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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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FATE OF LOVE – Episode 25

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? EPISODE 25 ?

“What!!, Your dad said that”. Millet asked with unbelievable eyes.

“Yes Millet, I know why dad, he is always a man of his word, he does everything he says he will do, I don’t want anything to happen to Jesse Millet, I love him so much”. Sharon between tears.

“This is not the time to cry Sharon”.

“Then what am I supposed to do Millet, he finally wants to be a father to me, but he doesn’t want Jesse for me, and once he finds out I lie to him, about my relationship with Jesse, he might go back to the monster he used to be, but I don’t care about what he does to me, but not to Jesse, I don’t want him to get hurt, I don’t want him to get hurt Millet, my dad can hurt me however he please, but not Jesse”. Sharon said crying.

“Then your dad must never find out about the fact that Jesse is your boyfriend”.

“What if he finds out Millet”.

“Then you have to make sure he never finds out, never Sharon, that the only way you can be able to protect Jesse from your dad”. Millet said, and tears falls down Sharon’s eyes, she was so sad about the whole thing.


Jesse opens the door and was surprised to see Sharon.

“Sharon what…..”Jesse couldn’t finish what he was saying when Sharon pulls him into a hug, hugging him so tightly.

“Is everything okay Sharon”. He asked as Sharon was still hugging him.

“Can I just hug you for a while, I just miss you so much”. Sharon said as tears falls down her eyes.

“I miss you so much too Sharon”. Jesse said with a smile and wrapped his hands around her.


“So you dad is against us being together”. Jesse asked few minutes later, when both were both sitted.

“Yes Jesse, and he said he is going to ki|| you once he finds out, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you Jesse, but I also don’t want you to Break up with me because of my dad”. Sharon said as tears falls down her eyes.

“Why will I break up with you Sharon”.

“Aren’t you afraid of my dad”.

“Yes I am, but that doesn’t mean am going to break up with you because of him, am ready to take everything your dad will do to me Sharon”.

“Don’t say Jesse please”.

Jesse sighs and holds her hands. “I meant everything I said Sharon, am ready to fight for you Sharon, Because I love you so much, and I will do anything just to be with you”.

“I love you so much too Jesse, but can we keep our relationship from my dad from the mean time, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you”. Sharon said between tears.

Jesse cleans the tears in her eyes. “Nothing is going to happen to me Sharon, just promise me that no matter what happens, your dad won’t be the reason why you will have to break up”.

Sharon looks at Jesse, and his eyes were filled with emotions. “I promise you Jesse, no matter what happens, my dad won’t come against us, I love you so much”.

Jesse smiles and hugs Sharon, who looked so sad, wishing that her dad wasn’t against her love for Jesse..


Liam was on his way to the library to read as always when he heard a loud hip-hop song coming from the music room.

“Who could that be”. He asked no one in particular and walks towards the music room, when he got there, the person he saw dancing shocked him.

“Jo…….anna”. He said with shocked, as he watched Joanna dancing to the beating of the hip hop song, twisting he tiny waist and flipping her long hair to the back and front.

And a smile appears on his face, as he watched her dance so beautifully. “Wow, I never knew she could dance so well” he said looking at Joanna.

*You were the reason why I missed my audition*. Joanna voice that day echoes in Liam’s ear.

“Was I really the Reason she missed her audition”. Liam asked no one in particular, as he continues watching Joanna dancing, and she was the best dancer he has ever see, he thought inwardly looking at Joanna smiling.


“Hi Liam”. Anna said with a smile as she enters the house and sees him eating in the dinning table.

Liam scoffs and said. “I thought you were still mad at me, so what are you doing here”.

“You know I can’t stay mad at you forever, because you are my favorite cousin, and besides I still want to go school in your car”. Anna said smiling, Liam looks at her and shakes his head.

“So what did you prepared for dinner Liam, am so hungry”.

“Am I your boyfriend, why do you always want to eat here, when you have a house”.

Anna giggles and said. “Since you don’t have a girlfriend yet, am your girlfriend for the mean time, and besides your food taste so good, you and Joanna are one of the best Cooks I know.”. And Liam stops eating when Joanna name was called.

“Speaking of Joanna….”

“What about her Liam”.

“I never knew she was a good dancer”.

“Yes she is Liam, Joanna dance so well, her dream to be a k pop star, she wants to sign up with YG entertainment, but not anymore”.


“Thanks to someone”.

“Me,, I didn’t make her Miss her Audition”.

“But you were still part of it Liam, that why she h@ťěd you, but am glad you both are now friends now,,I just hope she finds another audition where she can be chosen, I will be in the kitchen, I have to get some of this”. Anna said pointing at the food he was eating and quickly left for the kitchen.

“She wants to be a k pop star, but not anymore, and somehow am the cause of it”. Liam said to no one in particular, as he thought of a way to help Joanna.


Janet was selling her slippers at her usual spot as always, but she wasn’t getting any sales.

“Eish, I wish Jesse was here so he could help out by using his charms, but now that he has a girlfriend he can’t do that anymore, Sharon might get mad at him”. Janet said, and then an expensive good looking car parked in front of her

“I wonder who could this be, such cars doesn’t belong here in Guryoung”. Janet asked looking at the car, a body guard opens the door for the owner of the car, and Janet was so shocked to see who is in front of her.

“Dan……iel”. She calls his name looking so shocked to see him.

Daniel walks close to to her, but stood four steps away from her.

“Long time no see Janet”. He said with a smile.

Janet took in a breath in and out and asked. “What are you doing here Daniel, and how did you find me”.

“It wasn’t that hard after a couple of times, did you went into hiding, why was it a little hard in finding you Janet”.

“What do you want Daniel, and why were you looking for me”.

“I want my son back”.

“What did you just say”. Janet asked shaking in fear.

“I want Jesse, my son back”.

“And how did you know his name”.

“Have you forgotten who I am Janet, am Daniel Morgan, I always make the impossible, possible, I just did a little background check on you, and discovers my son’s name is Jesse”.

Janet gulps down nothing and looks at Daniel. “So what if you did a background check huh, do you think you can just pop out from no where to take Jesse from me, who do you think you are Daniel, you have no right over Jesse”. She half yells shaking in fear.

“Yes Janet I have every right to claim Jesse, because am Jesse’s dad, and I can give him a good life more than the life you have given to him, a life which he didn’t derseve in the first place”.

“And what makes you think you can give jesse a life much better than the one I have given him” Janet half yells.

“Because he is the son of a muti-billonaire, and I can help achieve his dreams which you weren’t able to do for him, and give him a life, full of luxury which he deserves”. Daniel said and Janet looks at Daniel shaking in fear.



? ???

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