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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter twenty-two



“Don’t panic, just breath in and out whenever you’re feeling nervous” mom says as she brush my hair to the back.

” I know how first date can be especially when you like the boy, I was nervous when your father took me on a date” too much lecture for just one date.

” Yh mom I get it, you’ve literally told me that like a 100 times now” I laughed. ” I think you are the nervous one here” I added.

” Yh of course baby, I am nervous, it’s your first date for goodness sake”.

So….after Greg’s confession he has been really nice and caring, it’s been two weeks and we have been hanging out as friends buh recently, he asked me on a date. Jarden on the other hand have been avoiding me and I try as much to avoid him too. He’s been acting weird like anytime I go to the dinning room and he is there he just gets up and go somewhere else.

Well I have tried my best to forget about him and Lucas too who have been apologising.

Greg was a great guy and I liked him. I wasn’t perfect for him buh right now I didn’t really care because I have to take my mind off Jarden and stop thinking about him.

” You look beautiful” I looked at the already dressed Greg who looked so stunning.

” Thanks” I smiled. ” You don’t look bad yourself” I Said.

Greg chuckled before opening the passengers seat for me. I entered into the car.

” Soo where are we going?” I asked smiling.

” Mmmmmm it’s…. a surprise mam” uhhh I loved surprises.

” So… You’re coming to UF?” He asked and I nodded.

” We resume next week, you’re ready for school?” He asks again.

” Yh I am ready” was I ready to go to a place filled with people I don’t even know? I h@ťě new places.

” Anything you need I will be always available for you, okay” awwn such a sweet guy. I smiled.

Getting to a quiet place that was really dark, Greg opened the door for me.

” How am I sure that you’re not kidnapping me?” I jokingly asked.

” How do you know that I was?” Greg laughed.

” Somebody help me a handsome dude is taking me to were I don’t know” I joked again. Greg laughed. What a nice laughter he has. When I laugh I sound like a cow🤣.

His hands lock on my waist as he directed me to where we were going.

” I hope you like it” he says.we were at a beach, I saw a table with candles on top. Wine and others covered plates were there too. This was beautiful.

” I love it” I squealed.

He gestured on a chair for me to seat. He opened the covered meal, I sold a whiff of the delicious smell of the food that I know I have not eaten before. It looks so appetizing.

” This is an Italian food, it is called rissotto, they said Italian food are Best for dates” he chuckled.

” Rittoto?” I asked.

” No rissotto” he corrected.

” Ohhh rissotto”

“Yh, Have a taste” he handed a fork to me.

” Thanks” I took a bite on the food. God…..I haven’t tasted something like this before, it tasted soooo good.

” You like it?” He asked.

” I love it” I took another bite.

” Be careful so you don’t choke on your food” he says.

I couldn’t help but remember when I gave Jarden a b|__wj_b. all the gagging and choking, Why the f-__-k was I thinking about that now.

I started coughing so hard.

” Are you okay?” Greg gave me a glass of water and I drank from it until I was okay.

” Yh better now”. I assured.

” Don’t rush your food next time okay” I smiled before nodding.


We stood quietly as we watch the Stars, Greg was hugging me from behind. I felt so relaxed and safe with him.

” You are very beautiful” he whispers. I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face

” So…I have been waiting to ask you” Greg sigh. He stood in front of me giving me those his charming smiles. I smiled back at him giving him a sign to go ahead.

” sooo…uh…I am so nervous” he confessed. Awwwn he was shy. I like shy boys.

” You don’t need to be it’s okay” I touched his forearm.

” Will you pls be my girlfriend?”. He asked.

I was not really surprised by his outburst I was expecting it though. I will say a guy who literally takes you on a romantic date will obviously ask you to be his girlfriend.

What do you think I will say?.

Yes of course, he is the most romantic person I have ever met and I would be a fool to miss this opportunity because of who?


That’s Ďïčk, he is nothing like Greg, he just keeps on making everything worse for me, breaking me multiple times then come back. Who does that? He doesn’t even like me.


That godforsaken bastard, played with my feelings as if I was a toy. I would rather be a nun than to date him after everything he has done to me.

” Yes of course” i said happily.

Greg immediately hugged me, I hugged him back patting his back slowly.

” This is the best gift ever” he murmured. Who knows saying yes to a guy would make him this happy?.

His lips slowly meet mine after minutes of hugging, he was a great kisser, I won’t lie buh I couldn’t help buh compare him with Jarden.

My goodness f-__-k, what the hell was wrong with me? I have a boyfriend now right what the hell do I want from that arsehole.

I wanted a black guy right, I have got him what else do I want?


” Goodnight” Greg pecked me on my lips before entering his car. I waved at him until his car was out of sight.

What a lovely night.

Everywhere was dead quiet, everybody was asleep, I guess. I quietly walked to the stairs.

” How was your boring date?” I heard a voice from the living room.

That voice.

Jarden’s voice, I walked to the living room to see him sitting on a couch, everywhere was f-__-king dark. What is he doing here by this time. The lights are not even turned on talkless of the TV.

What a psycho

” That is not really your concern”. Jarden chuckled before standing from the couch walking towards me.

” So I left you and the next thing you do is to hop on my friends Ďïčk”

What is wrong with this guy, his friends Ďïčk?.

” Your friends Ďïčk? What do you mean?” He scoffed.

” Stop acting dumb? You know if I want you I can get you any time any day even though you had something going on with greg” when he said that I felt broken outside and in. Why is he saying this?

” That is what slut do and…you..” I cut him short with A slap, he looked shocked by what I just did. He doesn’t have the right to say that about me never. He touched his face then chuckled.

” I guess a slut doesn’t really like being called a slut” ” ask Priscilla she would tell you”

” Just stop calling me that”.

” Stop calling you what? Slut, wh-_-re, prostitute?” He came closer.

” I am not what you call me”. He laughed.

” If I tell you to get down on your knees right now and suck my Ďïčk you wouldn’t hesitate to do so”.

” I wouldn’t do that” I defended myself almost in the brim of tears.

” You wouldn’t? Haha, remember that day in your room, I didn’t need to tell you twice wh-_-re”. He smirked when he saw I was hurt. Hurt by his words.

” Now Ɓîtçh get down on your knees and suck my Ďïčk” hearing his word made me angry. Was this what was in his mind all along. I thought we were just having fun. I hit his chest continuous as he called me those words

” Just stop already” I cried out. Tears was streaming down my face that I could not even see clearly. He always made me cry.

This wasn’t the first time Jarden was doing this I couldn’t help buh feel like he was doing it purposely.

” Why are you crying?” The tone of his voice changed. I stopped hitting him, though my hands was still on his chest.

” You don’t cry Kiara” he said more demanding this time.

” You don’t cry when a jerk calls you those words”. He says again.

He wrap his hands around me even though I tried to push him away I couldn’t he was stronger. Why was he hugging me?

” Leave me alone” I said more like a whisper.

” Just leave me alone” I whispered again.

” Please”.

” Please” I pleaded again.

” No, I won’t”.


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