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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema





“Knock knock”

“Knock knock”

Joshua stopped combing his hair when he heard the fast knock on his door.

“Who?” He asked even though he knows it was Carly.

“Open the door Josh, there’s something I have to show you!” He heard her urgent voice and he sighed.

He walked slowly to the door then opened.

“Baby sis good..

Carly showed him the mail letter before he could say good morning.

“Can you please it first? Was it you?” She asked breathing heavily.


“I told you not to bother! I told you to keep your money for something reasonable didn’t I?” She yelled at him in tears.

“Yes you said that and I did a lot of thinking yesterday and I came into conclusion that I must send you to school with the remaining money I have” he said.

“But what if you’re in need of money one day, what will you do?” She asked, more tears came out of her eyes and Joshua wiped it off.

“I still have my mom and brother plus I have the dog sitting house to work so I’ll be fine” he smiled.

Carly still wanted to argue but Joshua pulled her for a hug Instead.

“I want you to come to the school with me Carly, I don’t have much friends apart from you, Shane and David, so please come with me” he pleaded.

Carly didn’t say anything.

“Please, just do me this favor or else I won’t go to school anymore, I will stay here and watch over you in the dog sitting house” he said and Carly immediately pulled away from the hug.

“You won’t do that” she shook her head, disagreeing with his decision.

“You don’t own my mind Carly, I mean wh@ťěver I just said. Go to school or else I won’t go” he replied with a straight face.

Carly grumbled and nodded.

“Fine, since you’ve paid then I won’t stop you but I owe you a lot of money and I will pay back” she muttered.

“You don’t have to, you can pay back my making me good food to eat, see all what mom bought” he pointed at the cooker, pots and some cooking ingredients even a fridge.

“Huh?” Carly looked surprised as she stared at them.

“That’s right, you’ll just have to take care of me and promise to be a good sister to me forever, the day you’ll stab my back, I will make your you pay everything back, every single penny” he smirked.

Carly smiled and nodded.


“Good girl, now give me the letter so I can go through it?” Joshua stretched his hands out and Carly gave him the letter.

He went through it and nodded.

“Good, I’ll fix everything and we should get dressed and inform all these to madam Beatrice” he said to her then looked down at the different colour of slippers she was wearing.

“Really?” He asked and her cheeks burnt out of embarrassment.

Joshua just chuckled and shook his head before going to sit on the couch so he could get over with her school process while Carly nodded before going to see all what his mother bought for him.



“Aww I miss you too Raven” Carly rubbed on the dog skin when it jumped on her.

Joshua dropped the two dogs he was holding back on their cage before going to stand beside Carly.

“Let Raven go, let’s go talk to madam Beatrice” he said.

Carly nodded and put Raven down.

“Let’s go” she said.

Joshua nodded and they went to madam Beatrice office.

“Madam” Carly called and Madam Beatrice looked up from the cash she was counting to Carly.

“Joshua and I wanted to talk to you, we would like to make a little shift of our working hours” she said.

“Little shift? Why?” Madam Beatrice asked and Joshua was the one who replied this time.

“You see Carly and I will resume school on Monday so we won’t be able to come here in the morning until 4pm”

Madam Beatrice just shrugged.

“No problem, please take your education seriously, it’s really important” she adviced.

“We will, thank you madam” Carly smiled and she nodded.

“I will go visit the dogs now, I missed them so much” Carly rushed back to the dog room and Joshua was about leaving when Madam Beatrice stopped him.

“Thank you dear, thank you for being so good to Carly” she said.

Joshua turned back to face her.

“She’s a good girl and she’s worthy of my time” he replied with a smile.

“You’re a really brave boy. Despite loosing your music career you’re still here. In this life there’s light and there’s darkness, the darkness can be really rough but you fighting against it just to see the light back will make you stronger than your enemies” she added.

Joshua stared at her for a while, so she knew him all along? He just smiled and nodded before leaving.



“Joshua is here, I saw him walked into the princpal office with a girl” someone just rushed into the school hallway and announced.

The whole students began turning rampered.

“What’s going on?” Brad, who just stepped in with Shane, muttered with a frown seeing how crowded everywhere was.

“Joshua is back” someone replied and he frowned.

“The guts he has to come back. I thought he was gonna leave the school for good!” Brad snorted.

“I don’t know why you still h@ťě Joshua, he’s no longer with Olivia so you can have her now” Shane rolled his eyes as he tilted his head up above the crowds, looking for the sign of Joshua.

“He was just gone for a week and the whole school already miss him” Pinky scoffed as she stepped with Susan.

She was dressed in a while shirt and pink short flare skirt, pink canvas and white long stockings.

“Yeah they miss him but in a bad way” Susan replied.

Pinky smiled and flicked her pink hair from behind.

“You know what, I also miss him, let’s go have a look” she smirked and began moving forward.

Susan chased after her from behind.


“I heard Joshua’s is going to be coming to school today” Sydney said to Olivia in the car.

Olivia shrugged as if she didn’t care but deep down, she felt like seeing him.

“I wanna see what he looks like now since he has lost everything, don’t you?” Sydney asked.

“I don’t”

“Your eye are telling lies Livy, I know you wanna see him so why don’t we just go” Sydney groaned.

“Okay fine I want to see him but I don’t wanna cause a scene” Olivia replied and Sydney just shrugged.

Her phone beeped and she smiled when she saw the message, she began chatting with the person.

Olivia took a quick glance at her and leaned back on the head of her chair.

“I’ve been living with you for some days now and I noticed that you’re always on your phone, chatting and blushing, won’t you at least tell me who he is?”

Sydney smiled and shook her head.

“You’re dating someone famous?” Olivia asked.

“Sort of but we perfect to keep it down so I’ll tell you when it’s time” Sydney replied.

“But I’m your best friend..

Olivia was talking when the driver got to the school.

“Thank you, can you please ride us to the gate of the school hallway entrance?” She asked and the driver nodded.

He turned back a bit and began driving towards the gate of the school hallway entrance.

“Joshua is coming, Joshua is coming!!” Another person rushed in to announce and the crowd multiplied even more when they saw the sight of him.


Patiently waiting for more dramas ??

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