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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



Carly blinked.

So what if she has a new neighbor? What difference would it make with the person and the other neighbors she had?

She shook her head, thinking it’s better if she just mind her business.

Carly opened her room and went in then locked the door.



Carly woke up around 7am, she did her little prayer, brushed her teeth, showered and changed before going to the small kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

There was nothing much to eat so Carly decided to go with the leftover cookies from yesterday and a glass of cold milk.

After eating, Carly sighed and wiped her mouth. Another day of dullness but she doesn’t care because to her, the world can still be as beautiful as it is without any color.

She was dressed in her funny combination when she stepped out of the house and she had only taken three steps forward when Joshua opened his door.

He was dressed in his school uniform, a huge sweater so people don’t know that he’s from the big school and a nose mask so people won’t recognize him.

He took two steps forward and paused when he saw the girl at his front.

The first thought that came to his mind was, why is she dressed like that? But he decided not to think too much about it.

He shook his head and went his way.

When he stepped out of the neighborhood, everyone began looking at him and murmuring which made Joshua really scared.

His palms were sweating and his heart was beating really fast as he found his way out of the gate and when he finally stepped out, he released the breath he was holding.

He went to the park where he hid his car, opened it and entered, then he took off his nose mask and released a shaky breath.

He has decided to resume school today not caring about what will happen, they can hit him and call him names however they want but he will still pursue his education.

Joshua nodded at his thoughts before driving off to school.



It’s a big school for rich kids and they don’t give scholarships.

In this school, you can find most celebrities here and Olivia is not excluded.

She did attend this school even up till now but since her career had catapulted to another level, she was given a private class just for herself so anyone can hardly see her.

They only see her in the morning when she arrives and in the afternoon when she’s leaving and she’s always secured with bodyguards.

Joshua once had a private class but after the cheating incident and all, he was kicked out to the normal class where other students picked on him.

Currently some students could be seen roaming about and talking.

At the upper block which was the junior section, Pinky could be seen standing with three friends, four buckets of white pudding were beside them and she kept checking her wrist watch.

“Are you sure Joshua would come today?” Susan, one of Pinky’s friends, asked for the umpteenth time, making Pinky roll her eyes.

“A source said that Joshua’s car was spotted on the street and I guess he must be coming to school so just shut up and watch the fun!!” Pinky snapped and Susan immediately shut her mouth.

Pinky might look fragile but you don’t wanna get her angry.

After some minutes the noise started and it happened from the moment Joshua entered.

?Look it’s Joshua

?He dares to show up

?The cuckquean is here

?He’s really shameless, I thought he would quit this school

?How dare he show up after cheating!

Joshua pressed his lips together, he decided not to mind their mean comments anymore, he was here to study after all.

‘So what if I cheated? Will I be the first guy to cheat?’ Joshua wanted to say this but on second thought, he decided to keep shut.

“I said it!” Pinky clapped happily before facing the girls.

“Get the buckets ready in position” she whispered and the girls carried their buckets.

The moment Pinky saw that Joshua had gotten to the point where she had marked, she nodded at the girls and they all emptied their bucket on Joshua’s head all at once.

The pudding fell from the upper floor straight down to Joshua before he could even take another step.

Joshua looked shocked and the students gasped before starting to laugh.

“Look, it’s heavenly sperm for the great cuckquean!!” One of the students shouted and everyone laughed even more.

They were even taking pics.

Joshua stood on that spot, clenching his fist tight.

He was really angry now.

“Quick, rush downstairs and take some videos so I can post it online” Pinky said to Susan and the other two girls and they immediately went to do as told.

Shane, who just got in with Brad, froze.

“What the..” he muttered while Brad just smiled.

“He deserves it, he is a Ďïčk after all” Brad said.

“You know, it’s not Joshua’s fault that Olivia rejected you” Shane turned to glare at him.

“It’s his fault, he knew that I’ve liked Olivia from the start but still, he stole her from me then betrayed her. So yes Shane, he deserves everything that’s happening to him” Brad yelled and stormed upstairs to his classroom.

“Unbelievable” Shane scoffed and rushed to block Joshua.

“Tell me guys! Are all these necessary just because he cheated? Are you guys trying to tell me that you’ve never cheated on your girlfriends before?? Girls, have any of you never cheated on your boyfriend before??” Shane yelled out.

The students began booing him.

“Just forget it Shane” Joshua muttered and Shane turned to face him.

He looked at Joshua from head to toes and bit his lips hard.

“I’m sorry about this bruh, here you can take my handkerchief” Shane brought out his napkin and gave it to Joshua who slowly collected it and wiped his face with it.

Teddy, who had been watching from behind, sighed and shook his head.

He guessed that this must be his sister’s hand work so he decided to deal with her later.

The students were still laughing and taking pictures when some loud noise began sounding from outside.

“Everyone Olivia is here, quick let’s go see her before she leaves!!” A girl just ran into the corridor and yelled and like a flash, all the students rushed out of the school hallway including Pinky.

Joshua and Shane were left standing alone when Teddy moved closer to them with his hands in his pocket.

“Hey dude, I’m sorry about my sister’s behavior” he apologized.

“f-__-k off! He doesn’t need your apology” Shane glared at him.

“And I wasn’t talking to you either” Teddy rolled his eyes and left.

Shane scoffed and faced Joshua.

“Let’s just go to class” he held Joshua’s hand and tried pulling him but Joshua didn’t move.

Instead, Joshua yanked his hands off Shane’s grip and stormed out of the hallway.

“Hey Joshua, where are you going?” Shane ran after him.


Joshua got to the school parking lot where various students were taking pictures of Olivia.

Luckily Olivia’s bodyguards were not with her this time, he looked at her from head to toes and she looked good.

She was looking more healthy than before, even more beautiful than before and does this mean she’s using his life as a career move?

Joshua clenched his fist tight and shook his head.

“Not anymore Olivia!, I’m done letting you hurt me” he muttered and walked past the students to go meet her.

?What is the cuckquean doing here?

The students began murmuring and Olivia who was smiling at the camera frowned immediately.

A boy grabbed Joshua by the shoulder before he could reach Olivia but Joshua turned back to him and hit the guy on the face.

The students gasped out and Olivia turned around to start leaving but she only took three steps forward when she felt someone grab her foreman.

She slowly turned back to see Joshua’s angry face.

“We need to talk” he said hardly and without waiting for her to reply he began dragging her out.

“Hey leave Olivia alone!” Pinky rushed towards Joshua and tried grabbing his arms but then Joshua pushed her off.

Pinky staggered backwards and fell, her elbow met hardly with the ground and no one needed to tell her that her bone had just shifted.


Eyaa,, Pinky sorry ehn???

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