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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



Carly didn’t care that she had just hurt someone, instead she went ahead and began scolding Pinky.

“First you smacked my phone and next thing you hurt my brother! Who gave you the right to do that!?” She yelled as she looked down at Pinky.

David was surprised that Carly defended him and even called him her brother in public but didn’t say anything.

Pinky glared at Carly, she tried standing up but her legs were hurting so much.

“What’s going on here?” A teacher asked from behind and everywhere turned quiet.

“Isn’t it obvious, she hurt me!” Pinky pointed at Carly.

“That’s because you started it first!” Carly snapped at her.

“You know what? The both of you follow me to the principal’s office” the teacher sighed and crossed her arms under her Břě@šť.

Carly wanted to leave but David held her back.

“I was part of the fight, I’ll go with her,” he said.

“Wh@ťěver, just come with me, all of you!” The teacher rolled her eyes and left.

Carly followed her and David turned back to glare at Pinky before going after Carly.

Pinky hissed and sat on the floor.



Principal Jerry let out a sigh and a teacher brought Pinky and two students to his office.

“What did they do this time?” He asked with a tired look.

“Fighting” the teacher replied.

“Principal Jerry, I didn’t mean to start a fight I..

“Cut it!!” Principal Jerry cut Pinky off with a glare. He knows about her strong attitude so he didn’t bother listening to her excuse.

He faced Carly who looked down.

“Why did you start a fight?” He asked.

“I didn’t mean to push her, she smacked my phone then she hit my brother” Carly replied.

“He’s not your brother” Pinky rolled her eyes.

“And who are you to decide that?” David asked with a glare.

Principal Jerry hit his fist on the table then took his attention to Pinky.

“Why were you hitting him?” He asked her.

“Because he was embarrassing me” Pinky replied and stubbornly crossed her arms under her Břě@šť.

“And why was he doing that?” Principal Jerry asked.

“Yes Pink head, tell him what I did that” David said with a smile.

Pinky blinked uncomfortably and looked elsewhere.

“You have nothing to say?” Principal Jerry asked.

“It’s personal, it was between me and my brother and I don’t think it concerns him so I wonder why he had to bring it to the public” Pinky replied.

Principal Jerry looked at David who was looking elsewhere. When David noticed the kind of look he was getting, he looked at principal Jerry and said.

“What? She was offending someone I care about so I wanted revenge”.

Principal Jerry sighed and covered his face with his palms.

“I’ll just give the three of you different punishments. Carly you’re getting detention, David you’ll get to serve as a waiter in the cafeteria tomorrow and Pinky community service” he said.

“But my leg!” Pinky complained.

“Community service when you’ve recovered” he said and shooed them off with his hands.


“I’m so angry with you, do you know that?” David said to Carly as they came out of the principal’s office together.

Carly rolled her eyes.

“You’ve been angry with me since the past two days so nothing new”

David grabbed her forearm and made her face him.

“What?” She asked angrily.

“How could you allow yourself to get detention? You’re just a new student and now you’ve painted your name because of me when you know we are fighting!” He ignored her angry face and asked his own question.

“If we were fighting, why did you protect me?” She asked back.

David didn’t reply, he just pulled her for a tight hug.

Carly was taking back at first but then smiled and brought her hands to pat his back.

“I knew you can’t get mad at me for long” she said happily and David pulled away from the hug.

He gave her a flick of the forehead.

“Ouch!” Carly winced and rubbed on the spot.

“That’s to pay back for what you and Joshua did to me and yes I don’t forget things easily” he smiled.

Someone began clapping from behind and they both turned to see Pinky who had a smirk on her face.

“What a good bond from brother and sister” she said with a smirk.

David twitched his lips but didn’t say anything.

“I will make the both of you pay, mark my words” she scoffed and walked past them.

“Just ignore her and let’s get to class” David rolled his eyes and left with Carly.



Joshua smiled when he saw Carly coming to him.

“Finally, let’s go home” he stretched his hands out for her to accept.

Carly just looked at his hands but didn’t touch it and Joshua frowned.

“I’m sorry Josh, I got detention today” she said and immediately blocked her ears with her palms.

Joshua dropped his hands and gave her a look.

“Detention?” He asked.

“It was all a girl’s fault, she smacked my phone and was bullying David” Carly immediately explained herself.

“Wait, what color is the girl’s hair?” Joshua asked and Carly’s heart skipped a beat.

“Uhm, I heard her name is Pinky” she immediately replied.

Joshua stared at her and began wondering why she dodged his question but it didn’t last long when he heard the name Pinky.

“So it’s her, okay I can take her bullying me but not you!” He said angrily and made to enter the Juniors Block but Carly held him back.

“Just let it slide okay? She’ll also get to do community service and David got his punishment too” she said with a pleading eye.

Joshua sighed and faced her.

“Carly..” he dragged her name.

“Please” Carly pleaded with him and gave some cute looks which he couldn’t resist.

“Fine but there will be no more reports from you okay?” He said softly.

“I promise,” Carly smiled.

“Come here” Joshua pulled her in for a hug then pulled away and gave her a forehead kiss.

He didn’t notice Carly blushed a bit.

“Take care of yourself and don’t bother coming to the dog house, just wait for me at home okay” he cupped her cheeks.

Carly nodded again and Joshua tapped her cheeks before leaving.

Carly smiled and rubbed her forehead.



“Mom,you know Carly got detention today” David said as he came to join Evelyn who was sitting on the couch with her eyes glued to the TV.

“Who? Joshua’s ‘baby sis’ ” Evelyn did an air quote with her hands when she asked.

“Yes, her,” David replied.

“I knew she was not who she was trying to be in front of me” Evelyn scoffed.

“No mom, Carly is a good girl, she did what she did to protect me because I was being bullied” David immediately corrected his mother.

Evelyn turned to face him immediately.

“You were bullied, where? Were you hurt?” She cupped his cheeks and shook his face.

“No I wasn’t mom, quit it!” David pushed his mom’s hand away.

“And I could have kicked the àss of that bully thrice if the bully wasn’t a girl” he scoffed.

“A girl bullied you?” Evelyn asked.

“Yes mom and she’s not just a normal girl, she’s a psychiatric patient. She’s that girl with pink hair that’s been after brother” he snorted.

“That pink haired girl?” Evelyn asked and David nodded.

“I know her mother and I’ll talk to her mother” Evelyn scoffed and David rested his head on his mom’s shoulder.

“It’s not a crime to h@ťě a girl is it?” He asked slowly.

“It is only jerks who h@ťě girls but if that pink hair is the one you h@ťě then it’s not a crime because I h@ťě her too” Evelyn replied and David smiled.



“I think we should just go back to our normal class, staying in the same place with Joshua will do you no good” Sydney said to Olivia who was looking at Joshua.

Joshua was busy talking to someone on the phone, he was standing in front of his locker.

“I refuse to just go to Sydney, if I do, he’d move on and find someone else!” Olivia complained.

“But it’s better if he does and I think you should do that too. He cheated on you! What idiot is waiting for a cheater!?” Sydney asked angrily.

“It’s not like that, Sydney , it’s just that..

“Livy you’re my friend but I’m gonna call you an idiot. You were crying that night because he cheated on you and now you want him back?” Sydney crossed her arms angrily.

Olivia bit her lips tight.

“You know what? Talking to you is just a waste of time, I’ll talk to him instead” Sydney scoffed and began storming towards Joshua’s locker.

“Sydney” Olivia called out and ruffled her hair.

Sydney got to Joshua and snatched his phone from his hands then threw it on the floor and stepped on it.

Joshua looked down at his phone then at her and the next thing, a slap landed on his face.

“Listen to me you punk!” Sydney started by pointing her fingers at him.

“I want you to leave Olivia alone from now on, do wh@ťěver you need to do and delete yourself out of her mind. If it’s to leave this school then pack your things and get out of here!!” She yelled in his face.

Joshua slowly removed his hands from his cheeks and gave her a look.

“Excuse me?” He asked slowly.

Sydney scoffed and began removing everything from Joshua’s locker and emptying them on the floor.

“I said I want you to leave Olivia alone, don’t you get it!!” She yelled and was about to take another book from her desk when Joshua grabbed her by the forearm and pushed her off his locker.

She staggered but didn’t fall.

“Listen to me! You have no right to tell me shìt!” He said angrily.

“So I’m talking shìt?” Sydney asked and moved closer to him.

“You said I should stay away from Olivia? Who was the one who changed their class?” He asked and Sydney pushed him with anger.

His back crashed on his locker and not just that, their noise drew the attention of other students.

“I’m gonna kick your àss that you won’t be able to walk for three days!” Sydney folded her fist and moved to hit him but he dodged and she hit his locker instead.

Students were starting to bring out their phones. Olivia looked left and right, before moving backwards and running away.


Where mama they run go???

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