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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Maybe I shouldn’t have let them elope. Is just going to cause nothing but trouble for them” Helena said regretting her actions already.

“We just want to make Paige happy Helena” Edward said.

“Even so. I’m still afraid of what that man might to Paige if they get caught. The train to Taiwan takes time to leave, what if they can’t make it before Vince’s men discovers no one is inside that driverless car” Helena said worriedly.

“Let’s hope they will make it to Taiwan before he finds out” Greg said. He couldn’t denie that he was scared of the outcome of allowing Carding and Paige to elope.

The door broke and Vince’s men enters surrounding the whole place.

“Who the heck are you all?” Greg asked and Vince enters.

“Vince Wendell” Greg muttered. Working in his company was how he got to know him

Edward and Helena seeing Carding’s Dad for the first time, could only look at him.

“Where is Carding?” Vince asked.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about” Edward said.

Vince smirks dangerous.

“Don’t test my patience. I asked again Where is Carding and that stupid daughter of yours!!!!” Vince yells at them.

“We don’t know where they’re. I haven’t set my eyes on my daughter since today!!!” Helena yells back.

“Really? Then I guess you all want it the hard way” Vince said. He signals his men and they got hold of them.

“Let me go!!” Greg struggles to break free from the men holding him.

Vince walks up to Edward and points a gun in his forehead.

“Will you start talking if I pull the trigger on him?” Vince asked dangerously.


“Dad!!!! Let go of me!!!” Greg struggles to break free from the men grunting.

“Where is Carding? Where is he and Paige!!” Vince yells with the gun still on Edward’s head.

“We don’t know” Greg said.

Vince smirks and shot Edward’s leg. He groans and falls to the floor.

“Edward!!” Helena screams crying painfully.

“Dad!!! Let me go!!!” Greg screams out as his eyes became wet.

“You all trying to protect Carding means he must be very special to you all. Should I ki|| your precious husband and father before you both will tell me where the heck Carding and Paige are?”

More tears falls down Helena and Greg’s eyes as they look at Edward who was in so much pains and his leg was bleeding furiously.

“It seems like you don’t want to talk, guess I will have to finish him off” Vince said and made to $h00t at Edward but Helena screams;

“Wait!!!! I’m going to tell you, I’m going to tell you where they’re” Helena said crying

“Mom, don’t” Greg said shaking his head.

“Start talking” Vince said with the gun fixed on Edward’s chest.

Helena hicups in tears before speaking.

“Both are at the train station. If you get there on time, you’ll be able to caught up with them before the train going to Taiwan leaves” Helena said.

Vince smirks, before leaving with his men.

“Edward. Are you all right?” She asked crying.

“You shouldn’t have tell them where Carding and Paige are, Helena” Edward said between pains.

“That monster was about to ki|| you. I can’t watch him take your life” Helena said crying

“But still…..” Edward was cut short cuz he fainted.




“Do you think the train left already?” Sabrina asked Angelo.

Angelo looks at the wrist watch and sighs.

“I hope they’ll be able to make it. If they get caught then is over” Angelo said.

“I hope they succeed in eloping together. I really want Paige and Carding to be happy”.

“Me too. Although I wasn’t able to help, but I’m grateful to both Dylan and Rose. They helped out big time” Angelo said and Sabrina looks at him.


“I saw the phone you bought me. You shouldn’t have done that Angelo. I heard iPhones are more costly this days and you went ahead to get me the lastest and trending model of it” Sabrina said.

“Is nothing Rina. I don’t like the crack phone you were using that’s why I got you a new one. I’m ready to do anything for you, always remember that” Angelo said and Sabrina smiles.

“You should go Inside. Seth must be waiting for you” Angelo said.

Sabrina nods and was about opening the car, but she stopped and looks at Angelo.

“I Love you” She said.

“I Love you….. Huh!!” Angelo exclaims after rethinking what Sabrina say.

“Di-did you just say you love me?” He asked curiously and Sabrina nods smiling.

Angelo screams but halted it immediately.

“Can you say it again? I’m not sure if my ears heard you correctly” Angelo said.

Sabrina laughs lightly and cupped his face.

“I love you Angelo”

“Say it again” He said excitedly.

“Are you crazy?” Sabrina asked laughing.

“Yes I’m. I’m crazy in love with you. Say it one more time please” Angelo said demonstrating with a single finger, and his baby face made him cute.

Sabrina smiles.

“I love you Angelo” She said pecking his right cheek.

“Hmmm I don’t like this type of kiss” He said shaking his head like a baby.

“I love you Angelo” Sabrina said pecking his left cheek.

Angelo shakes his head like a baby. “Still don’t like it”

“I love you Angelo” She said and kiss his lips and Angelo smiles satisfactorily.

“I like this one” Angelo said smiling naughtily.

“Bad jerk” Sabrina said and and smiles afterwards.

Angelo held her hand, caressing it softly.

“Thank you so much Rina for accepting me into your life, I promise you, you won’t regret it”.

“I know won’t. Thanks for making realized what love feels like”.

“I love you to the moon and back Rina”

“I love you the sun and…. To the sun and what?” She asked and Angelo laugh.

“Just kiss me” He said pouting his lips.

Sabrina smiles and locked her lips with his.

Their lips went in accordance with each other and they bodies were glued to one another, kissing hotly.



Carding interlock his hands with Paige. Paige looks at him and smiles.

“Let’s start a new together when we arrive in Taiwan” Carding said and Paige nods her head. He kissed her forehead and Paige welcome his soft lips on her forehead.

The train going to Taiwan arrived and both Carding and Paige stood up to leave and a call from Desiree came ringing on her phone.

“Hello Desiree”

“Where’re you?”

“We’re still at the train station. The train going to Taiwan just arrived and is going to take like 10 minutes to get everyone in check”.

“Leave the train station immediately” Desiree said.

“Why Desiree? What’s going on?” Paige asked and Carding looks at her.

“I’m going to explain everything to you later. Just vacate from the premises of the train station. Carding’s dad is on his way there with his men” Desiree said.

“Vince is coming here?” Paige asked and Carding looks at her.

Then they see some men on black suit who were obviously looking for them.

“There they are!!” one of the men shouted pointing at both Carding and Paige.

Carding took Paige’s hand and they took to their heels.

“Get them, don’t let them get away!!!!!” Vince shouted.

The chasing began. Vince’s men kept pushing away people from the road, as they chase after Carding and Paige who were running non-stop, with their hands sticked on each other.

Their heavy breathing could loudly be heard as a result of the run.

Paige stumbled on something making her fall to the ground, hurting her knee in the process.

“Paige are you all right?” Carding asked worriedly trying to help her stand on her feet, but Vince’s men suddenly surround them, with some cars coming from left and right. Carding and Paige were left in the middle.

Vince came out from the car, Carding and Paige held it each other tightly.

“Get Carding” Vince orders.

His men went to where Carding and Paige were, trying to seperate them, but Paige and Carding held each other tightly crying.

“I don’t want to go with you!!!”

“Don’t take him away from me!!!!”

Both said crying holding each other, not letting go of one another.

The men succeeded in pulling Carding away from Paige.

“Let go of me!!!!” Carding yells crying.

“Carding!!!!!” Paige screams crying too.

“Take him inside the car” Vince orders and the men forcefully began taking Carding inside the car.

Paige rushed to Vince crying.

“Please don’t take him away” She pleaded crying, but Vince slaps her so hard on the face.

Paige falls to the ground, hitting her head on a huge stone, and she passed out.

“Paige!!!” Carding screams as more tears falls down from his eyes. As his eyes met with the blood oozing out from her head, rage of anger occupied his brain.

He forcefully free himself from the clutches of the men, sending them flying to different directions. He rushed to where Vince was and punch him so hard to the face.

“How dare you punch…..”

Carding shut him up with another punch, sending Vince to the ground.

“How dare you do that to the girl I love!!!!” Carding shouted punching him endlessly, with rage of anger.

Carding took the knife that was in Vince’s pocket and stabs the knife inside Vince’s stomach thrice.

“Arrghhhh!!” Vince screams out agonizingly.


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