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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



“Let her go! I’ll pay” a voice sounded.

Pinky heard that familiar voice and turned back to see a guy putting on a black nose mask, standing behind her with his hands in his pants pocket.

“Let her go, I’ll pay” he moved closer.

The officer refused to release Pinky while the senior officer stepped forward.

“And who are you to her?” The senior officer asked.

The guy removed his mask, revealing his face to be Teddy.

Pinky’s eyes widened but didn’t say anything even though she was frowning within.

“I’m her older brother, please let her go, I’ll pay for her expenses” he replied with a slow smile.

The officers looked at themselves before releasing her.

Pinky came to stand beside Teddy while Teddy brought out his card and gave it to the cashier.

When she collected his card from him, he looked at Pinky and signaled her to go wait for him in the car.

Pinky just glared at him, she didn’t argue but she matched out of the supermarket.

“Listen, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier, I can pay 10% extra if you want” he apologized to the cashier and the watchman.

“It’s not just about the money, it’s her attitude!” The watch man replied and Teddy pressed his lips together.

“As her senior brother, you should teach her how to behave well. That girl is a total spoiled brat and isn’t your grandfather old man Fallon?” The cashier asked.

Teddy didn’t say anything.

“I never knew grandfather Fallon’s grand children could have some bad behavior, if she keeps up like this then she’s going to ruin your family name” the cashier sighed and gave him back his card.

“Don’t worry ma’am, I understand” Teddy smiled at her and walked out.

He got to the car and put on his seatbelt then began driving home.

“How did you know I was there?” Pinky asked but no reply.

He drove with full speed till they got home then Pinky began hitting Teddy’s back with her bag.

“How dare you! What did you gain in trying to embarrass me that way!!” She screamed at him.

“What’s going on?” Daniella (their mom), rushed towards them.

She glared at Teddy.

“What did you do to her this time?” She asked.

“Mom, your daughter is so hellbent on destroying our family’s name, tell her to quit it!” Teddy yelled at his mom and she slapped his face.

“How dare you raise your voice at me! Have you forgotten that I’m still your mother!” She said angrily.

Teddy glared at her and walked past her to his room.

“Mom!” Pinky hugged Daniella and began crying.

“Teddy embarrassed me at the supermarket today” she cried and Daniella just rubbed her back.



“Good night madam Beatrice, Carly and I will just return Whitney back to her house” Joshua said as he waited for Carly to come out with Whitney.

“No problem, you two just be careful and watch the road properly” madam Beatrice smiled and left.

Soon, Carly came out with Whitney while Joshua locked the shop, then they began trekking the road and chatting about together till they got to Whitney’s owners house.

“Carly you’ll knock the door, I’ll hide” he said.

“Why?” Carly asked with fury brows.

“Because I want to surprise her, come on!!” Joshua pushed Carly to the doorstep and hid behind a wall.

‘Her?’ Carly thought as she knocked on the door.

It opened and a familiar blonde hair girl came to view.

Carly’s eyes widened.

“It’s Selene Maxwell!!” She screamed in her head.

“Hi” Selene waved at her and stretched her hands to take the puppy.

“Thank you for taking care of my puppy” she smiled and snuggled on Whitney’s body.

Joshua came out of his hiding place and Selene saw him immediately.

“Joshua!!” She called happily and put the dog down on the floor then went to hug him.

Carly just stared at the both of them.

“I haven’t seen you since you got kicked out of sky company plus you haven’t been picking my calls!” She complained.

“I’m sorry about that, I was just in my low at that point” Joshua smiled slowly.

“You know I was starting to think that you were blaming me for what happened to you, if I haven’t come to Malibu then you and Olivia will still be together and..

“I’m glad you came back!” Joshua cut her off immediately.

“Oh” Selene smiled and arranged some strands of her hair before moving closer to hug him again.

“I feel so happy to see you smiling, I’ve been so worried!” She smiled happily.

Joshua broke the hug and faced Carly.

“You should thank her for that, she made me smile” he said with a smile.

Carly didn’t expect him to say that, she felt her cheek burnt red.

“Oh” Selene smiled and faced Carly.

“You know each other?” She asked.

“We just met recently” Joshua smiled and wrapped his arms around Carly’s shoulder.

“She’s Carly, my baby sis and Carly this is Selene, my childhood friend” he introduced.

Selene didn’t know if she should smile or frown when she saw Joshua’s arms around her shoulder but she just immediately looked into her house.

“I made some extra dinner, why don’t you two come in?” She asked.

“No need Selene,I wanna eat Carly’s dinner again” Joshua replied and raised his eyebrows at Carly.

Selene gave him a look and he chuckled before correcting himself.

“I mean, she’s indebted to me and will cook for me everyday, right?” He shook Carly who just nodded.

“Alright, we’ll be leaving, good night Selene” he smiled at her and left.

Selene watched them till they were out of sight before sighing and looking down.

“Good night Joshua” she muttered and went in then shut her door.



In the Juniors’ block, the students were all watching the video of how Pinky embarrassed herself in the supermarket and were laughing.

Teddy just dropped Pinky to school but didn’t let her come down from his car.

“What is it now you traitor!” She frowned at him.

“I forgot to tell you yesterday but the money I paid was deducted out of your account” he said.

“What!??” Pinky screamed.

“Scream all you want but just have it in mind that all the monthly allowance you’ll receive will enter my account until you balance me back my $30 million” he replied.

“What the hell! You can’t do that!!” Pinky screamed at him.

Teddy smirked.

“What about your promise to me, you said I should spend wh@ťěver I want” she reminded him.

“But I said not to rip me off right? Okay let’s say you spent just a million, balance me my 29 million dollars” he smiled.

Pinky gritted her teeth hard and immediately came down from his car then she picked a stone from the floor and threw it on his windscreen.

Teddy looked at his pieced windscreen then looked back at her.

“29.5 million dollars” he winked and came down then went his own way.

Pinky was already so angry when Susan came to her.

“Pinky, you should see what’s happening now” she said.

“Don’t talk to me you traitor! You left me all alone when I was in trouble and now we are no longer friends!” She scoffed and began leaving.

“Pinky you’re being humiliated, everyone is laughing at you right now!!” Susan shouted behind her.

“What?” Pinky stopped back to look at Susan.

“Somehow the video of you in the supermarket got linked out and now the whole school is watching it” Susan replied.

Pinky gasped and immediately rushed in, she met everyone laughing and pointing at the video.

“All of you, put down your phone!!” She ordered but no one listened to her.

“If y’all don’t want your parents to lose their job then turn off your phone because my family is capable of that!!” She shouted.

Everyone immediately turned off their phone.

Pinky smiled and went to stand in the center of them.

“Now who linked that video! Why didn’t you do it in front of me since you’re such a coward to do it at my back!!” She yelled out.

Carly and David just stepped in together, Carly has been trying to talk to David but he was ignoring her.

Her phone beeped and she checked it, it was the notification of Pinky in the supermarket.

She clicked on it and the video began playing.

Pinky immediately turned to look at Carly, she matched to her in anger and snatched her phone.

“I told you to stop watching it right?” She yelled and threw the phone on the floor and it scattered.

“My phone,” Carly gasped.

David turned to look at it then at Pinky.

“Apologize” he said angrily.

“Over my dead body” Pinky replied and turned to leave but he grabbed her by the forearm.

“I said, apologize!” He repeated.

Pinky forcefully turns to face him then pushes him off her, making sure he falls down.

“David” Carly went to bend beside him and held him up.

“Are you okay?” She asked slowly and David nodded then Carly glared at Pinky.

“I pushed your boyfriend, what are you gonna do about that?” She asked with a smirk.

Carly wanted to move to Pinky but David held her back and made her stand behind him then moved forward.

“I was the one who linked that video and that’s not all, I will make sure it plays all over the billboard so the whole Malibu can watch how shameless you are ” he smiled.

Pinky charged at him immediately and threw her bag on him then moved to grab his collar.

“How dare you!? What did I ever do to you!! How can you be so wicked!?” She yelled and shook him.

“David!” Carly moved in between them and forcefully pushed Pinky off David.

Pinky’s kneel made contact with the floor.

“Arghhhh!!” Pinky screamed in pain.


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