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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Joshua came out of the classroom looking all tired as he stretched his body.

“Last exam, I understand that feeling” someone said and he turned back to see Brad smirking.

“Brad” he smiled slowly.

“Joshua” Brad smiled too and there was an awkward silence.

Brad decided to break the awkward moment.

“Uhm, I know we have a rough past and I know I did a lot of horrible things but I don’t want to be that person anymore, I wanna try to change now, for real” he said.

“Okay” Joshua sighed and nodded.

Brad stretched his hands out.

“Friends again?” He asked.

Joshua looked at his hands for a short smile before smiling and accepting.

The clock went to three o clock and it was already closing time. Joshua was waiting for Carly and David in the school compound, finally he saw them coming and he went to meet them.

“Joshua” Carly rushed to his side to take one of his hand. “How was your exam, how did you feel as you were writing the last paper?” She asked.

When Joshua wanted to answer, David beat him to it.

“So what now? After highschool, you’ll just leave us here in Malibu?” David said with a pout.

Joshua sighed and hugged Carly’s shoulder then ruffled David’s hair.

“Don’t worry I won’t forget about you guys when I finally make it again” he smiled.

A familiar car horn sounded and David knew who it was, it was Evelyn, his mother.

“I’ll get going” he muttered and left, Carly waved at him before leaving with Joshua.



The result to their final exam was finally out and it was paste on the notice board, students were already viewing theirs.

“f-__-k I passed!” Shane came out with a smile. “I can’t believe I passed,I can’t believe I’m going to graduate” he looked so happy.

Joshua smiled and rubbed his shoulders.

“I’m glad that we all passed, means we are all gonna graduate” he said.

While they were chatting, Teddy kept checking that time over and over and when it finally got to a particular time he was waiting for, he rushed out.

“Where is he rushing too?” Brad asked.

Joshua didn’t say anything, he just smiled and shrugged.


Teddy went to the Juniors block but he didn’t enter the classroom, he just stood outside and whispered Miley’s name.

Miley heard the whisper, she looked left and right before looking back at him.

He motioned her to come and she creased her brows. Why was he calling her when she was still having class but in anyways, she excused herself stylishly and went outside to see him.

“What is it? Why are you calling me?” She asked but Teddy grabbed her hands.

“Come with me” he said and before she could talk, he began pulling her. He pulled her to the school backyard and there was a frown on her face.

“Why are you bringing me here? What’s wrong with you?” She asked.

Teddy clapped and the red cotton in front of them went down. A big decoration that says ‘Will you like to dance again?’ Popped up.

Miley looked around before focusing her gaze on the decoration so she could read it clearly.

“Will you like to dance again?” She read it slowly before turning to look at Teddy.

“I don’t understand the meaning of what you’re doing? Of course I will like to dance again but why are you making it look like this?” She squeezed her face as she asked.

Teddy smiled and dipped his hands on his pocket then brought out a flyer.

“I signed us up for ‘Dance Me A Trophy’ yesterday and they accepted us” he said happily.

With an unbelievable look, Miley snatched the flyer from him to take a look.

“You did this? No way!!” She screamed happily and jumped on him.

“Alright you’re welcome, you can come down now” Teddy smiled and dropped her but she didn’t mind because she was too happy to care.

“Punk! I can’t believe I’m gonna be on dance me a trophy again!!” She jumped happily then suddenly frowned. “What if I don’t win?” She muttered.

Teddy smiled and ruffled her hair.

“You will if you believe and beside I’ll be by your side so don’t be nervous, I got you” he said.

Miley smiled and pushed his hands off.

“Thanks so much for this, we’ll talk later okay? I have to be in class” she said.

“Sure, I’ll call you” Teddy smiled and she nodded before leaving.

Teddy began leaving too but paused when he saw Sydney holding hands with her new boyfriend, they were laughing and they looked happy.

He sighed and shook his head before leaving.



Carly was alone in the dog house, Joshua was not with her today, she just finished bathing a dog when she felt a strong aura entered the house.

Following her instinct, she went to check and truly she was right, there was a man, dressed in a neat suit and nosemask standing there.

“Good evening sir” Carly looked a bit nervous.

The man didn’t say anything, he kept looking at her face which was making her feel uncomfortable.

“Uhm” Carly forced a smile and looked at his empty hands.

“Did you come here to take any dog or do you wanna drop a dog here for cleaning, I don’t see a dog in your hand, is the dog in your car?” She asked all at once.

The man still kept quiet which confused Carly.

“Are you confused or are you looking for a place to go? Are you lost? You can tell me” she said softly.

The man shook his head.

“I was looking for something, I already found it, thank you for your time” he replied and without waiting to see her reaction, he turned around and left.

Carly was really confused but she just decided to over look it as she was waiting for Joshua to come back with the puppies he took to the park.


Joshua was done with playing babysitting the dog from the park so he decided to bring them back to the dog house.

As he was walking with the two dogs, a girl passed beside him and she suddenly looked familiar to him.

“Olivia” he grabbed her hands and turned her to face him only to realize that she was another girl.

“I’m so sorry, I’m really sorry” he apologized and the girl scoffed before leaving.

Joshua sighed and looked up. This is what he has been doing since ever since he heard the news about her death.

“Why am I doing this?” He sighed.

‘Why don’t you just admit to yourself that you still feel something for her’ his inner mind said and he shook his head immediately.

“She ruined my life, I loathed her to the core, I don’t feel anything for her, don’t try to confuse me now” he argued with his inner self.

‘If it’s so then why do you keep thinking of her, now that she’s gone? Why can’t you just admit that she’s already gone!’ his inner self argued with him.

Joshua sighed when he noticed that he was back to the dog sitting house, he immediately let the dogs go.

“Joshua you’re back” Carly who was sitting on the chair smiled then frowned again as she noticed the look on his face.

“Are you okay?” She asked slowly.

Joshua sat beside her and stared at her with red eyes before shaking his head in a negative way.

“Is it Olivia?” She asked softly.

Instead of replying, he only rested his head on her shoulder. Carly sighed and parted his shoulders gently.

“You’ll be fine” she said.

Joshua just chuckled.

“I’m stupid aren’t I? I should be happy that she’s gone and has finally paid for what she did to me, I mean I’ve always wanted her to just disappear away from my life and sight and everywhere but now I feel so… So… d@mn!” He shook his head.

Carly smiled and rubbed his shoulders very well.

“You’ll be fine okay? It’s normal to feel this way, I’ve also lost some loved ones so I understand, you’ll just have to accept, I mean that was what Olivia did before she died, she accepted taking you for granted and making some bad decisions and I’m sure she’s happy now that she realized and corrected everything. Joshua I know you might be blaming yourself deep down but you didn’t do anything, you know that, everyone knows that and she knows it too” she said with a smile.

Joshua nodded and raised his eyes up to look at her.

“You came from heaven right?” He asked and she just laughed before he sighed and closed his eyes.



Today was Angelina’s trial on whether she should be guilty or not guilty for taking part in her daughter’s death and also abusing her late daughter.

After presenting excuses and excuses about not having hands with anything to do with abusing Olivia, someone that’ll shut her up and send her to jail with just their presence finally showed up.

Angelina’s eyes widened in shock.


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