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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(His Sweet Candy…)


By,Sodie Irish M.



Her fingers slipped and immediately,the
cappuccino splashed on Viper’s body as the
clan members eyes widen in awe.

His cold gaze landed on her and if looks could
ki||,she would be six feets under.She froze at the
spot as her eyes widen.

“I’m sorry sir,it was a mistake believe me”She
pleaded while trying to defend herself as she
clutch her hands on her dress.

“How audacious? She’s even begging Viper after
displaying her stupid attitude”Nairobi spat as
she made to move a step closer but a hand pull
her back.

“Hey, don’t you think you should mind your
business,our boss will handle this issue
himself”Scorpion said and she rolled her eyes.

Scorpion is the playboy and a badass among
the clan members and he doesn’t joke with
pu$$y,he can be asleep but still dreaming of
f-__-king a girl a$$.

“Learn to tame your tongue and don’t interfere
in my business,it freaks me out”Nairobi yelled
before landing her butts on a pub chair
frustratingly and scoff.

Splash ignored their talks,she was more
focused on the deadly looking eyes $h00ting
daggers at her.

“Lick the cappuccino off my clothes..”His cold
voice said as her heart sank immediately.

“What.. What do you mean?”She blinked,still
unsure of what she heard.

“I don’t repeat my words twice,do it now if you
value your life”Viper roared harshly as her heart
began thudding against her chest.

“I’m not a dog,I won’t you can do your
worse”Splash managed to say and to her,she
couldn’t believe spilling those words cos it
sound funny to her ears. She bit her lower lip
immediately she realize.

“You aren’t?A dog?You are a perfect replica of a
dog and it’s characteristics defines you,
a$$hole”Viper said coldy as tears formed in her

She look at him with burning hatred and she felt
like digging his heart but that was just a crazy
imagination cos is never gonna happen.

“Why am I crying?Why do I feel bad when am
insulted?”She mutter, wiping the tears from her
oval shaped eyes.

“Your dressing is old fashioned and you stink
badly,do you ever bath at all?”Viper ask sternly
as the other clan members laughed crazily.

“Do I bath?Then help me wash off”She yelled
before crashing on his shoulders and made to
leave but Champagne pull her back forcely.

Champagne is the creepiest and she doesn’t
give a d@mn about anyone,she acts like she’s
the boss and gives stupid orders.

“Going somewhere?”She asked Ɓîtçhily, blocking
her path as she pop her gums like the sweet
taste is gonna disappear.

“Let me go..”Splash ordered as Champagne
smirk, playing with her knuckles.

“And what if I don’t,what will you do? Strangle
me?Oh, that’s absurd”Champagne shriek and
Splash eyes glued to her.

“Don’t make me do things I will regret,farther as I
know I’m not the calm type so you better f-__-k
off”Splash yelled angrily and with a finger,she
push Champagne to the wall as her skull
crashed due to the impact.

“That arrog@nt brãt..”Champagne cursed
inwardly and made to slap her but a voice
spoke,stopping her on her tracks.

She slowly dropped her hand as she ball her
fists, turning to the cold voice.

“What do you think you are doing,Viper?I should
teach this mannerless bîtch a lesson, she’s so
rude and don’t give a f-__-k about your
presence”Champagne spat as the clan
members gave a nod in unison.

“A mannerless bîtch?Your stūpid mother is the
Ɓîtçh for giving birth to a dimwit like you”Splash
barked as Champagne eyes popped out in

“What did you f-__-king say?”Champagne roared
and Splash crease her brows.

“Should I repeat my words?Or do your clan
members have a legacy of being f-__-king
deaf?Oh,you said I should repeat my words..
Your mother is a f-__-king wh-_-re for birthing
you”Splash said more like a whisper before
tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“You’re a crazy maniac..”Champagne cursed
angrily, charging towards her.

“Stop,just f-__-king stop and be matured for once.
What do you expect?You f-__-king came to her
pub so you shouldn’t be bossy,this is not the
clan”Razor said sarcastically as the clan
members diverted their gaze to his direction.

“What?”Champagne eyes widen as she fumed
in anger.

“I’m fed up with your bossy attitude,you’re so
immature and it’s so annoying”Razor spat.

That minutes,the whole place was dead silent
as everyone kept looking at each other.

“That’s kinda true.I h@te her bossy attitude,she
should act real for once”Nairobi conquered as
she roll her eyes.

Splash scoffed before taking in her lower lips.

“Y’all,get the f-__-k out of my pub!!”Splash said
frankly, pointing to each of the clan members.

“Y’all should get out”She yelled again as
customers divert their gaze to her.

“Keep your voice low,crazy dudê”Nairobi
managed to say, clearing her throat each

“Keep it low girl”Nairobi whispered as
Champagne roll her eyes at them.

“I h@te those chicken bones..”Champagne said,
gritting her teeth.

Viper ignored them as he tuck his hand in his
inner pocket and the other holding a lighter.

He push the lighter slightly before his cold gaze
came on Splash and she scoff.

“What can he do?”She mutter, gritting her teeth.

His cold gaze slowly diverted to Razor and he
signaled with a finger.

“Explain the rules to this cr@zy a$$hole and I
mean shortly”Viper said sternly.

“Rule one: Challenging with the clan members
or the boss himself,the boss of the northward
warrant your f-__-king head”

“Rule two:Proving right even if you’re right
warrant your d@mn fingers”Razor said like a

“And which rule did she break?”Viper ask,
looking at Splash as she swallow hard.

“Rule number two..”Razor replied and he smirk.

Their eyes peering into each other as
Champagne sprang up immediately.

“MG, don’t tell me you gonna chop her
fingers”Champagne exclaim, feigning a worried

“Break her ten fingers immediately”Viper ordered
as Nairobi eyes pop out.

“Not two,three…ten”Nairobi said, counting her
fingers and when she reached the tenth finger,
she gasp.

Viper ignored her, walking to his bunny and
whispered to her ears before biting it slowly.

“That’s what you want,right?”He ask,his breath
crashing into her earlobe as Campagne nodded.

“What are you waiting for?Break her ten fingers
and pluck her left eye if needed”She growled as
Razor brought the hand driller from his bag.

Razor walked closer to her as Nairobi held her
arm with her eyes completely shut.

“Do it already,I f-__-king h@ťě bloodbath”She
ordered,still with her eyes closed.

Splash fingers started vibrating each time the
hand driller almost came in contact with her.

“Don’t break my fingers”She pleaded and Viper
scoff loudly.

“Chop the fingers off into pieces”He ordered
again as a evily smirk claimed his lips.

“Do it..”Champagne snap, grabbing Viper’s hand
and running her fingers on his hairy skin.

Razor sigh before raising the hand driller and
slowly the machine ran through the table

“f-__-k..”Razor cursed immediately he heard his
phone ringing repeatedly.

“Chop the fingers off..”Champagne ordered but
the phonecall became intense and Razor was
forced to look back.

“Who’s that f-__-king b@stard calling?He need to
be punished”Viper roared.

“Falcon?He’s the one calling”Razor said as
Viper’s eyes widen.

He grabbed the phone from Razor,swiping the
spot to the right before gulping down nothing.

“What’s keeping y’all?Evacuate from wherever
you are and come to the clan house now”Falcon
ordered and he gave a nod before ending the

“Spare her,we have some better things to do
rather than wasting our souls here”Viper said as
Nairobi heaved a sigh,her heart slowly
drumming against her chest.

“I h@te the sight of blõõd..”Nairobi said, letting
go of her hands as hot tears began dropping.

“Thank goodness”Splash mutter, holding her
chest and her teeth clashing together.

“Next time,tame your tongue you faggot”Viper
said before leaving but Pinnochio blocked his

Pinnochio is the foodie in their clan and she
can’t spare a day without whining her mouth.

“You promised us that the food will be on you
today,I’m so hungry”She said massaging her
stomach before pouting cutely.

“You made a promise remember..”She blinked
before pushing him slightly.

Viper looked to the doll standing in front of him
and he couldn’t help but breathe out.

“You won”Viper said frustratingly as she keep
pouting her lips again.

She winked before facing the pub owner,Splash.

“I need 15 Cups of tuna noodles”She said and
everyone eyes excluding Splash,widen.

“Whaaat”She scream and they shook their

“A bottle of tequila”Champagne and Scorpion

“We have got no other choice”Razor and Nairobi

“We want the both”They said, winking at each

Viper gaze returned to Splash and he smirk.

“Get the orders ready”Viper said coldly and she
gave nod before wiping the last drop of her



“th-ru_st in deeper..”A segz slave Mõ@ɲed as
Falcon kept digging in her pu$$y.

“That’s the right spot..Oh yeahh”She Mõ@ɲed in
pleasure as Falcon grabbed her B-__-bs,then
svcking it gently.

“I need it rawww”She pleaded as Falcon started
liçking her pu$$y then he stopped for a second,
looking at the segz slave.

“Get the f-__-k out of my bed”Falcon yelled,
pushing her roughly.

“You seduced me,I didn’t want to..f-__-k!”He
yelled,pulling his trousers to his waist region.

“Get the f-__-k out..”Falcon yelled again as she
ran immediately without bolting the door.

“Geez!This stûpid slave wants nothing but my
dîgk, she’s even new when Goltha brought her
here but she adjusted to the rule within a
week”Falcon roared, zipping his trousers before
trailing his fingers to his phone.

“Where are you?Bring thosê poor debtors to me
right now and if necessary,bring the females
only and when they resist,blõw their f-__-king
skull.Bang!!”He expressed holding his gun,
blowing air on the checkpoint.

“I forcefully took three hundred ladies,fifty Men
and a hundred and fifty children,three more to
go!…”Goltha said as Falcon end the call,a smile
enveloping his lips.

“This is when the show begins,Viper”He
thundered,puffing his cigãrette heavily.


“Cheers”The clan members said, clanking their

They were all drunk excluding Razor and

“Hurray”Pinnochio said happily as she drank the
last drop of tequila and flipping the glass over.

“The tequila has finished”Pinnochio said,
pouting her lips and crying heavily.

Scorpion looked at her pitifully and slowly
touched her hands and she hiccup.

“What are you doing?”She pouted cutely, looking
at his jawpoint.

“Drink me,I am your tequila”Scorpion said
drunkenly as he stagger not letting go of her.

The clan members started laughing crazily
when they heard the last sentence.

“I am your tequila”Nairobi said, poking her
tongue and they all laughed.

Silence creeped in immediately Viper raised his
head and his eyes turn red slowly.He looked to
the glass cup and he smile.

“I’m gonna crush y’all”He said crushing the
glass as blõõd drop from his hands.

Viper fell on his knees as Splash made to stand
but Razor was faster.

“Don’t hurt yourself,we are in this together as
family”Razor said painfully as the others

“Let’s leave this pub before godfather ex
communicate us”Champagne said and they got
up to leave.

“Let’s move..”Nairobi said as they interlock
hands round their bodies, forming a straight

They staggered as Splash tried to help but she
ended, doing nothing.

She breathed out immediately they left as a
shadow covered her nose from behind,using a
drvgged hanky as she struggle.

“Who are y.o.u…”Her voice started dropping
before passing out.

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