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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



“She will not die! We will do the operation” Angelina replied and stood up.

‘She’s not done with repaying her debts so she must not die!’

The doctor stood up too.

“Please ma’am, let’s just leave her, she can’t handle the operation, she’s not strong enough to do so!” The doctor pleaded.

Angelina turned to face the doctor in anger.

“Let me ask you something? Are you afraid to do your job?” She asked.

“No ma’am I’m just worried about your daughter”.

“If you are the you’ll have to do that Operation for her, make it really painful if that’s what it’ll take for her to wake up! My daughter can’t die! She can’t fûcking die!!” Angelina yelled and stormed out of the hospital.

The doctor sighed and called the list of nurses. When the nurses got to her office, she began telling them what to do.

“Get the patient ready for operation” she instructed.


When Angelina got outside, she stormed towards Joshua and roughly pulled him up.

“You caused all these to my daughter!!” She started.

“Hey ma’am let him go” David pushed her back.

“How dare you!” Angelina raised her hands up to hit David but Carly came to stand in the middle of them.

“Ma’am I understand your pains but blaming Joshua is not something I think you should do, Instead you should thank him before if not for him, your daughter’s dead body would have been all over the news, she could have jump off a cliff” Carly said hoping Angelina could calm down a bit but she didn’t.

“And you are the stûpid thing that’s now dating this loser of a guy and making my daughter cry every night!” Angelina said angrily.

Joshua stood up and pulled Carly beside him, he came to stand in front of them with his gaze on Angelina.

“Please mind the way you talk to my sister and you don’t need to thank me because I only did the right thing by saving your daughter, the girl you put in this position. You can’t even look after your own daughter properly, you were emotionally blackmailing her to hurt others and to even hurt herself but don’t worry ma’am, you’ll get what you deserve” he eyed her before leaving the hospital with Carly and David.

Angelina scoffed and rolled her eyes.



Olivia was already awake as she was watching the nurses fix the room.

“Doc.. doctor” she managed to call and the doctor came to stand beside her.

“Is there anything you need before doing your operation?” The doctor asked slowly.

“Hmm, I need… I need.. a phone” she replied and the doctor nodded.

The doctor got a phone for Olivia and gave it to her and the first thing Olivia did was to dial the police line.

The police picked the call.

“H.. ello, I have two… reports to make” she said slowly.

Once she was done talking on the phone, she gave the doctor back before the doctor started getting ready for her operation.



# 1 trending news BMZ: Olivia Sanchez confirm dead yesterday after undergoing a deadly operation.

Everyone was talking about this and everyone was sad. Yesterday Olivia didn’t survive the operation just like what the doctor said.

The doctors were doing everything they could, they were giving her all the CPR they could but the monitor line kept turning from wavy to straight until it turned all straight and stopped beeping.

After checking her wristwatch, the doctor announced the time of death before carrying Olivia’s body to the place where they’d remove her clothes and make her lay down.

Angelina came in with an unbelievable look, she rushed to Olivia’s body immediately.

“My daughter” she cried before turning to look at the doctor in anger. “You ki||ed my daughter, you ingrat! How could you let my daughter die!! Why didn’t you do your job right and now my daughter is gone!! You should pay for what you did!!” Angelina began pulling on the doctor’s hair.

The doctor didn’t say anything, she understands how Angelina feels and besides she’s a doctor, many people have done this with her so she didn’t bother fighting back.

When Angelina let the doctor go, she stared at Olivia’s body before a thought came to her mind.

‘You died without completing your debt to me but you must complete it even after your death’ she thought before bringing out her phone and calling Peter.

“Peter Olivia just died” she said after Peter picked and Peter couldn’t believe his eyes.


“She just died, Peter and I want this to be fresh news tomorrow,” she added.


Today Olivia’s news was fresh, almost everyone couldn’t believe it but many verified bloggers had completed it even pictures of her in the hospital were leaked.

Now the attention was focused on just one person, Angelina, Olivia’s mom and this was what she wanted.

In Joshua’s room, Carly was scrolling through the news with an unbelievable look, she received a call from David who was asking her the same thing.

“Yes David I just saw the news and I can’t believe this” Carly whispered, she didn’t want to shout because Joshua was in the bathroom, brushing his death.

“Does Joshua know about this?” David then asked.

“No he doesn’t, he’s brushing his teeth” she replied.

“What don’t I know?” Joshua came out of the bathroom and Carly froze.

“Bye sis, talk to you later” David hung up and Carly sighed.

Joshua moved closer to her.

“What don’t I know?” Joshua asked as he sat on the bed next to her.

Carly sighed and closed his laptop then faced him.

“Joshua, Olivia is dead” she said, straight to the point.

Joshua first blinked.

“What?” He asked.

“Many verified news pages just confirmed it now that she died yesterday, see for yourself” Carly pushed the laptop to him.

Joshua opened the laptop and searched for the news. It was indeed true.

“I refuse to believe it, news can be fake at times” he shook his head.

“So what are you gonna do now?” Carly asked.

“I’ll confirm from the hospital” he replied before standing up and going to take a coat.

“I’ll go with you” Carly said and he nodded.



Joshua got there with Carly, they went to the front desk first to see the receptionist.

“Please, I’m looking for doctor Fae,” he said.

“Good morning Mr, do you have an appointment with her?” The female receptionist asked in a polite tone.

“No but I really need to see her,” he replied.

“I’m sorry you can’t see doctor Fae unless you have an appointment with her then I can let you see her” the receptionist smiled.

Joshua looked at Carly before facing the receptionist again.

“A patient named Olivia Sanchez, do you know anything about her?” He asked and the receptionist began checking her laptop.

“Olivia Sanchez was admitted to his hospital yesterday morning on June 5, 11:25am and died later in the afternoon around June 5, 2:43pm” she said.

Joshua released a sigh and Carly rubbed on his shoulder.

“Thank you” he said to the receptionist in a tiny voice then faced Carly.

“Let’s go outside” he said and Carly nodded.

When they got out, Carly stopped Joshua.

“Are you okay? It’s alright if you want to cry for her, I mean she’s your first love and it’s normal to get affected even if you haven’t..

Carly was talking when Joshua pulled her closer to himself for a hug. She gasped because she was caught off guard but immediately got over it.

“I know she did a lot of bad things to you but It’s alright to mourn for her so you don’t have to keep it in” she said softly.

Joshua nodded and sniffed in.

“I wasn’t even able to make her pay for what she did to me and now, I’ll never have the chance to do that ever again” he muttered.


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