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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.







Dylan and Rose smiles to each other as they walked together under the dark sky, but the crescent moon made it a little brighter.

“I have a bad feeling” Dylan said.

“About what Dylan?”

“That things didn’t go as we planned. What if Uncle Vince already know Carding and Paige are trying to elope. Your dad and uncle Vince are the founders of driverless cars, right? What if they already know we trick them?” Dylan asked worriedly.

“Well I…..”

Rose was cut short when some cars halted in front of them, and her heart raced in fear, when she saw her Dad.

“Dad” She muttered, holding the hem of Dylan’s jacket, trembling in fear.

“So you tricked I and Vince just so you can be with this Guy?” Mr. Wilson asked, and Rose could see how angry her dad was.

“That’s because I don’t love Carding dad and I don’t want to marry him” Rose said holding Dylan more tightly.

“Let’s go home” Mr. Wilson said.

“I don’t want to go with you” Rose said shaking her head.

“Get her” Mr. Wilson said to his men.

“Dylan don’t let them take me away” Rose said crying.

Dylan tries to hold Rose more tightly, but his brain began to hurt hellishly.

He groans in pains, holding the two sides of his head, falling to the floor.

“Dylan” Rose said trying to touch him, but her dad’s men held her.

“Let go of me!!! Let me go!!!! Dylan!!” Rose screams as she was being taken inside the car.

“Rose” Dylan muttered with multiple pains. His ears and nostrils were producing blood. He couldn’t stand to his feet, because the pains were too much for him to bear.

“Something bad is going to happen to him, he needs to go to the hospital!! let me go, Dylan!!” Rose cries as she was finally taken inside the car.

“Rose” He muffled out her name as he looks at the cars leaving. Dylan tries to stand up, but the pains was too much for him to bear. And when it became more unbearable, he loss consciousness.



“Let go of me!!!! Let me go!!!!” Rose screams as she was being dragged inside the house. Mrs. Wilson stood up from the sofa, seeing the state Rose was.

“Let her go” Mr. Wilson said and the men release their grip from Rose.

Mr. Wilson looks at Rose and gave her a thunderous slap that landed her to the floor.


“Is this how you want to repay me after everything I have done for you. I adopted you, I clothed you and spent billions of dollars just so you can survive from the heart disease that almost ki||ed you, and instead of showing gratitude you, you choose to go against me. How dare you Rose!!!!!” Mr. Wilson yells at her.

Rose stood up to her feet with balls of tears falling down her eyes.

“Then you shouldn’t have adopted me”


“You should’ve have left me right there in the hospital. I didn’t ask you to adopt me, right? You saw me then as a baby and decided to adopt me. I know you gave me the life I have now, but I never asked to be sick, I never wished to have a heart disease, so why’re you pinning the whole blame on me and using me to gain more wealth!!!”.

“You shouldn’t have adopted me 18 years ago. Dying back then is more better than living with a monster like you!!!” Rose yells at him angrily.

“You think I’m a monster? Well I’m going to show you what a monster does to its hosts. Come with me” Mr. Wilson said taking Rose’s hand forcefully.

“Wilson, what are you planning on doing to her?” Mrs. Wilson asked.

“Stay out of this!!!!” Mr. Wilson yells at her.

“Dad you’re hurting me” Rose cries as Mr. Wilson forcefully dragged her upstairs.

He enters inside her room and pushed her inside the wardrobe, locking it from outside.

“Dad, please don’t lock me here, please!!!” Rose screams crying.

“You’re going to stay in there, until I decide to let you out!!”

Mrs. Wilson enters the room and when she heard the banging from the wardrobe, her eyes widened.

“Don’t tell me you lock Rose inside the wardrobe?”

“Well since she is trying to act stubborn, I’m just teaching her some lessons”

“Some lessons? Rose is going to die of suffocation, give me the keys” Mrs. Wilson said

“Try to act stubborn and you will join her in there. I made a mistake listening to you about adopting her. She’s nothing but a disgrace!!!” Mr. Wilson spats and leaves the room.

“Rose, are you all right in there?” Mrs. Wilson asked worriedly.

Rose shakes her head, sobbing in tears.

“Mom, I’m so scared, is so dark in here… Please help me mom” Rose said crying.

“Don’t cry princess, I’ll get you out from there. Just hold on, I’ll be right back” Mrs. Wilson said and leaves.

Rose continues sobbing in tears and remembering how Dylan was in so much pains ealier, made her cry the more.

“Dylan, I hope you’re okay. If something bad happens to you, I won’t be able to live anymore. Please be safe” Rose said crying.



Odessa looks at the unconscious Vince who has already been treated and then to the men.

“Are you saying Carding actually stab him?” Odessa asked looking surprised. Cuz she knows her son so well, he’s the cool and calm kid. An innocent boy who can’t even hurt a fly talk more of hurting a human.

“Yes ma’am. Immediately Paige loss consciousness, he became a tiger and ambuscade us” One of the man said.

Odessa sighs and looks at Vince again.

“What should we do ma’am? Should we go in search of Carding?”.

“No, Let him be for now. You all can leave” Odessa said.

The men bowed to her, and leaves the room.

Odessa sits beside the unconscious Vince on the bed, caressing his face softly.

He made be in his late 40s, but he’s still as handsome like he was 19 years ago when she first saw and fell in love with him.

“Vince” She muttered his name caressing his face. For good 18 years, this will be the first time Odessa will be touching his face and she is using this opportunity to her satisfaction.

“I did a lot of things just so I could be with you, if only you agreed to choose me, I won’t have done what I did years ago” Odessa said caressing his face.

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