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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 36

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? EPISODE 36 ?

“Am so sorry Jesse , am sorry for what my dad did you, please forgive me, am so sorry”. Sharon said crying still hugging Jesse.

Jesse disengage the hug and looks at Sharon, cleaning the tears in her eyes.

“Is not your fault Sharon, so you don’t have to apologise”.Jesse said still cleaning her tears, and then he sees the bruise in her forehead.

“What happened to you Sharon”. He asked looking concerned.

“Is nothing compared to what my dad did to you”. Sharon said sniffing back her tears, as she sees the numorous bruises on Jesse’s cute face.

“Is all my fault why your dad hit you Sharon, am sorry,am very sorry”.

“And so sorry too Jesse, I love you so much”. Sharon said between tears.

“I love you very much too Sharon”. Jesse said and cleans the tears in her eyes, and hugs her.

As for Violet she was fuming in so much anger, and hearing Jesse says how much he loves Sharon breaks her heart into many pieces, and it was even more worst, when Janet didn’t even shout or scold Sharon for her dad’s ill treatment towards her, Violet felt like dying because her plans to separate both Jesse and Sharon didn’t push through.


“Hey Liam what wrong with you, why are you so calm, you said you were going to eat out with Joanna, so what with the moddy face, did she turn you down”. Anna asked when she noticed how calm Liam was, and he wasn’t even eating his food.

Liam sighs and said. “I messed up Anna”.

“Messed up, what did you do”.

“I kissed Joanna”.

“You kisses who!!!!!!”. Anna exclaims with a huge shock on her face.

“Will you keep your voice, why are you screaming, is not Asif I told you I got someone pregnant”.

“Is more of the same thing, why did you kiss Joanna Liam, were you trying to caught fun, you took her first kiss for granted”.

“This wasn’t the first time we kissed”.

“What!!!!!!, You guys have kissed before!!!!”. Anna yells looking more shocked.

“It wasn’t a kiss, let just say it was a mistake”. Liam said.

Anna tries to calm her breath and said. “So why did you kiss Joanna now, or was it a mistake too”. Anna said as she took a glass of juice and drinks.

“It wasn’t…….I think am in love with Joanna”. Liam said, and the moment he said that Anna chocked on her juice, coughing, hitting her chest.

“Are you okay Anna”.

“Yes,,,am,,,,fine”. Anna said still coughing.

“Why did you have to chock like that Anna”.

“Because you took me by surprise, I wasn’t expecting you to say that”. Anna still rubbing her chest slowly, and Liam just look at her.

“So you kissed her because you are in love with her”. Anna asked after so minutes, and Liam nods his head.

“So after you kiss Joanna, what did you say to her”.

“I apologise”.

“You what!!!!!!, Why did you do that Liam”. Anna yells.

“What wrong with what I did”.

“Everything Liam!!!, If you kiss someone and you apologize afterwards, it means you feel nothing for her”.

“But that not true, I love Joanna”.

“Then you should have told her you love her after you kissed her, not apologizing”. Anna ranted.

“I didn’t know Anna, I thought apologizing was the right thing to do”.

“Then you thought wrong Liam, jzzzzzz, you are so far behind on love issues”. Anna said and continues eating.

“Then will you help me”.

Anna raises her eyebrows and asked . “With what”.

“I want you to help me, I want to tell Joanna how I feel for her”.

“And what make you think I can be of help to you lover boy”.

” You said am so far behind on love issues, and since you are an expert, I need your help”.

“And what are you going to give me in return”.

“Seriously Anna,,,we are family”.

“I know that Liam, but in this life, Nothing goes for nothing”.

Liam sighs and said. “What do you want in return”.

Anna smiles and said. “Your car”.

“What!!!!!, my car, really Anna”.

“Yes Liam, your car, you can get a new one now, if you wat to, so is no big deal to you, but if you don’t want to, is fine, I won’t help you out”. Anna said and continues eating.

Liam sighs and said. “Fine you can have it, are you going to help me “.

“Of course I will my favorite cousin, I got a car now, thanks to my best friend”. Anna said laughing, and Liam just looks at her.

Millet keeps pasting back and front around the sitting room, and her heart beat could clearly be heard.

“Why hasn’t she come back yet”. Millet said looking scared, and then Don Roman enters the mansion, and Millet’s heart divided into four.

“Don Roman”. She calls his name shaking.

“Where is Sharon”.

“Sharon,,,, Sharon is sleeping Don Roman”.

Don Roman looks at her and said. “Then I will go and check up on her”. He made an attempt to move, but Millet quickly block his way.

“Don Roman she is sleeping, and doesn’t want to be disturb”.

“I will just check on her and leave, so get out from my way”. Don Roman said, and Millet didn’t move from where she was standing.

Don Roman sighs and said. “Where is Sharon Millet, with your behavior, I can she is not in this mansion, so where is she Millet”.

“She is sleeping Don Roman”.

“Millet!!!!!”. Don Roman yells and Millet flinched in fear.

“Where is Sharon!!!”. He yells again.

“Am here dad, you don’t need to raise your voice at her”. Sharon said from behind him, and Don Roman turns and walks up to Sharon.

“Where did you go Sharon”.

“I won’t lie to you this time around dad, I went to see Jesse”.

“You did what, didn’t I made it clear to you, never to see that jerk again huh!!!!!”.

“You can’t stop me from seeing Jesse dad, Because I love him so much, and no matter what you do, I won’t ever leave him”. Sharon yells and Don Roman slaps her, and Sharon falls o the floor

“Sharon”. Millet calls her name feeling so sorry for her.

Don Roman pulls her up holding her hair.

“So you are trying to be stubborn huh!!!!!!”.

“Dad let me go, you are hurting me”. Sharon said in pain, as her dad holds her hair so tight.

“I was trying to be good to you, but now that you are proving to be stubborn, you are going to get it from me, you said you love that jerk right, let see how far your love can go, come with me”. Don Roman said dragging her by the hair.

“Dad please stop, stop, you are hurting me, let go off me”. Sharon said crying as her dad drag by the hair.

“Don Roman, please you……..”

“Stay out of this Millet!!!!!”. Don Roman yells at her, as he continues dragging Sharon holding her hair, and Sharon keeps shouting in great pain, and Millet follows behind.

Don Roman threw Sharon inside the basement and locks the door.

“Dad please open the door, please dad, open the door I can’t stay here, is so dark in here please”. Sharon said crying hitting the door.

“You are going to remain there Sharon, let see if you can go and meet with Jesse again”. Don Roman yells at her from the door.

“Dad please don’t do this to me, please get me out of here, please, I can’t stay her, dad!!!?”. Sharon said hitting the door crying.

But Don Roman ignores her pleading and walks away.

“Sharon,, Sharon are you okay in there”. Millet asked between tears.

“Is so dark in here Millet, please get me out of here, am so scared, am so scared”. Sharon said crying, and Millet could’nt bear her tears anymore, she can’t believe Don Roman could do this to his own daughter, how could he lock his daughter up in a dark basement, Millet thought inwardly feeling so pity for Sharon, who couldn’t stop crying.


“Here you go Jesse”. Joanna said giving him his medicine.

“Thanks Joanna aren’t you going to school yet”.

“I will Jesse”. Joanna said wearing a sad face.

“What wrong Joanna, what with the sad face”.

“Because I feel so pity for you Jesse, how can get beaten up so badly like this, and still love the daughter of the man who did this to you”. Joanna said.

“That because when you love someone, you will be ready to do anything just to be with her”.

“Are you saying you are ready to take another beating from Don Roman, just so you can be with Sharon”.

And Jesse nods his head.

“Why Jesse, can’t you just break up with her, so you won’t have to suffer”.

“That called giving up Joanna, where you love someone you shouldn’t give up on her, I love Sharon so much Joanna, and am not going to give up on her, when the right time comes, and when you fall in love with someone, you are going to understand what am talking about Joanna”. Jesse said.

Joanna looks at Jesse, and she had a flashback on how Liam kissed her, and touch her lips thinking about what Jesse just Said to her.


Joanna enters the school compound, and Anna quickly rushed to her breathing so heavily.

“Joanna!!, Joanna!!!!, Joanna!!!!”.

“What wrong Anna, why are you shouting my name like that, and why are you breathing so fast”.

“You,,,,have to come with me Joanna”.

“Why Anna”.

“Something bad happened to Liam”. Anna said, and the moment Anna said that, the backpack Joanna was holding in her hand fall off.

“What!!!!, What Happened to Liam”. Joanna asked looking so concerned and scared at the same time.

“Just come with me Joanna”. Anna said and Joanna quickly follows her, looking scared.


“Where is Liam Anna, I thought you said something bad happened to him, so what are we doing in the school garden”. Joanna asked, and all of a sudden some students pump out from no where, pumping flowers on her, and while some students were playing a romantic song with some musical instruments.

Joanna was still confused about the whole thing going on when she hears someone calls her name from behind.


She turns behind her and sees Liam holding a bunch of ? flowers smiling at her, and Anna smiles from behind, her plans were working out so perfectly, she thought inwardly smiling.

“Liam what going on what with the music………”.

“I love you Joanna, and that the reason I kissed you at the ferry wheels, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just like the sayings about couples who kiss before the end of the ferry wheels”.

Joanna gulps down nothing still looking at Liam in shock, and Anna was already camering the whole scene smiling.

“I love you Joanna, will you be my girlfriend”. Liam said with a smile on his face, and the few students present shouts jumping in exitment and they were already shouting.

? Say yes Joanna.

?️He is so cute, you have to say yes.

?Say yes to him, I will be his girlfriend if I were you Joanna.

? Common Joanna what are you waiting for, say yes already.

? Please just say yes to this cutie.

And as for Joanna, she was just looking at Liam with surprise all over her eyes.




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