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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



Both Carly and David watched Joshua leave in a hurry before Carly turned to face David.

“Who is Selene to Joshua? She must be so important” she asked.

“Of course she is, Selene is Joshua childhood and best female friend, plus he use to have a crush on her when they were still kids, he calls Selene miss beautiful and now that Selene is even more beautiful, I won’t be surprised if he starts developing some crush and feelings for her” David replied with a shrug and continued painting.

“Oh” Carly muttered and looked at David again.

“Will you be happy if you heard Joshua and Selene are dating?” She asked slowly.

David smiled and replied without looking at her.

“Not just me but mom too, I mean Selene is so pretty, she’s like the hottest girl in the world, she’s fleshy in the right place too and she’s diligence which makes her beauty more useful so I’m sure she’ll make a good match for my brother, forget about the age”.

“Oh” Carly muttered again and the scene of when Joshua hugged and complimented Selene at his birthday party came to his mind.

What if he likes her a little?

“Let me tell you a secret Carly” David turned to face Carly who was now looking at him.

“Selene likes Joshua and I’m glad Olivia is out of the picture, I never really liked her when Joshua introduced her as his girlfriend, she wasn’t even pretty, I pray Joshua goes ahead and dates Selene, she has our blessings don’t you think?” He asked with a smile.

Carly angrily stood up and David gave her a confused look.

“All you do is mention Selene Selene Selene!! Maybe you are the one who likes her” she scoffed.

“What?? Me?” David pointed to himself and burst out into laughter.

“If I were Joshua’s age then I would have even forced myself to like her, she’s so pretty but she’s so big for me, I want to start dating short girls” he winked.

Carly eyed him not knowing that he was also referring to her by saying ‘short girls’.

“If she’s so pretty as you claim then why don’t you paint her to your taste then marry her, goodnight!!” She snapped and stormed out of Joshua’s room and went to her own room.

David laughed out.



When Joshua got in, he was surprised to see everywhere messy.

“Selene?” He called and took another step forward. Whitney rushed towards him and he lifted her up.

“Who’s a good dog, yes you are” he rubbed on the dog as he found his way to Selena’s room.

Everywhere was messy and she was on top of her bed, she looked like a mess too.

“Selene” he dropped the dog and moved closer to her then sat on the edge of her bed.

“What happened to you?” He asked and removed some hair from her face.

“I think I have a problem,” she hiccupped.

“What problem?”

“My boyfriend just broke up with me and I’m so guilty about it, I betrayed him” she replied and burst out in tears.

She continued.

“I can’t just take it any longer, I’ve tried my best to forget about everything but I can’t, everything inside me is a mess and I don’t know what to do” she cried to him.

Joshua looked confused because he didn’t know how to console her.

“Calm down Selene, just try to calm down and explain to me what happened” he said.

She wiped her tears and turned to face him.

“I like you a lot Joshua, I can’t just hold it in anymore, I’ve gone on plenty of vacation and dated tons of guys but nothing worked out and I don’t know what to do anymore” she replied to him.

Joshua was tongue tied as he stared at her.

“I know I shouldn’t have called you here for this and I know you said we can’t be together that night at the bar because you liked Olivia and I’ve tried to accept it countless of times but it’s not just working” she continued to sob.

Joshua wanted to bring his hands to touch her shoulder but on a second thought, he dropped it back.

“Listen Selene, we can’t be together” he muttered.

“But why? Is it because you’ll still feel guilty because of Olivia?” She asked.

“No hell no!” He shook his head immediately.

“Don’t I look pretty to you? Or is it because I’m older than you, I just want to know why you can’t give me a little chance” she asked in tears.

“It’s not because you’re not pretty, you know you’re very much beautiful and it’s not because you’re older you know I don’t really mind, in the past when I used to have a crush on you, I really didn’t mind our age Gap” he sighed and looked elsewhere.

“I admit that I did feel a bit attracted to you a little when you came back, because to me you were still like this my childhood friend that’s sparkling, kind and cute and all. Don’t get me wrong Selene, you’re still all of that but you’ve changed. I just couldn’t put you first because I loved Olivia and I feel like, if we are together, it wouldn’t really work out so it’s better we keep our distance for now” he said.

“Please Joshua, if it’s about distance then I’ve tried that a lot, can’t you just find it somewhere in your heart to give a little chance and let’s see where things would go? We aren’t doing anything wrong, we are both single at the moment and you just said you’re attracted to me a little so why don’t we just try this? What are you so afraid of?” She asked in tears.

Joshua let out a little chuckle and faced her.

“I’m not afraid of anything Selene, we are just two different people and we don’t match, I’m afraid of hurting you Selene, I can’t just stay with you even if I want to. We were both criticized for this in the past so let’s keep our distance please” he stood up and tried leaving but Selene stopped him.

Selene stood up too.

“Show me the rules that say a man and woman can’t be together because they were criticized for it. Yes we couldn’t be together in the past because you have a girlfriend and I partly caused the breakup and everything was rough and messy but you’ve seen how Olivia is now, she’s not even worthy of you, if I had known that she would treat you this way then I shouldn’t have let her stay with you, I should have followed my heart and try to take you away from her”.

She paused and sighed before continuing.

“But you’re not longer with her, Olivia and I are not friends and even if we were together then she have no right to criticize us, no one have any right to do so, you find me attractive so why don’t you just give us a chance” she asked and move a bit closer to him to take his hands.

Joshua shook his head and freed his hands off.

“I’m sorry Selene, I believe all I feel for you is just a little admirer, I’m just proud of how beautiful and diligent you are now. We really can’t be together Selene, I’m so sorry and I think it’s better you move far away, maybe you will find someone that’ll make you forget about me, I can’t make you happy and I know that, you deserve way better than me. Good night” After saying that, he turned around and left.

Selene fell on the floor and burst out in tears. How can she ever move on from this, it’s not her fault that she likes him right, she has always kept her distance and try not to come in between his relationship with Olivia. Now they are both currently single, he said he is attracted to her a little but can’t give her a chance because of everything that’s happened.

How is all this her fault? Did she make a mistake by liking someone?



Joshua and Carly trekked to school together.

“You’ve been quiet since last night, is Selene okay?” She asked slowly.

Joshua faced her with a smile and nodded.

“I’m fine you don’t have to worry, go to class I’ll see you later” he replied and without waiting for her reply, he went his own way.

Carly sighed and watched him leave before finding her way to the Juniors block.

‘Why does he look sad, what happened between the both of them?’ she thought as she left.

Joshua got to his locker and opened it to drop his bag, he remembered last night and began pacing out.

Shane was somewhere behind him, walking back and forth and looking like he’s practicing for something in his head.

He finally smiled and moved closer to Joshua.

“Josh” tapped him and Joshua jumped in fright.

He looked back to see Shane and he breathed out.

“Shane, don’t ever scare me in your life ever again” he said with a glare.

“I’m sorry” Shane apologized immediately.

Joshua kept looking at him, waiting for him to say something but Shane didn’t open his mouth.

“Aren’t you at least going to tell me why you called me?” Joshua asked with a sigh.

“I..” Shane muttered and bit his lips hard.

“I have a lot to think of Shane, please don’t add to my headache” Joshua rolled his eyes and closed his locker.

“I like your sister Joshua, please give me your permission to ask her out” Shane spoke out.


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