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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Carding staggeringly enters the house and sees his mom watching TV.


“You’re the worst mom ever!!!”

“Did something happen?”

“Don’t pretend like you know nothing. When you got pregnant by wedlock, you should have just ki||ed way before I was born, maybe I won’t have come into this world and fell helplessly in love with my stepsister!!” Carding yells at his mom, crying.

“Fall in love with your stepsister? What are you trying to say Carding?”

“You told me that Tessa died way before you met dad and that you both had a one nightstand because the two of you both were drunk. So why did heck is she still alive claiming that Paige is her daughter and Vince is Paige’s Dad!!!”.

“Tessa is still alive, and Paige is her daughter?” Odessa said trying to hide how surprised she was.

“Seems like you knew Tessa had a child for Dad. What’s going on Mom? What really happened 18 years ago” Carding asked crying.

“All I know is Tessa was also pregnant during the time I took in”.

“That means you already knew Dad and Tessa were together and yet you slept with him?”

“I never knew they will be back together after their break-up. And I loved your dad, so I took the opportunity granted to me at that time” Odessa said and more tears falls down Carding’s eyes.

“You should have terminated me back then. You shouldn’t have given birth to me knowing that Vince doesn’t love you!!!”


“You ruined my life mom. Ever since I was a kid, not once have I experienced what it like to have a dad that cares about you. And now that I finally found someone who I love so much, who makes me happy, the reason I keep having a second thought about living, she turns out to be my sister. Do you have any idea how heartbreaking it is? All this while I’ve been loving and kissing my sister, we almost had s*x!!!!”.

“Vince is your Dad Carding and you have to accept the fact that Paige is your sister” Odessa said.

“I rather die than accept Paige as my sister. Is better I end my life than accept that I and Paige are sharing the same dad!!” Carding yells and leaves the house.

“Carding” Odessa said trying to go after Carding, but she stopped and folded her fists angrily.

“Tessa is still alive and Paige is Vince’s little daughter from years ago? How did that happen? No, I can’t let them take Vince from me. Vince is mine!!!”. She shouted insanely.


“Did you find her?” Vince asked Tessa. Both have been searching for Paige, but couldn’t find her.

“No I didn’t” Tessa said and Vince resumes his cry.

“Is surely going to be hard for her to forgive me. And I won’t blame her if she loathes me so much. I did a lot of terrible things to her. I almost strangle my own daughter to death. What kind of a father am I? I couldn’t even have the slightest feelings that I was with my baby Cassandra all this while” Vince said crying.

“But what changed you Vince. The Vince I knew years ago wasn’t this ruthless. What happened to the man I fell in love with?”.

“After I lost you both, life became meaningless to me. And slowly I transferred into a monster. If you and Cassandra are alive now, then who was the woman and the baby whose heads were chopped off years ago” Vince asked with tears falling down his eyes.

“It wasn’t I and Cassandra, Vince. I guess the woman who tried to ki|| me years ago was the one who manipulated everything”.

“A Woman?”

“Yes Vince. I couldn’t see her face that night Cuz she was masked up. After I fell inside the deep ocean, I was rescued by Clark and his late mom, who told me I already spent five years of my life in coma. After I got back to my feet, I began searching for my daughter and in the process of doing so, I found that you had a child with another woman who was also the same age as Cassandra. And thinking about that, I couldn’t go back to you, I just forcus on my architect career and looking for my daughter” Tessa said.

“I’m sorry Tessa. Sorry I didn’t tell you about Odessa getting pregnant before we got married” Vince said with a crying voice and Tessa hugged him.

“What matters now is to win our daughter’s heart and find the woman who tried to ki|| me years ago, Cuz I know she still alive” Tessa said.

Vince hugs her tightly with tears falling down his eyes like rain.

“I missed you so much Tessa. Thank you for coming back to me” Vince said hugging her tightly, crying.



“I wonder where those two ran off too. I can’t find Paige neither can Greg find Carding” Desiree said worriedly.

“Is a bitter pill for them to swallow in just a seconds Desiree. Paige and Carding love each other so much and now they find out that they’re siblings, I’ll go mad if it was me”.

Desiree looks at him. “Are you okay now?” She asked.

“About what?”

“Yunno? Your breakup with Nadia”.

“I’m fine Desiree, I guess she never loved me the way I loved her. I have to forget about her” Bryan said and Desiree smiles.

“Bryan” Nadia said entering the convenience store. Desiree’s face became sad when she saw Nadia.

“And what the heck are you doing here?” Bryan asked.

“Bryan will need to talk. I didn’t mean to break up with you. I only did that so my mom will think we already ended our relationship. You should know I love you and I will never break up with you” Nadia said and Desiree fights back her tears.

“Do I look a robot to you, who doesn’t feel any pains you inflict on me, huh!!” Bryan yells at her.

“Bryan, don’t take it the wrong way” Nadia said.

“And why shouldn’t I Nadia? You ended our relationship and you came back expecting me to embrace you like you never hurt me”.

“I’m sorry Bryan, I didn’t mean to break up with you. Please try to understand”.

“I tried to understand you Nadia, but I can’t anymore. Just like you said earlier, is over between us”.

“Bryan, I’m sorry” Nadia apologize.

“I’m done listening to your stories. Desiree”

“Y-Yes” Desiree stuttered.

“Your Dad is in the restroom, right?” Bryan asked and Desiree nods, Bryan held her hand leaving the convenience store.

“Where’re we going Bryan?” Desiree asked.

“Let’s spend time together” He said leaving the Convenience store with Desiree, still holding her hand.

Nadia broke into tears.

“Who’re you?” Mr. Carlos asked when he came out from the restroom.

“I’m sorry” Nadia said, and leaves the Convenience store, crying.


Nadine’s car pulls into a halt when she enters the parking lot of a hospital.

“So this was the hospital the so-called Rose was adopted” Nadine said. She made inquiries about Rose identity and she got to find out that Rose was adopted by the Wilsons.

“I have to find out what her real identity is, that way uncle Vince will choose me instead of her” She said with a smile; she’s unaware about Paige and Carding being siblings.

“What do you want to know” The doctor asked when Nadine enters his office.

“A certain couple with the family Wilson adopted a child from you years ago, right?” Nadine asked.

“And what does that have to do with you?” The doctor asked and Nadine smiles.

“Who’re the real parents of the baby they adopted years ago. They’re poor, right?” Nadine asked, Cuz Vince is unaware that Rose was adopted by the Wilsons,.

“And why should I tell you?”

“Don’t test my patience doctor. I always have my ways to find out what I want, is just that I want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. And if by chance you gave Rose to them illegally, I’m going to let the world know about it”.

“Are you thr_@tening me” The doctor asked and Nadine laughs.

“Yes I’m. You have won so many awards as one of the best doctors in Chicago, do you want your reputation to be painted black?” Nadine asked and the doctor kept mute.

“Fine. I see you don’t want to tell me. I’ll find out on my own and expose you to the public, if by chance Rose was adopted illegally” Nadine said and tries to leave, but the doctor stopped her.

“Miss, wait”

“Are you going to spilled the bean, Cuz I don’t have the time to play hide and seek”.

“Fine. I’ll tell you”.

“Go on”

“Actually, the baby adopted by the Wilsons was born premature. At that time, Mrs. Wilson’s daughter died after she was born. The couple paid me a huge sum of money to give the premature baby (Rose) to them and handle their deceased baby to Rose’s real Parents”.

“My hospital was at point of going bankrupt, so I had no other choice but to do it. I gave Rose to them (The Wilsons) and gave Rose’s real dad the dead baby, lying to him, that his child was dead” The doctor said.

“Who are Rose’s real Parents then?”

“A certain couple named Helena and Edward Castillo are her real Parents” The doctor said and Nadine’s eyes widened.


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