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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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EVILS HUNTERS – Episode 3 & 4

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{ Mystic Power}

Genre: Supernatural Romance
Theme: Magical love

Chapter 3☠️ 4
By Pearl’s writes ✍️✍️

Do not copy 👏


” Follow me Zayn.” Archie said as he created the portal and they went in together with Paige and Paisley.


The portal came in view at the centre of the empire. Some workers stopped knowing it’s Archie.

The other members also arrived there waiting for them to come out. Archie and Zayn came out of the girls and the members looked at each other in surprise.

” What’s going on?” Nora said.

The portal disappeard and they walked towards the members, Paige and Paisley stared intently in fear as Paisley grabbed Paige’s arm.

” Who are they boss?” Ariel asked.

” These are Paige and Paisley, the new recruits.” Zayn said.

👥: New recruit?

👥: What’s going on.

The workers whispered to themselves.

” How does he knows our names, am scared sis.” Paisley whispered to Paige.

” You didn’t explain fully what you were saying back then, our parents being a member of this place and we belong here, what’s all these, what’s going on?” Paige said and Nora stared at her angrily.

” As I said before, your parents were part of the Evils Hunters when our parents were still alive, they gave us the responsibility of making you two see your powers and join us.” Zayn said while Archie just stood there quietly.

” But we have no powers at all.” Paisley said.

” That’s because you’re not 20 yet, all of us here are 20 and 20+.” Archie finally spoke up and Paige looked at him weirdly.

” We’re 19, we will be 20 next month.” Paige said.

” Good, then you have to stay here till then and whenever you feel your powers are awakened, you must let us know.” Zayn said and they nodded.

” Ariel, Take them to their room and you can introduce yourself if you like.” Archie said and left there.

” Am Zayn, my supernatural powers is to discern information of an object or person through touch.” Zayn said and shaked Paige.

Zayn retrieve an information about her as soon as he shake her. He sees she is a good person and worthy.

He also shaked Paisley, he chuckled as soon as he retrieve that she is a chatterbox and stubborn person.

” What’s so funny about my sister?” Paige said.

” Nothing, I hope you don’t talk too much besides me.” Zayn said chuckled again.

” How does he knows that.” Paisley mumbled.

” Am Ariel, I can disappear and appear, and also make things disappear. Nice to meet you.” Ariel said smiling as she shaked the both of them.

” Am Avira, I can control and create air. Am hot headed and I hope you stay in your limit.” Avira said and Paisley looked a bit frightened.

” Cadell, i have the power of battle spirit, means I can fight but not physically. That’s my power.”

” Am Nora,I can move fast without anyone even seeing me. I hope you don’t cross my path.” Nora said and smirk evily.

” She seemed wicked.” Paisley whispered and Paige hit her playfully.

They finished the introduction and Ariel walked them to their room.

” Here, go in.” Ariel said and they entered.

Ariel then used her powers and a wardrobe of clothes appeared.

” Wow.” Paisley mumbled.

” Thank you, you seems nice.” Paige said and she smiled.

” You can take a bath, I will show you everywhere later.” Ariel said and left the room.

” Sister, do you think we will be fine here?” Paisley said sadly and Paige hug her.

” Don’t worry, nothing will happen to us. We will gain our powers next month and then protect each other.” Paige said and Paisley nodded.

^ Archie’s room^

Archie and Zayn were still busy discussing when the door barge opened revealing angry Nora.

” Why did you bring them here?” Nora said angrily. Zayn left the place quietly.

” You should know how to lower your voice Nora, or else I know how to make you.” Archie said and Nora gulped nothing. She knows better that he can just cast a spell on her.

” But…”

” I believe we are all here for a reason, and I sense something dangerous in happening at the Brooks, so go there right now with May, Phoenix and Avira.” Archie said and Norah bowed slightly.

” Yes, boss.” In as much she still very angry, she knows better not to get on his bad side.

She left the room and went to look for the three.

^ Avira’s room^

Avira was busy getting ready to go to the mission when Cadell barged in.

” Hey, don’t you Know how to work huh?” Avira said angrily.

” Be careful okay? Call me if you need any help.” Cadell said and Avira rolled her eyes.

” Am not a child okay? This is not my first time.” Avira said and walked out on him.

Cadell sighed sadly and left the room, Ariel haven seen this became sad again.

” What on Earth is wrong with him.” Ariel mumbled.

” What’s wrong Ariel?” Paige said tapping her shoulder.

” Nothing, common. Let’s continue, this is the toture room…” She continued showing them the building.

^ Computer Arena^

Harper and Hunter were done telling Nora, May and Avira on how to get into the house.

” Haa, it’s not that easy.” Hunter groan.

” At least, this is the only thing we’re most good at.” Harper said.

” Heard there are new recruits.” Hunter said and Harper looked at him weirdly.

” So? You wanna go ask them out right.” Harper said and Hunter laughed.

” Hey, am not that kind of person okay? Stop it.” Hunter said.

” As if you didn’t asked one of those members out the last time.” Harper said and rolled her eyes.

” Wait, are you monitoring me or what? Do you even know what I was discussing with her.” Hunter said.

” I don’t know and I don’t want to know, outta here.” Harper said and left the computer room leaving Hunter who was staring at her.

^ The twins room^

Ariel knocked on their door, she had asked them to go take a rest after touring the empire.

Paige opened the door.

” Boss called for you.” Ariel said.

” Boss? Who’s the boss?” Paige asked.

” Archie, the cold one with the second boss Zayn.” Ariel said.

” But why is calling for me?” Paige asked feeling wierd.

” It’s nothing baby girl, boss act Cold but act cool okay? Do wh@ťěver he tells you to and he doesn’t like people arriving late,now go.” Ariel said after describing Archie’s room for her.

She got to his room and knocked, she was amazed when the door opened on its own and she walked in.

” You.. you called for me.” Paige stuttered.

An awkward silence took place and Paige started weird.

” You should start training with your other twin, I will inform Zach to help you do that.” Archie said.

” Yes boss.” Paige said bowing her head and Archie looked at her weirdly.

” Leave.” Archie said and she bowed again before leaving which made Archie looking at wierdly.

^ The Black Angels ^

These people here are the definition of evil. They capture people and turn them into evil.

The master sat on a king size chair and his subjects bow in front of him.

” How on earth were they able to get there before us, how!” The man known as Alligator yelled.

” We’re sorry boss, they were more faster.” A member said and Alligator stretched his hand, the member magically dragged towards him.

Alligator make sure he strangled the life out of the member,other members stood there in shock.

” Anyone who utters this statement again in my presence, will end up like this person.” Alligator said and everyone bowed down their head.

” Archie, you must have thought you have won but no this is just the beginning. You,you, check what’s going at the Brooks. Why aren’t they back.” Alligator said and they nodded disappearing from them.

^ Brocks^

The families were frightened to death, they kept running from the evil people but it’s seems impossible.

Suddenly, Phoenix, Avira and Nora got there and they faced the evil people.

” We are the Evils Hunters, and we are here to end you.” Phoenix said and one of the black angels Chuckled.

They got in a huge battle each using their powers, Avira swept two of them off their feet and they fell groaning.

Phoenix blew fire at some, the Black Angels started attacking back. Nora ran and started fighting them almost impossible for them to catch her.

Suddenly a big explosion took place. BOOM!


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