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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Rose bits her lower lip when she brought out her phone and sees is her dad calling. She mustered courage before swiping the green button.

“Where’re you!!!!” Mr. Wilson yells at her over the phone.

Rose bits her lips.

“I just stepped out to get ice cream” She answers.

“Don’t even try to pull a fast one on me Cuz you’re going to regret it”.

“I won’t Dad”

“Come home quickly, and prepare to meet Carding tomorrow, Understood?”

Rose blinks back her tears.

“I do… Dad” She said and ended the call, she cleans her tears before coming down from the car, and on entering the ice cream store, she bumped into Barney.

“Sorry” She said.

“I remember you. You’re the girl from the millennium park, right? The reason why Dylan called off our engagement!!”

“I don’t want any trouble” Rose said trying to walk past her, but Barney grabbed her hair.

“Well I’m so in for trouble, I lost the boy I love because of you!!!” Barney screams pulling Rose’s hair Vigorously.

“Let go of me” Rose cries.

Barney push Rose and just when she was about landing on the floor, Dylan held her.

“What do you think your doing!!!” Dylan yells at Barney.

“Dy…lan “Barney stuttered. With rage of anger, Dylan went to where she was and slapped sence inside her brain.

“Dylan!!” Barney yells holding her cheek.

“Who gave you the right to touch her? Try to hurt her again and I’ll use you as a scientific experiment” Dylan said.

He turns to look at Rose, but she was no longer there. Then he sees her from a distance running.

“Rose” He muttered going after her.

“Rose!!” He calls loudly trying to caught up with her.

“Leave me alone Dylan, I don’t want to talk to you” She said running.

“Just hear me out Rose”.

“I don’t want to Dylan, I don’t want any trouble from your fiancee”.

“Rose I love you” Dylan said and Rose halted from running.

She slowly turns back to look at him. “What did you just say?” She asked. Dylan breathed out, before walking to her.

“I love you”.

“You love me? Then what about your fiancee? Are you trying to say you’re two sided?”

“Of course not Rose. The engagement thing between I and Barney was forced by my parents. I never wanted to be engaged to her neither do I love her. But I have called off her engagement” Dylan said.


“Because I love you Rose. I know we just met recently, but the heart doesn’t need time to love who its wants. You’re the girl I have been waiting for all my life” Dylan said and Rose smiles cutely.

“So you and Barney are no longer together?”

“We were never together Rose Cuz I don’t love her… Aren’t you going to say something?”

“Something like what?” She asked shyly.

“I just said I love you. Don’t you love me too?”

“Well this is my answer” Rose said with a smile. She raised her feet above the ground and kissed Dylan. Dylan smiles, reciprocating to the kiss.

After what seems like an eternity, they broke the kiss, resting their foreheads on each other with a smile on their faces.

“I love you so much Rose”

“I love you too Dylan. But we have a problem. My Dad wants me to get married to Carding. I don’t even know him, I only know his name”.

“Well I know him. He’s my best friend”.

“Your best friend?”

“Yes, but he has a girlfriend who he loves so much. And he won’t agree to get married to you. I guess that’s why his dad had him locked up”.

“What are we going to do then?”.

“I have a plan” He said and Rose looks at him.



“At least force her to eat something. She’s going to die. Paige hasn’t eaten for a week now” Greg said to his mom on the phone as he walks at the corner of the street.

Greg sighs when he heard the response from his mom that Paige locked herself inside her room.

“I’m on my way home, I’ll be there soon” Greg said and ends the call. He pocketed his phone and was about resuming his walking, when he got a call from Velvet. He didn’t want to pick at first, but he didn’t know what push him to.

“Hello Greg” Velvet said over the phone crying.

“Velvet are you all right” He asked. He called her by her name since they weren’t at work.

“No I’m not okay. Someone invaded in my house and tried to ki|| me. I’m so alone and scared” She said crying.

“Don’t panick Velvet, I’ll be there before you know it” Greg said. He ended the call and stopped a cab.


“Velvet!” Greg calls out, rushing inside the room, but his feet halted and his eyes widened when he sees Velvet naked.

“What the heck are you doing?” He said not looking at her.

Velvet went closer to him.

“I’m more Șëx¥ and beautiful than your girlfriend, right? Let’s be together Greg and I’m going to change your life” Velvet said trying to kiss him, but Greg pushed her away.

“What has gotten into you Velvet?”

“You’re the reason why I’m acting this way. I thought you love me, but I discovered you have a girlfriend. Do you know how hurt I was when I found out that ugly Nina was your girlfriend!!!”

“Ugly? You’re the ugly one here!!!”


“You maybe classy and more beautiful than Nina, but she will never stoop so low to go naked in front of a man that’s isn’t her boyfriend”.

“I’m doing this because I love you Greg. I love you!!!”

“Just because you love me doesn’t mean you should go naked in front of me. Why? Were you expecting me to have s*x with you simply because you went naked in front of me”.


“Thanks for the Cinema show, but I’m not interested. It was so stupid for me to come here despite you being so mean to me at work” Greg said and leaves the house.



“What brings you here Greg?” Nina asked after she opened the door for Greg.

Greg sighs and hugs her.

“Is everything okay?” She asked.

“I love you so much Nina” He said and Nina smiles.

“I love you too Greg. Thanks for waiting for me despite how long it took for me to come back to Chicago”.

“And thanks for being the most righteous girl on earth” Greg said. Nina smiles and broke the hug.

“And where is this coming from?”.

“I just realized how lucky I am to have you. You’re so different. You were the first to fall in love with me, but not once did you throw yourself at me”.

“Greg, Did something happen?” Nina asked..

Greg shakes his head with a smile and kiss her.

“Can I spend the night here?”

Nina’s hits his chest playfully. “Just go straight to the point that you want to have s*x with me”.

Greg smiles and kissed her again, hoisting her up.



The door opens and Rose enters the room where Carding was locked up.

“Who’re you?” Carding asked.

“I’m Rose, your wife to be” She said.

“I’m not interested in getting married to you. I have someone I Love”.

“I know. If you didn’t, you won’t have been locked up” Rose said and Carding looks at her.

“Go freshen up, we’re going out” She said.

“I’m not interested in going out with you”.

“I talked to your dad that I’m interested in taking you out and he agreed to it”.

“Are your ears clogged? I don’t want to go out with you!!!” Carding yells at her.

Rose sighs and walks closer to him, bending towards his ear.

“Do you want to see your precious girlfriend or not?” She asked and Carding looks at her.


“My men will go with you” Vince said when Carding dressed up to leave with Rose.

“Alright uncle Vince” Rose said with a smile and leaves with Carding.

“Are you crazy? His men is going to report me to him, if they see me with Paige” Carding said as Rose drives the car

“First of all, I’m not crazy and I won’t come all the way to your house if I and Dylan don’t have a plan B”.


Rose drives inside an alley and another car just like hers enters the road without Vince’s men noticing it, since there were lots of cars on the road.

Carding looks back at the car and then to Rose.

“What just happened? Who’s in that car that look exactly like yours”.

“No one. Is called driverless car. It can ride on it own without being controlled by the driver. Your dad’s men will keep on following that car around Chicago” Rose said.

“Thank you Rose”.

“You’re welcome Carding. Now let’s get you to your princess’s charming” Rose said increasing the speed of the car, Carding smiles.


I’m not in the mood for this Dylan, I just want to go home” Paige said weakly. She hasn’t been herself, since all she did for the past one week is cry without eating.

“Just a minute more Paige. You’re going to like the surprise I have for you” Dylan said.

“The only person I want to see right now is Carding, but I know is impossible, so let me just go home and long for him” Paige said.

She was about leaving, when Rose’s car stopped a distance away from them and Carding came out from the car.

Tears of joy falls down their eyes immediately both set their eyes on each other.



Both said at the same time and ran to meet each other, they met at the middle, hugging each other so tightly as more tears falls down their eyes.

Dylan and Rose looks at each other and stucked hands together for a job well done.


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