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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter forty


” Mom, they’re kicking” I squealed in excitement. Mom quickly ran into the living room. Smiles plastered on her face.

” Ohhh my grandbabies”. She said as she began to rub my stomach softly. It kind of hurt as they both kicked at once but I like seeing both my babies move.

” Your grandma loves you both okay” Mom cooed as if they were here. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet. My mom is the most supportive person I have ever seen. She made sure I was always okay and I was happy. Even most times when I cry and get frustrated about being a single mother she was always there to console me.

” So if there are both girls, their name will be…..” I paused for a while, what should I name them?

” Iris and Irene” I smiled as I remembered when Jarden told me about how much he loved his sister. I wanted to name one of my daughters after her.

” And if it is a boy and girl?” Mom asked.

” Iris and Jon” I muttered and Mom smiled. She had this sad smile.

” Jon?” She asked and I nodded smiling widely.

” Your dad will love that?” She said almost in the brim of tears. I wanted to honour both Iris and my dad, they deserved it.

” Why do you like the name Iris” Mom asked and I smiled.

” It was Jarden’s sister’s name” A smile crept onto Mom’s face.

” That’s so sweet”

I was eight months pregnant already and I would be due in a month. Mom told me about how painful pregnancy pain was but also encouraged me. When I found out that I was having twins, I burst into tears. How was I going to take care of them? I had no job, and taking care of two babies was just too much.

segz feels so good but next time I will think of the consequences.

Mr Thompson has been really helpful lately. He always tries his best to visit us and bring other gifts for the babies. When he found out that I was having twins, I think he was even happier than my mom who was overjoyed. He helped us with money and made sure we never lacked anything.

Sometimes I wonder whether what Jarden told me about him was true Because he is so kind and Happy about the children.

” My feet hurt” I complained to Mom who left what she was doing to attend to me.

” I will help you massage it”. Mom always helped me to massage my feet and sometimes my waist.

” Mom?” I called.

” Yes, baby”. I rolled my eyes when she called me baby, I am 19 and already having kids but she still calls me that. Funny.

” I am scared” I murmured and Mom looked at me. She touched my face before bringing me into her embrace.

” wh-what if I can’t push them out, what if I am not strong enough, what if…..”.

” No negative talking here, you love your babies right? That will motivate you to push baby” she cut me short before I could even complete my words.

” Don’t think about this again” Mom warned and I nodded slowly.

” I love you okay” Mom pecked my hair.


Kiara’s eyes widened as she felt the first pang of contractions. She knew that the time had come, and her baby was ready to make their grand entrance into the world. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, she called out to her mother, who was just in the next room.

“Mom! Mom!” Kiara exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and a touch of anxiety. Her mother rushed to her side, instantly recognizing the signs of impending labour.

“Kiara, it’s gonna be okay just relax” her mother said, her voice filled with calm reassurance. Together, they gathered Kiara’s carefully packed hospital bag, making sure to grab everything they might need for the journey ahead.

As they made their way to the car, Kiara’s contractions intensified, causing her to pause and breathe through each wave of pain. Her mother held her hand tightly, offering words of encouragement and support.

The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, with each bump in the road seemingly magnifying Kiara’s discomfort. Yet, amidst the discomfort, she found solace in her mother’s presence and the anticipation of meeting her precious baby.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital, where the bustling sounds of the maternity ward greeted them. Nurses and doctors hurriedly attended to other expectant mothers, but Kiara’s mother guided her through the chaos, ensuring she received the care she needed.

In a small, cosy room, Kiara was changed into a hospital gown, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The medical staff monitored her progress, providing words of encouragement and gentle reassurance.

As Kiara lay in the hospital bed, her mother held her hand, offering unwavering support. With each contraction, Kiara focused on her breathing, finding strength in the knowledge that soon she would hold her precious babies in her arms.


Kiara’s heart raced with anticipation as she felt the first twinges of labour. She had been waiting for this moment for nine long months, and now it was finally here. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as the waves of pain washed over her.

Only if jarden was here but Kiara found solace in the presence of her loving mother. She held her hand tightly, finding comfort in the familiar touch. Together, they navigated the challenges and joys of childbirth.

As the contractions intensified, Kiara’s focus shifted to the life growing within her. She imagined the tiny hands and feet, the button nose, and the eyes that would soon gaze into hers. The pain seemed insignificant compared to the overwhelming love and anticipation she felt.

With each passing moment, Kiara’s strength grew. She tapped into a well of resilience she didn’t know she possessed. The support of her mother gave her the courage to push through the pain, knowing that a beautiful reward awaited her at the end.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kiara heard her first baby’s first cry. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she held her newborn in her arms. At that moment, all the pain and exhaustion melted away, replaced by an indescribable sense of awe and wonder.

Then the pain started again showing it was time for her second baby to come out, she was motivated by the sound of her daughter crying eagerly to meet her other siblings. She screamed at the top of her voice as she tried to push.

She didn’t know what gender her baby was but she knew he/she was stubborn just like their dad. Her bay was not coming out and it scared her to death.

” She is becoming weak,” the doctor said. Kiara was already feeling tired, her daughter came out earlier and easier than this other baby. She truly was becoming weak.

” Kiara you have to try and push more, they can see the head already, do it for Iris okay, she will be so excited to see her sibling”Her mom said kissing Kiara lightly on her sweating cheeks.

For the sake of Iris and herself too, she knew the pressure of taking care of twins was too much but she didn’t want to lose one of her babies.

She pushed so hard that she almost stopped breathing.

” Yes yes, you’re almost there” her mom encouraged.

Kiara felt her Virgina widen as her precious baby came out and she heard the sound of her baby’s cry. Tears streamed down her cheeks again as they brought her baby into her arms.

” It’s Jon Kiara,” her mom said excitedly.

She looked at her son with so much joy in her heart. Both her babies didn’t take any features from her not even her daughter. They both looked so much like Jarden.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, this wasn’t tears of sadness but tears of joy. She was happy for the safe delivery and the safety of her babies. She was happy that they were okay and sound.

The feeling of Iris’s mouth on her Ɲīpplës was new and quite painful, she hardly felt the pain because her Virgina still hurt. Who knows birthing children would hurt like this. She sure wasn’t going to have segz again. Or even have segz without strong protection


Kiara marvelled at the miracle of life, realizing that she was now a mother, responsible for nurturing and guiding these precious souls. She knew that her journey had just begun, filled with sleepless nights, diaper changes, and endless love.

As she looked into her baby’s eyes, Kiara knew that she was not alone. She had her mother by her side, supporting her every step of the way. Together, they would create a loving and nurturing environment for the newest member of their family.

And so, Kiara’s journey into motherhood began, a chapter filled with love, sacrifice, and endless joy. She embraced the challenges and cherished the moments of pure bliss, knowing that she was embarking on the most rewarding adventure of her life.



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