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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema




The place looked like a large hall where a show or a concert is being performed and it was, this was the famous Helen Show.

It happens every first week of the month and it’s a kinda live TV program, where Helene herself will interview various celebrities and will even allow some of them to perform.

That night Helene just finished having an interview with a celebrity then she welcomed another one that was next in line.

The person was none other than Selene Maxwell, when she was called out and as she made her entrance in, people began booing her.

“Hey hey hey!! You guys should stop that” Helene tried talking to the audience but they were ready to listen.

They kept booing her and chanting Olivia’s name, they were calling her names and some went as far as throwing things at her.

Things like their empty bottles of water and cups, snacks, nylon and others.

It was really out of hand, no one could control them so Selene had no choice than to go back home.

That night, Selene realized that it’s not only Joshua that’s been treated badly but her too then the next day the fashion design company Selene was working for named CL. Brand cut ties with her because they feel like she’ll bring shame to their company.

Selene lost a lot of money over night just be
cause of that and even up till now, her beauty company for glowing skin and nice dressings is degrading.

All this for what?

Selene sighed and shook her head, she stood up from her bed and went to sit at the front of her piano.

She began playing, the tone was light and soft as she reminisced about everything.

Years back when she was twelve and Joshua was nine, he used to have a crush on her but she only sees him as her little brother.

Then she traveled out to New York to start a new life, she hadn’t heard from Joshua for years until one day.

Hey mother was having a video call with Joshua’s mother and she called her to come say hi.

Selene went to say hi, she asked to see Joshua, thinking that he would still be that small cute boy with chubby cheeks but she was dead wrong.

Small cute boy had grown into a big and really handsome teenager and she could swear that her heart made some funny sound when she saw him.

She was speechless and ever since that call, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

Finally, she came back to Malibu to continue her life and business and to also see him but was surprised and heartbroken when she heard that he had a girlfriend.

She has always tried to mask her feelings but she couldn’t control herself that night, she was f-__-king drunk and her friends called Joshua to pick her up.

When Joshua came, she refused to leave, she confessed her feelings to him and kissed him, taking him back in shock.

And that was how it all started.

Remembering all these Selene began singing the first song that entered her mind.

?Now I’m a homewrecker, I’m a slut.

?I got death thr_@ts filling in semi truck.

?Tell me who I am, guess I don’t have a choice.

?All because I liked…

?I’m a hot topic on your tongue.

?I’m a rebound going around stealing from the young.

?Tell me who I am, guess I don’t have a choice.

?All because I liked a boy.

When Selene stopped singing, she heard someone clapping and she turned back to see her mom.

“What are you doing here mom” she asked, getting up to hug her mom.

“Can’t a mother come visit her daughter?” Mrs Maxwell smirked.

“It’s not like that mom I…” Selene trailed off when she saw a white puppy standing behind her mom.

“Oh m gee! Whitney is here” she rushed to carry the puppy up then scrunched her face in a disgusting way.

“Why is she smelling?” She asked.

“I didn’t have time to shower her, sorry” Mrs Maxwell winked and left the room.

Selene sniffed the dog and squeezed her face immediately.

“Need to do something about this” she muttered to herself.




That scream was heard from pinky as the doctor was trying to shift her bone back into position.

“Please you need to stop moving so much, miss” the doctor pleaded with her but she refused.

“It’s so painful, I.. arghhh” she let out another scream.

Teddy was just leaning against her door as he was watching her with a blank look on his face.

“Brother please come hold me, please” she pleaded with him in tears but he didn’t listen to her.

He had to bring her back home this morning when Joshua pushed her because she won’t stop crying about her elbow.

“What’s going on here?” That voice made everyone pause.

It was grandfather Fallon, he was an old healthy looking man with white hair.

“Grandpa” Teddy greeted with a light bow but grandfather Fallon didn’t reply to him, his eyes were on Pinky.

“What happened to your sister?” He asked.

“She sprained her elbow, sir,” Teddy replied immediately before his grandfather would slap him.

His grandfather was the head of all generals in Malibu, he’s a very strict man and he gives strict punishments to anyone that goes against his rules even to his children.

“Why did she sprained her elbow?” He asked and without wasting time, Teddy revoked.

“She was causing trouble again so she got hit sir”

Grandpa Fallon looked at Pinky and she burst out in tears.

That was rule number one. Do not cause trouble, always mind your own business.

“I’m sorry grandpa, please forgive me. I promise not to cause any more trouble please” she began pleading amidst tears.

“Get me my whip, I need to teach this girl a lesson” Grandpa Fallon ignored her cries and asked for a whip.

“Grandpa please!!” Pinky begged louder but a servant had brought the whip already.

Grandpa Fallon began moving closer to her as he dusted the whip.

“Everyone, leave the room” he ordered and everyone did as told.

“Grandpa, I promise not to cause trouble again! Grandpa!! GRANDPA!!” Pinky loud screams were heard as her grandfather started whipping her.



“Carly someone is at the door” Beatrice who was counting the amount of money she has made, called out to Carly.


Carly dropped the dog plate she was holding and rushed to the door, it was a man dressed in a kind of uniform.

“Good afternoon sir, how may I help you?” She greeted and asked with a polite smile.

The man’s eyes were on her outfit before looking at her face.

“I found about your dog house online and my madam told me to get her dog clean so I came here” he said, showing her the white puppy he was holding.

“Oh” Selene smiled and collected the dog from the man, she rubbed on the dog’s skin and the dog began licking on her face.

Carly chuckled and faced the man.

“What’s her name?” She asked.

“Whitney, she loves milk and she loves soapy water, she doesn’t eat too much bone and she catches a cold easily, please take good care of her, I’ll come take her in the evening” he said.

“Okay no problem sir, thank you for coming to us” Carly smiled and the man nodded before leaving.

Carly looked at Whitney who just backed and licked her face.

“Okay Whitney, you’re smelly so let’s get you cleaned up” she said, taking the dog inside the dogs bathroom.


Carly kept waiting for Whitney’s owner to come carry her but he never showed up until it was already 9pm.

“Seems like you’ll sleep here tonight Whitney” Carly muttered and was about to take Whitney back to her cage when the man arrived.

“I’m sorry for being late, miss, where’s the dog?” He asked and Carly gave the dog back to him.

“I’m sorry once again, here’s a double payment, please accept my apologies” he brought out his wallet and began counting some money.

He handed it to her, thanked her again before leaving.

Carly smiled to herself and kept the double money she made for herself then the original money in the cashier before locking the office and leaving.

She began trekking her way back to her house and it got to the point where she’ll cross the road, her heart began beating fast.

Madam Beatrice was not here to cross her this time and she’s really afraid of crossing because the sounds of the speeding car brings back old memories.

“What do I do?” She muttered fearfully as she looked left and right.

She tried putting a leg on the mere road but when a speeding car passed her she screamed out and jumped back in fright.

Maybe she should just sleep outside because she didn’t know how she’s going to cross but then, she felt someone’s hand on hers and before she knew it, their fingers intertwined together.

Slowly, she turned her head to the side to see who it was and it was a guy putting on a nose mask, the night breeze was blowing on his curly hair as his eyes were boring into hers.


I’m just passing oo??‍♀️??‍♀️

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