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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Theme: ….All In The Mafia Clan…..

Chapter 11 & 12 *

WRITTEN BY ; Divine Chidinma.




“It’s a long story girlfriend!”she sang as the hot chase continued.

Oberon sat comfortable as she drove roughly.

“Hephzibah has landed at the end of the closest bridge”Zillah said from his airpod.

“To the closes bridge Ken”he said.

“Sounds like I’m a guy”she giggled as she turned to the direction of the bridge.

“Okay!”Kennedy shouted as one of the cars came to view again. Desdemona couldn’t help but start praying with her joined palm and eyes.

“Holy Jesus!”Kennedy sang as she stared through the car glass. A man is on the car behind them. Normally, he looks like a human but he’s a d@mn robot.

In just a wink, he jumped just few steps to their car and that made Kennedy drive more fast. The step of the man is three steps a normal human would take when walking.

“Jesus please help”Desdemona muttered in fear, looking at the man who kept coming.

“You need to $h00t his eyes”Zillah said and Oberon groaned as he pulled down the car window. Stepping his head out, he shot but as if controlled, the bullet didn’t hit the man. He dodged it.

“He’s not human boss!”Zillah said.

“You said $h00t”he scoffed and shot again but this time, the man robot started running.

“I think you should pray hard girlfriend”Kennedy said and Desdemona started praying.

“Please God….help…..”

The robot flew to the front of their car but Kennedy was fast to drive past. It ran more speedy and stood on the car with force but nothing happened to the car. No scratch nor bend.

“Jesus!”Desdemona screamed.

“I see Hephzibah”Kennedy chuckled.

“And I see more cars”Oberon said, he’s seated already.

“Cool bro, I’ve got this”she said as she got more close to the helicopter Hephzibah is on. She stopped the car but the robot didn’t take a move to step down.

“Stay still girlfriend”she said and with that, she drove the car round on a spot, in a circular form which made the robot shakily but surprisingly, she stopped but instantly drove to the rail of the bridge which she hit the car with force, making the robot fall in and the car not being able to move back but only move forward which means they’d be sinking.

“We’re stepping out?”Oberon asked and she nodded as she pulled off her seatbelt. As she came out, the car moved.

“Ahhhhhhh!”screamed Desdemona.

“Quick the cars are closer!”Kennedy shouted and Oberon came down. She opened the door for Desdemona who came out fearfully.

“Hop on babies!”Hephzibah shouted from the helicopter.

“Go to hell robots!”Kennedy screamed as they all climbed on. Hephzibah took off instantly.

“Sup Hephzibah!”Kennedy sat on the next chair at the front seat.

“You didn’t change”Hephzibah laughed.

“What was that?”Desdemona shuttered after catching her breath.

“Hey girlfriend!”Kennedy went to her, hugging her tightly.

“I can’t….. breathe”

“Oh, sorry”she withdrawn. “You grow more beautiful”Kennedy giggled.

“How did you know them?”she asked.

They’re families”Kennedy said.

“I’m not understanding”

“I started your college cause I was asked to by godfather. You know him right?”


“So, I’m part of them, just came on a mission so I had to be close to you”Kennedy said.

“You knew me before coming right?”she asked.

“Hmmm, yes”Kennedy said.

“God”she sighed, looking away to look at Oberon who’s already sleeping maybe.

The flight was silent till they got to Italy.



The third mission was also a success and right now, they’re all in their respective rooms resting as they await the fight between Hephzibah and Zillah.


“Yo baby!”Kennedy screamed as Bronte walked in. They’re obviously couple and surprisingly, the shy Bronte also shouted as they both embrace each other with love.

“I missed you!”she gushed.

“Take that somewhere else”Zillah walked in on her swimming suit.

“Zillah!”Kennedy jumped on her before she could know it.

“Easy”Zillah chuckled.

“I missed you”Kennedy gushed.

“Stop exaggerating”Zillah scoffed as she got into the pool.

“I really do! Oh my Mr Stony and Mr opposite!!”she screamed as ki||ian and Drogo walked in, but just as she was about hugging both, Oziel walked in and she pushed him, rushing to Oziel.

“Bro!”she started fake crying.

“Sis”he also started fake crying and Hephzibah who walked past them on her swimming suit scoffed.

“Where are the other three?”she asked and just immediately Gormlaith Drusilla said Melvina came in.

“Oh!”she shouted.

“Oh please!”Melvina scoffed.

“And here comes the ice stone!”she said as Osborne walked in. He walked past her.

“Rude”she muffled and went for Bronte who’s already seated.

“Should we start?”Oziel asked and just immediately, Desdemona and Oberon walked in.

“Something fishy!”Kennedy screamed but they ignored her. Desdemona sat next to Oziel.

“We’re all here now!”

“Start!!”Melvina shouted.

Zillah and Hephzibah stood opposite each other in the pool. The pool is Hephzibah’s best place in fighting.

“10 minutes”Kennedy said suddenly and they both looked at her.

“It’s gonna be 1am in 10 minutes, we need to sleep you know”she said and they both faced each other again.

Zillah took the first hit, she kicked water to Hephzibah and used the advantage to kick her left jaw.

“f-__-k!”Hephzibah cursed.

She moved closer and threw a punch at Zillah who dodged it and dive into the water which she pulled her leg but let go. Hephzibah with the force of the pull dive in also, so to the others, just their shadow is visible.

Back in the water, Hephzibah struggled to free her leg but Zillah wouldn’t let go and just in a second, Zillah turned Hephzibah’s ankle and a crack was heard.

Zillah showed out first, next was Hephzibah, it took her a minute cause Zillah just spray her ankle.

“I’ll let you hit her but not winning”Zillah chuckled and punched her stomach which Hephzibah returned.

“Two minutes left!”shouted Kennedy.

Hephzibah used her left leg to kick Zillah by her stomach but Zillah held it and dive her into the water. With all her strength, she rolled Hephzibah with her left leg she was holding. No screamed came out but just as exactly 1am, she let go of her leg. Stepping out of the pool, she walked out without saying a word to anyone.

Minutes later, Hephzibah came out, also not saying a word, she leaped out.



Desdemona walked in with the idea of being the only one in. The lights wasn’t on which she didn’t turn on either.

She started running round. She finished the first round and started the second, since the light was not on, the running round wasn’t straight, she fell down, not on the ground but on someone.

“Ouch!”she screamed and the lights came up. She raised her head to see who she’s on, only to see Osborne. His eyes on her and she screamed, wanting to stand up, but he held her back with his hand wrapped wrong her waist which made her fall back on him.

“Isn’t that what you wanted”he muffled but she raised her head to give a reply but couldn’t. Her eyes met with his face and she started staring. From his eyes to his nose and down to his lips. She swallowed nothing.

“Get a room”Oberon’s voice came through and she looked away, turning to the other side to see Oberon. He’s the one who turned on the light. She quickly stood up and Osborne chuckled.

“It’s not what you think”she said.

“I’m thinking nothing….sis”he said the lady word slowly as he walked out and somehow, she felt hurt he didn’t call her Mona but sis.


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