Jesse’s office or not.

“Don’t be scared Sharon, you are just going to tell him about his child”. Sharon muttered taking in a breath in and out, and enters the office.

And when she saw him smoking, her eyes were wide opened in shock, Jesse never smoked back then.

Jesse looks at her, and his eyes were filled with anger on seeing her.

“What did heck are you doing here”. He asked coldly.

“You smoke now”. Sharon asked.

And Jesse stood up from where he was sitting, he throws the cigarette off the window, and walks up to her.

And Sharon moved backward a little bit in fear.

“And what does me smoking have to do with you Sharon, I didn’t ask you about your wretched life right”.

Sharon bits her lips, not understanding what Jesse was saying, she clears her throat and said.

“I have something to tell you, is about…..”

“About you being a loose woman right”. Jesse said cutting her Short.

“What”. Sharon muttered looking at him with surprise.

“You don’t have to pretend because I already know everything, your dad committed surcide after getting arrested for smuggling drugs, and you lost everything, and then you started selling your body for money”.

“What,,,,,who told you that”. Sharon asked still looking surprised.

“I don’t have to tell you who told me Sharon, I mean since you have slept with a lot of men, you won’t even remember his name if I tell you, aren’t you shame of yourself to be working here acting all innocent, when you are just a good for nothing disgusting cheap wh-_-re!!!”. Jesse yells.

Sharon looks at him and slaps him so on the face, as tears falls down her eyes.




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