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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



“You should be thankful that I’m a gentleman and don’t hit girls but please don’t pass your boundaries” Joshua frowned at Sydney who was rubbing her fist that just hit his locker.

Sydney turned to him with anger and made to hit him again but someone held her from behind and she turned to the person then threw a punch at the person’s face.

The students gasped and Sydney turned back to see Teddy who had blood in his nose.

She gasped and wanted to call out to him but couldn’t because they were secret so she could only just give him a sorry look.

Teddy shook his head and walked out in anger and the most annoying part was that she couldn’t run after him.

~ Joshua and Sydney to the principal office I repeat Joshua and Sydney to the principal office~

Sydney squeezed her face and stormed out while Joshua followed from behind.



As expected, Principal Jerry was looking at Joshua.

“No shame! You have no shame, losing everything isn’t enough now you have to start picking up fights with a girl!!” He said angrily.

“Principal Jerry, I started the fight, it’s not Joshua’s fault” Sydney muttered and Joshua stared at her in surprise.

“Are you sure?” Principal Jerry asked her and she nodded.

“I really did,I was just mad that’s why and I’m willing to take any punishments” she replied.

Principal Jerry stared at Joshua before staring back at Sydney.

“Well I’m disappointed that this is from you” he sighed, feeling disappointed.

“I’m so sorry” Sydney muttered and faced Joshua.

“I’m not asking you to forget or forgive me but I’m sorry, it will never happen again” she said slowly.

Principal Jerry tapped his desk,he was hoping it’ll be Joshua’s fault so he’d teach Joshua a lesson but he guessed not.

“Fine then as your punishment, you and Olivia will move back to your special classroom and you Joshua..

“Don’t worry about it Mr Principal, your apology means nothing to me so can I leave now?” Joshua Interrupted principal Jerry.

Principal Jerry nodded and Joshua left then Sydney left too. She didn’t care that she had just apologized to Joshua, Teddy is mad at her and that’s all that matters.



“I’m sad to announce that Olivia and Sydney will no longer be attending this class with us,” Mr Dean announced.

The class began sighing and murmuring to themselves while there was a visible smile lingering on Joshua’s face.

“But why’s that?” Brad asked.

“It’s their punishment for causing a fight,” Mr Dean shrugged.

“But.. but Sydney started the fight, not Olivia!” Brad complained and the class began agreeing with him.

“Olivia is Sydney’s friend so she’ll have to get affected” Mr Dean rolled his eyes and left.

Brad’s facial expression was really ugly now, he stood up and went to Joshua’s table that was behind him then hit his table with force.

“This is all your fault, Olivia won’t be here with us before you!!” He pointed at Joshua’s face.

Joshua wanted to stand up but Teddy beat him. Teddy stood up and faced Brad instead.

“You want a problem from me now?” He asked in an angry tone.

“And last time I remembered, I wasn’t talking to you” Brad replied and Teddy smirked.

“You know if you love Olivia so much then why don’t you go crawl into her Pů$$¥?” He asked with a smile that’s not a smile.

Brad gritted his teeth.

“You bastard!!” He wanted to throw a punch at Teddy but Teddy caught his fist and held it tight.

“You should know that you coming to my desk to make noise means you’re looking for my trouble and you don’t wanna get on my bad side Brad, you don’t want to” Teddy said slowly.

“Are you thr_@tening me?” Brad asked with widened eyes.

“Yes I am and don’t underestimate me because I can be very scary” Teddy smirked.

Brad glared at Teddy and forcefully pulled his fist away Teddy’s grip. He pointed at both Teddy and Joshua before going back to his seat.

Joshua rolled his eyes when Teddy sat down.

“I didn’t need your help, I can defend myself” he muttered

“That’s not a proper way to say thank you” Teddy smiled.

Joshua scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“You know you have a warning card from the Principal, one last mistake means you will be expelled so you need to be careful” Teddy reminded him.

Joshua twitched his lips and nodded. He opened his bag and brought out an ointment then placed it on Teddy’s side.

“Use it for your nose, it looks ugly” he muttered.

Teddy smiled and accepted it.



David kept blocking his face while trying to dodge from everyone. He was putting on an apron and hairnet and was helping the waitress serve food in the cafeteria.

Carly came to him and burst out into laughter immediately.

“Laugh all you want,” David scoffed.

“I’m sorry waiter, I’ll have some chicken salad” Carly smiled and David served her then she left while laughing at him.

David scoffed and continued what he was doing till he felt a familiar energy in front of him.

He sighed and looked up at Pinky.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“This” she smiled and brought out her phone then took a picture of him.

“Is that all?” David asked with a frown.

“Nope, I’d love to eat some pasta for lunch” she said with a cute smile.

David nodded and served her what she ordered.

“Take it and get out,” he said harshly.

Pinky collected it and turned around, she took two steps forward before coming back to him.

“Bon Appétit” she smiled and threw everything on the floor.


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