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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Intertwined Souls… )


By Authoress Rhema



“As a dog sitter, is this what you do everyday?” Joshua asked as Carly and him were walking down the street with Friva, they were going to Friva’s owner’s house.

“Well Friva’s master paid an extra fee to bring Friva back to her house so I will have to do it” Carly shrugged.

Friva did nothing other than pant as she walked with them.

“So if I wasn’t here with you today, you will go by yourself by this time without a transport?” He asked and Carly nodded with a shrug.

“Wasn’t that why I was paid” she replied.

“Gosh you’re so naive, you’re a beautiful girl Carly and anything can happen, this world isn’t save for anyone so you should try to be careful. From now on you won’t be trekking alone if I’m not here. You must take transport,if you find have money you can call me and I will give you, that’s why we are friends right?” He said but no reply.

He stopped and turned to see Carly standing a bit far behind him, looking lost in her thoughts.

“Carly!!” He called and she immediately shook her head back to earth.

“Hmm?” She replied.

“Why are you standing there, come on” he called out and she ran to him immediately.

She kinda got lost when he called her beautiful earlier. No one has ever said that to her instead they would laugh at her dressing styles.

“You’re also a thinker too? Gosh!!!!” Joshua slapped his forehead and she took her lips in.

“Carly” he called and she looked at him.

“I’m glad I found you on time, you’re so little and naive and I’m here to save you little sis” he smiled.

“Little sis?” She repeated.

“I want you to be more than a friend to me, will you?” He asked.

“Huh?” Carly asked again.

“I have a junior brother, I won’t mind having a junior sister too so will you?” He asked with some sparkles in his eyes.

Carly was silent, she feels like she doesn’t want this and doesn’t know why.

Joshua noticed that look on her face and let out a sad sigh.

“It’s okay, forget about what I said let’s go” he muttered and began leaving.

Carly pressed her lips together and followed him from behind.

The remaining walk to Friva’s owner’s house was silent, it took them fifteen more minutes to get there.

Carly knocked on the door and it opened, a woman putting on a huge tee with glasses was revealed.

Friva escaped Joshua’s hand and rushed to jump on her.

“Oh good girl, you miss me” the woman carried Friva up and began ruffling her skin then her eyes fell on Joshua and it widened.

“Oh m gee!! It’s Joshua the cuckquean!!” She shouted and Joshua tried blocking his face.

Her door opened more widely and it seems like her siblings came to take a look.

“It’s the cuckquean”

“Where’s my phone let me take a pic”

“What’s he doing with her”

They began leaving mean comments and Joshua ran away.

“Hey!” Carly wanted to go after him but Friva’s owner held her by the forearm.

“Carly what are you doing with him? Gosh I’ve always known you were too innocent, please don’t go near him or he’d break you” she said with concerned in her eyes.

Carly yanked her hands of the woman’s grip and glared at her.

“He’s my friend and you don’t get to decide for me!” She snapped and rushed out too.

The woman turned back to her siblings.

“Did any of you guys take some pictures?” She asked and they nodded.

“Cool, let’s go make some tiktok videos and get many views!!” She jeered and closed her door.



“Joshua’s where are you?”

Carly kept calling his name as she searched for him around the street.

“Where did he go? I hope he didn’t hurt himself” she muttered and sighed out.

She decided to go home, maybe might be there and she continued her journey alone.

When she got home, her neighbors weren’t outside and there was only one person sitting on the long bench outside with his face buried on his knees.

“Joshua” she walked up to him but he didn’t raise his head up.

She sat beside him and slowly brought her hands to his back.

“Are you sad?” She asked slowly but he didn’t reply.

“Will you be happy if I agree to become your kid sis?” She asked again and he raised his head up to look at her face.

His eyes were a bit red and misty.

“Huh? Your eyes? Were you cryin…” She didn’t complete what she wanted to ask when he pulled her closer to himself and hugged her tight.

Carly was shocked, this would be the first time she would hug someone- a guy.

“Tell me the truth Carly, what do you really see me as?” He asked slowly.

“A friend” she replied.

“Are you sure you don’t h@ťě me secretly?” He asked and she chuckled.

“I grew up never to h@ťě people for no reason, why will I h@ťě you for something I’m not even sure off” she rolled her eyes.

Joshua smiled and Carly brought her hands his hair to rub it gently but at the first rub, some of his hair pulled out.

She immediately pulled away from the hug and Joshua gave her a confused look.

“Your hair” she showed him.

Joshua collected it from her and smiled slowly.

“Why are you loosing hair?” She asked with some unhidden worries flashing through her eyes and he shook his head slowly.

“It’s nothing”

“It’s not nothing, you should go to the hospital and explain this to the doctors, what if it’s serious?” She stood up.

“Carly it’s nothing” he insisted.

“You asked me to be your kids sis now tell me who would want to see their big brother like this, will you go to the hospital for me?” She asked, making puppy eyes at him even though he wasn’t looking at her.

Joshua sighed and nodded then she smiled.

“Get up and let’s go in, have you eaten?” She asked pulling him up from the bench.

“I should be asking you that” he chuckled as he went in with her.



Evelyn stepped down from her car and pulled David out.

“Mom I told you, I don’t wanna go to this school!!” David whined as she dragged him to the principal’s office.

“Not another word from you!” Evelyn snapped at him and he grumbled.

“Fine I won’t say anything but if I see Olivia or that pink head that’s always causing problem for my brother then I won’t take it easy with them!” He warned but Evelyn ignored him.

They got to the principal office, David sat on the couch while Evelyn discussed with the principal and at the end, David was given his locker room and uniform.

“Behave yourself David and I will not be hearing any report from you” Evelyn said as she came out of the principal’s office with David.

“I know you can go” David rolled his eyes.

“Fine, kiss or hug?” She asked and David pecked her on the cheeks.

He waved at her as she entered her car and drove off then he went in.

No one in the school recognized his presence as he walked through the hallway and that was because they were busy talking about his brother.

?Joshua was spotted with a young girl yesterday.

? Right I saw the news.

?Seems like he haven’t learnt his lesson.

?After getting down with Olivia, he went for Selene and now it’s an unknown girl.

The students were throwing out their loud comment which made David confused.

He brought out his phone and scroll through his news field, it was all about Joshua and a girl, their face weren’t clear but anyone will recognize the guy as Joshua.

‘Brother what did you do this time’ David thought as he bit on his lips hard.

“Well I didn’t give him the name “cuckquean” for nothing, he’s just displaying what he truly is” That familiar voice made David to look up.

He saw that Pink hair girl, was it Pinky or wh@ťěver he doesn’t care but he knew she was the president of Olivia’s fan group.

She kept bringing up mean topics about his brother and everyone kept laughing.

David wanted to go to her but on a second thought let him just stay back, it’s his first day and he doesn’t wanna cause trouble.

He watched her make fun of his brother as she left with her crew.

“That Pinko!” He muttered and went to his locker room the change.

After changing to his uniform, he was quite satisfied with how he looked, he styled his long front hair to his side before stepping out.

When he came out, he met to guys walking and he immediately joined them.

“Xup dudes” he smiled.

They looked at him from head to toes.

“You look like you’re new here?” One of them asked

“Hmm” David nodded.

“Your subject combination?” The same guy asked and David told him.

“You’re in our class, I’m Richard and this is my friend Troy” Richard introduced and the guy named Troy waved at David.

“David” David said.

“Cool name, I like your body and hair” Troy smiled, showing off his dimples.

“I love my body and my hair too and I love your dimples” David smiled.

“Thanks” Troy blushed a bit and Richard rolled his eyes.

“He blushes easily, let’s go to class we are having english and Mr Jace h@ťěs it when we are late for his class” Richard said and David nodded, going with them.

They got in and met Mr Jace standing at the front.

“You guys should thank your stars that you came on time if not you wilkt be locked out of my glass!” He said.

Everyone were already looking at David and murmuring about how handsome he looks.

Troy and Richard went to the back to sit while David was still standing at the front of the class and looking at everybody.

“Won’t you give your self an introduction?” Me Jace snapped.

“Geez quit acting like you just divorced your wife, I’m David” David repiled and the students began laughing.

?He’s cool and I think I like him already.


He’s cool and I think I like him already ?

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