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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 46

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? EPISODE 46 ?


“What, you want me to break up with Jesse”. Sharon asked as tears falls down her eyes.

“Yes Sharon, if you want to save that boyfriend of yours, you have to end wh@ťěver you have with me, if not you are going to see him die before your very own eyes”. Don Roman said, and Sharon looks at him, as millions of tears falls down her eyes.

“So what do you say Sharon, are you going to break up with Jesse, or should I make a call and tell them to finish him off using their guns, you know I can do that right”.

Sharon bits her lips in tears and said.

“Fine I will do what you want, just spare Jesse’s life”. Sharon said sobbing in tear, and Don Roman smirks.


“Sharon”. Sharon could hear him call her, she turns to him, and seeing how badly he was beaten up, made her heart aches so much, and when he hugs her, she wanted to hug back so badly, but her dad’s voice keeps echoing in her ear, and she quickly disengage the hug, wearing the coldest face ever.


“What did you just say Sharon, you want us to break up, why Sharon, did your dad thr_@ten you, did he say something to you”. Jesse asked with an emotional expression.

“No he didn’t Jesse, I choose to break up with you”.

“Why Sharon, why all of a sudden”. Jesse said as tears fells down his eyes.

“Because I realized that you are not good for me, you are nothing compared to me, and you have nothing to give to me”. Sharon said trying so hard to hide her tears.

“You don’t mean any of that right”. Jesse asked with tears in his eyes.

“Yes I met everything I said Jesse, so we should never see each other again”. Sharon said with the coldest face ever, while Jesse looks at as tears continues to fells down his eyes.

Sharon pulls off the infinity necklace that Jesse once gave to her and throws it at him.

“You should take that back Jesse I don’t need it, neither do I need a love from a poor and good for nothing guy like you”. Sharon said and turns to leave, but Jesse wraps his hands around her shoulder from behind.

“Please Sharon Don’t do this, don’t break up with me, I beg of you, I love you so much, I love you so much Sharon, please don’t do this”. Jesse said crying.

Sharon fights back the tears in her eyes and jerk him off her shoulder, and looks at with a face of no emotions.

“Tell me Jesse why shouldn’t I break up with you, you have nothing to give to me, I have lived a luxury life since I was born, can you be able to give me that, you can’t right, you can’t because you are nothing Jesse”.

“But you said you love me Sharon, you said you were never going to leave me!!!”. Jesse yells in tears forgetting the pains he got from the beatings, because right now, his heart was breaking into a million pieces.

“I only said that because I got Carried away by your beauty Jesse, you are cute and handsome, and I got Carried away by it, but now I realize that I never really love you, it was just lust, I mean why will I love a poor guy like you, you have nothing Jesse, except for that face of yours, so don’t you ever show that face of yours to me ever again”. Sharon said and turns to leave, and Jesse quickly runs to her front blocking her part, and Sharon couldn’t look at him in the eyes.

“Look at me in the eyes, and tell you never felt anything for me Sharon”. He asked with tears.

Sharon looks at him and said.

“I never loved you Jesse, never did I love you, just like I said it was nothing but lust, and my dad was right you are a no good match for me, you are good for nothing Jesse, a poor guy with Nothing to give”. Sharon said without emotions, but deep down her, she was dieing inside.

Jesse looks at her with exceeding tears.

“How can you look at me, and say those words to me Sharon, what about all what we shared together, Sharon!!!”. Jesse yells in tears.

“Those moments means nothing to me jesse, they are worthless to me”. Sharon said.

Jesse looks at her, and pulls her into a kiss, but Sharon disengage the kiss and slaps him so hard on the face, and Jesse looks at her with tears and shock all over his face.

“Sharon”. He calls her name as tears falls down his eyes holding his cheek.

“You have no right to kiss me Jesse, the things I regretted, are the times when I kissed you Jesse, I have never loved you Jesse, and I will never bring my self to love a poverty sticking guy like you, thanks for the numorous beatings you took because of me, but if you can’t accept my apologies, then am going to pay you with millons, since you have nothing anyway, that all I came to say to you, I will be leaving now”. Sharon Said and walks away, and Jesse falls to the floor crying his heart out, he was so heartbroken right now.


Millet opens the door of her house and was surprised to see Sharon.

“Sharon,,,how……”. Millet didn’t finish what she was saying when Sharon hugs her crying.

“I didn’t mean to say all those hurtful words to him, I didn’t mean to hurt him Millet, I never meant anything I said, I love him so much, it was never lust, I truly love him Millet”. Sharon said crying, she has been holding back her tears when saying those words to him.

Millet was confused, but when Sharon explained everything to her, she was shocked.

“But how did your dad find out where you both were hiding”.

“He is Don Roman Millet, he is capable of anything, Jesse must h@ťě me now, he must think I never love him, but that not true Millet, I said all those hurtful words to him to save his life, I only said those words to save his life”. Sharon said crying and Millet pulls her into a hug consoling her.

“That enough Sharon”.

“Why do this have to happen to I and Jesse why, why”. Sharon said crying, and Millet continues patting her.


Jesse keeps walking under the rain in the influence of alcohol, he didn’t mind if the rain was pouring on heavily, all he could hear was the hurtful words that Sharon said to him, and he couldn’t stop himself from crying.

He went the usual place where he always shout out his pains, the rain was pouring on him so badly, but he didn’t care, he looks around, and remembers the first day he brought Sharon here, just so she could shout out her emotions.

“Sharon!!!!!!!!¡, You are so cruel, how you do this to me, how could break my heart into pieces, why did I have to fall helplessly in love with a girl like you, I h@ťě you!!!!!!, I h@ťě you Sharon!!!!!”. He yells in tears, and falls to the floor crying. He couldn’t believe Sharon was cabable of playing with his feelings and turning him into a fool.


Janet opens the door and was surprised to see Jesse, he looks tarterted, his eyes were swollen, and his face were red as tomato, Joanna and Violet were also surprised too, to also see his body and face all bruised up.

“What happened to you Jesse, why is your face like this”. She asked with looks of concern.

“She never really love me mom, she said she will never love a poor guy like me mom, she never love me, she was only after my face, she call me good for nothing, she Never love me”. Jesse said crying.

Janet looks at Joanna and Violet, before pulling the crying Jesse into a hug.

“I love her so much Mom, how she have done this to me, how could she Break my heart this way, I love her so much, why did she have to do this to me”. Jesse said crying in his mom’s arms.

Joanna looks at him trying to figure out what he was saying, while Violet gave out a secret smile, knowing the fact that Sharon ended their relationship, now she can have Jesse to herself, she thought within herself.

*A week later*

Janet let out a sigh and knocked in Jesse’s room, he has been in there for days without coming out from his room.

“Jesse you have to come out from the room, you have been in there for days, if Sharon doesn’t love you, you need to move on, your life doesn’t revolve around her, Jesse open the door and eat something, you haven’t eaten for days, what if you get sick, Jesse, Jesse”. Janet said knocking on the door, but Jesse ignores her.

Jesse was soaked in tears looking at the necklace he once gave to Sharon, and the hurtful words she said keeps flashing back to him.

“I gave you all my love, I gave my heart to you, I was Willing to die for you Sharon, but all I got from you was nothing but hurtful words, you said am good for nothing right, you are going to regret ever breaking my heart into pieces, am going to become a better person, just to get back at you for all the pains you made go through”. Jesse said with a anger, as tears falls down his eyes.

As for Janet, she keeps knocking on the door, and when Jesse refuses to open, she sighs and left him alone.

“Is Jesse still in his room”. Violet asked.

“Yes he is, he has locked himself in there for days Violet, and he hasn’t eaten anything, what if he gets sick, how could Sharon do this to my son, I accepted her whole heartedly, and this what I get in return, my son is heart broken because of her”.

“That rich people for you Aunt, I told you Sharon never really love Jesse, but no one believed me, and for doing this to my best friend, that girl has to pay”. Violet said and turns to leave.

“Where are you going Violet”.

“Going to teach that girl a lesson”. Violet said and storms out of the house, and Janet sighs.


Sharon opens the door of their mansion, taking a just a glance at her, you will know she has lost a lot of weight, due to her crying, and her lack of food.

“Violet,,,,,what are you doing here”. She asked in a weak tone.

“To get back at you!!!!!!”. She yells and bounce on Sharon pulling her hair and hitting her.

“How could you do that to my best friend, he did nothing but love you, how could you break his heart huh!!!!!!”. Violet yells descending on Sharon, who was already on the floor.

“Violet stop, you hurting me, stop, I beg you please, just stop, please, Violettttt!!!!!!”. Sharon cries out as Violet continues pulling her hair, and hitting her all lever her face.



? I don’t understand this Violet again o, isn’t she the cause of everything, so why is she blaming our Sharon.??????*


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