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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



Joshua decided to break the staring competition first when he blinked and cleared his throat.

“It’s you,” he said.

Carly woke up from her thoughts and nodded.

“I didn’t know you lived here,” she replied.

“And I should be saying that to you, though I’m new, just moved in last week” he replied and she smiled shortly.

Joshua looked around before looking back at her.

“You’re going to school by this time? Don’t you think it’s quite early?” He asked.

Carly shook her head immediately.

“I’m going to work,” she replied.

“You’re done with school?” He asked with a surprised look and she shook her head with a smile.

“I’m not done, I don’t just go to school. My name is Carly by the way, bye” she waved at him before leaving.

Joshua creased his brows.

“She doesn’t go to school?” He muttered to himself with a surprised look before looking at where she was staying.

“She lives alone too, don’t she have parents?” He thought again before shrugging and going back to his room.

He was too hungry to think of anything so he opened the pizza box and began eating like he hadn’t eaten for ages.

Ever Since he moved here, he hasn’t eaten any cooked or good food. All he does is to order junk food and this has been affecting him badly because his hair was starting to pull out.

“Maybe I’ll just go for a check up later,” he muttered.



?️Seems like I always hurt the ones I love.

?️Seems like I always hurt the ones I love the most.

?️The ones I love the most.. oh oh oh.

?️Seems like I always hurt the ones I love the most.

?️The ones I love the most.

Olivia’s director, Mr Patrick, frowned when Olivia finished recording her song.

“When did you write that song?” He asked with his arms crossed around his chest.

“Last night in my bedroom,” Olivia replied.

Mr Patrick sighed and ruffled his hair, he moved closer to Olivia and held her shoulders.

“You can’t release that song Olivia” he said.

“But why?” She asked slowly.

“Because it won’t top the chart. Why don’t you try writing something about that boy that broke your heart” he said.

“But Mr Patrick I don’t want to write anymore songs about Joshua, I’m hurting him deeply and he’s going to h@ťě me!” Olivia complained.

“Who cares about his feelings Olivia, can’t you see that you’re becoming a popstar and with time you’ll move on from him I know” Mr Patrick tried explaining to her.

“But Mr Patrick I..

“Think about your dying father Olivia! Don’t you wanna save him” he Interrupted her and Olivia turned quite.

She just remembered that her father was in his third stage of pancreatic cancer and it has eaten up all of their family savings. Olivia is the only source of her family income and who would have that that she’s using her ex boyfriend to raise that amount of money.

“Do you want him to die Olivia, you’re the only hope so don’t give up now,finish what you started once and for all” Mr Patrick convinced her.

Olivia wiped her tears and nodded, she went to the table where her book and pen were kept then began writing.

“Good girl Olivia,” Mr Patrick smiled.



The whole school was murmuring with their face on their phone.

“Joshua thr_@tened Olivia” that was the new gossip of today.

Someone linked a video of when Joshua grabbed Olivia to an empty classroom and locked the door then they heard him shouting at her before he left and after that Olivia came out with tears on her face.

“How dare that bastard! After cheating on her he dares thr_@ten her, I swear I will kìll him” Brad said angrily.

“Dude calm down, you can’t believe” Shane was talking when Brad suddenly ran past him.

“Hey” Shane turned back to look at Brad where Brad was running to and that was when he saw Joshua coming in.

Joshua didn’t even have enough time to process what was going on when Brad jumped on him and began hitting his face.

“Joshua you bastard!! What did you say to Olivia that made her cry!!” Brad yelled as he punched Joshua on the face as hard as he could.

Joshua tried blocking his face but it was of no point so he turned over and pinned Brad to the floor.

“Are you f-__-king crazy!! Why are you hitting me?” He angrily asked.

“The crazy one here is you! We are no longer friends Joshua so I will treat you the way I want. An*mal!!” Brad yelled.

“Call me an an*mal again” Joshua yelled too.

“An*mal!!” Brad spatted.

“Fine, since you want me to behave like an animal then I’ll gladly do!!” Joshua lifted his head up and began hitting it hard on the floor.

“Joshua” Shane moved closer to him but Joshua pushed Shane back.

Brad managed to push Joshua up and he stood up, his head was bleeding already but he didn’t care, he just staggered towards the garbage can and picked it up.

He wanted to hit it on Joshua but Joshua dodged it and it hit a locker instead.

Joshua ran to him, he gave Brad a jump kick which sent Brad to the floor.

“You’re the real an*mal! You bark but you don’t fight” Joshua spatted on his face.

Brad glared at him from the floor and tried standing up but failed.

~Joshua and Brad to my office now. I repeated Joshua and Brad to my office~ the principal’s voice echoed through the loud speaker.

Joshua looked around and angrily stormed out while Brad managed to stand up and follow behind.

They met the principal glaring at them, especially Joshua.

“I’m so disappointed in you Joshua” principal Jerry started.

“Me why??” Joshua yelled.

“Because you’re not supposed to act like this. Have you forgotten who you once were?”

“What does me being once a respected celebrity has to do with this. Brad started it first!!” Joshua yelled.

“Don’t f-__-king yell when I talk to you!” Principal Jerry glared at him.

“Wait you expect me to keep shut while I get bullied right? But why? Aren’t I the bad guy anymore? Why can’t you all just let me play the bad guy in peace” he yelled again.

Brad scoffed.

“I wanted to give both of you three days of suspension but I’ll give you a week Joshua. You’re suspended for a week” principal Jerry said and threw a suspension card on his face.


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