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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema




Shane was standing outside Joshua’s ward as he was waiting for the doctor to come out.

When the police arrived, Joshua had already passed out due to all the beatings he received, the police arrested most of the fans while few of them escaped and pinky was not lucky this time.

It’s been two months since this Olivia and Joshua’s breakup incident happened and people started putting their intrest on them when Olivia released her very first heartbreak song titled “Liar”

The song got over 3 billon views in just two days on Spotify and two days later, the picture of Joshua and Selene kissing openly at a clubhouse came out and that was how it all started.

The fans and public all them into conclusion that Joshua cheated on Olivia, Olivia got a lot of interviews but never said anything which made the public more curious about this matter.

A week later, Selene fell ill so Joshua went to see her at the hospital, he took pictures with her then posted it on his Instagram account. It was tagged, Get well soon ( puppy eyes emoji )

Immediately Joshua began loosing followers, mean comments and mean messages, he lost over 2 million followers in just a day and not just that, people began making ugly videos of him and saying that they would ki|| him if they find him anywhere, funny enough, those videos were having millions of views with people agreeing to ki|| him.

Joshua thought it was an empty thr_@t until three weeks later, he went to a Supermarket to get something thinking everything was normal but he didn’t know that Olivia fans were they, they saw him and they gave him the beatings of his life.

Joshua spent five days in the hospital, he almost lost his life but survived until Olivia released another heartbreak song titled “Flower and the beast”

The song was about him, taking her virginity and dumping her for an older girl, that night Joshua was coming back home and was surprised to see that the fans were at his house, scattering and trashing everywhere.

He was surprised but couldn’t do anything other than to run for his dear life and finally he got a new apartment for himself since his mom and dad went for a business trip.

Olivia was called to perform at the Starlight contest, she sang her song, flower and the beast and she burst into tears on stage which was another big news again.

The fans saw how hurt Olivia was so they decided to come for Joshua again which was now where they had located his new house and had beaten him up again.

Shane sighed and shook his head, he just wonders why Olivia won’t let Joshua rest. Even though Joshua acted like a Ďïčk by cheating on her but as a human, this was too much for him.

Shane thoughts got interrupted when the doctor came out of Joshua’s ward.

“Doc, how’s he now?” Shane asked.

The doctor removed his glasses and let out a low smile.

“He’s fine now and he’s awake but he has some internal and external injuries” the doctor replied.

“Oh, I’ll see him now” Shane said and when the doctor nodded, Shane went to Joshua’s ward.

He saw Joshua lying on the hospital bed and looking up at the ceiling.

“Bruh, how’s are you feeling now?” Shane asked, going to sit on the stool that was beside him.

Joshua didn’t look at Shane, he kept looking up at the ceiling.

“Shane do you think I deserve all these?” He asked after a while of being silent.

“No and yes, you shouldn’t have cheated on Olivia you know, she was a such a sweet girl” Shane replied and Joshua swallowed painfully.

Everyone thinks he cheated on Olivia but the truth was that he didn’t.

He has been trying to tell Shane that he never cheated but Shane wasn’t ready to listen yet so he decided not to talk about it anymore.

Let them keep thinking that he’s a cheat or maybe he should just cheat so he won’t be suffering for nothing.



Pinky kept puffing her face stubbornly as she sat on the ground with her legs folded on eachother.

She doesn’t see the reason why the police arrested her because to her, she was fighting for women’s rights.

Girls are human with feelings so they deserved to be respected, why must guys always cheat on them and break their heart!?

If she was the one that this happened to them she wouldn’t have react too much about it but it was Olivia.

She doesn’t joke with Olivia and everyone knows that.

While squeezing her face, a female police officer came to open the bar for her.

“Miss Pinky Fallon, you’re lucky that your brother came to bail you out today. Get out of here and never do anything that’ll make you come here again” the officer pointed the exist and Pinky stood up with a scoff.

She dusted her trousers and rolled her eyes.

“And the next time you talk to me rudely, I’ll tell my father to burn down this pathetic place” she huffed and walked out.

The female official rolled her eyes.

“Such a physco” the officer muttered.

When Pinky got out, she met a blue car waiting for her outside and a huge smile appeared on her face.

She jugged to the car and knocked on it then the glass whined down, exposing an attractive looking boy with pink glossy lips.

He was chewing on a gumball and facing the road with an angry face.

“Teddy” Pinky waved at her eighteen years old senior brother with a wide smile and without looking at her, he opened the car.

Pinky entered, she closed it and fixed in her seatbelt then faced him happily.

“Teddy!!” She pouted and held his arms.

“I’m so angry at you, why did you come to bail me out this evening, why didn’t you come since morning?” Pinky looked at him with a frown.

She had spent ten hours in jail, they arrested her around 8am and now it’s 6pm, she felt really tired, dirty and sticky.

Teddy didn’t reply her, he just pooped on his gumball and began driving.

“Why did you come this late brother! If you don’t reply me, I will make sure we have an accident” she thr_@tened but he still didn’t reply.

Pinky smirked and next thing, she blocked his eyes with her palms.

Teddy lost focus on driving but immediately regained himself.

“f-__-k” Teddy cursed and stopped driving immediately, he removed her palms from his eyes then used his hands to hit her head hard.

“Ouch!” Pinky squeezed her face like she wanted to cry.

“You’re such a psycho! I know Joshua is a Ďïčk but must you interfere?” He scolded.

“But Olivia cried..

“Shut up!” He cut her off by hitting her head again.

“Ahh” Pinky cried and Teddy glared at her.

“Do you want me to report your behavior to Grandpa?” He asked and Pinky shook her head immediately.

Teddy scoffed and opened the tiny locker in his car then brought out a bunny face mask.

He handed it to her and she slowly collected it.

“What do you want me to do with it?” She asked while squeezing her face really hard.

“Cover your face with it and don’t talk to me till we get home” he replied.

Pinky pouted and brought the mask to her face then Teddy resumed driving.


Am I the only one who thinks that Pinky is a cute psycho??

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