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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.







Their lips moist and suppled as they kissed under the rain, and with every seconds that passed, Carding kept pulling her more closer to himself.

Paige deep her hand in his hair, enjoying the sweet flavor of his lips.

They kept turning their hands to the left and right, not ready to break the kiss, and the rain add more sweetest to the kiss.

Both were interrupted by the horn of a vehicle.

“Do you both want to die!!!” The driver screams at them and it was then they realize that they were in the middle of the road kissing.

They pave way for the angry driver to pass and both look at each other smiling, a smile filled with love.

Both found shelter inside a relinquished stall, waiting for the rain to stop.

Carding looks at Paige and her eyes were fixed on the rain. He smiles and slowly interlock his fingers on hers .

Paige looks at him and smiles.

“Where did you wander off to? I was so scared earlier” She said.

“I visited my mom in the hospital to see how she was fairing. And I was looking for a job too” Carding answers.

“Why’re you looking for a job Carding?”

“My mom can’t possibly stay in your house when she wakes up. So I have to work to be able to provide a small place for us to live in, when she wakes up from coma” Carding said.

“Won’t that be hard for you. You have never worked all your life” Paige said.

“I’m living my life as a pauper now, so I should get use to my new life. It won’t be hard to adjust to it”

“And I’m always here to support you” Paige said.

Carding smiles caressing her face.

“I love you so much Paige, very much that words alone can’t describe it” He said with eyes filled with emotions.

“For how long?”


“For how long have you been in love with me? I want to know if I was the one who fell for you first” Paige said.

Carding looks at her and smiles.

“It was the very first day we met, when you lied about owning a car that wasn’t yours”.

And Paige laughs.

“Really? That long?” She said still laughing.

“Yes, I fell for you the very day I saw you” Carding said.

“Then why didn’t you tell me”

“Cuz I didn’t know how you felt about me. You were always acting crazy and I couldn’t detect what you really felt Inside. I didn’t want to get hurt”.

“You aren’t going to get hurt because I feel the same way towards you Carding. I love you” Paige said.

Carding sighs and held her hand, caressing it softly.

“Too bad I’m not the Carding I used to be. But don’t worry Paige, I’m going to work hard to be the perfect boyfriend for you”

“You don’t have to work extreme hard cuz your already perfect for me”.

Carding looks at her and smiles sadly.

“My Dad is the most cruelful person in the world Paige and I….”

Paige cut him short with a light kiss on the lips.

“I know what your trying to say Carding. But don’t worry I won’t let your dad get to me, no matter what happens I’m going to stand for my love for you, and in return you should do the same”.

“I’ll Paige. I wasn’t raised to be disrespectful, but I’m ready to go against my dad just for you Paige. I really really do love you so much”.

“And I love you so much too Carding” Paige said with a smiling face.

Carding caress her lips, before interlocking her lips with his.



“Why did you allow Paige to go out in search for Carding, when is raining?” Edward asked.

Though the rain has stopped, it was just dropping slowly.

“You both should know your daughter is so stubborn. Before I could say a word, she already ran out of the house” Greg said.

“But where could she have gone to? And why is she that worried about Carding?” Helena asked.

Edward and Greg looked at each other.

“Do you both know something that I have no knowledge about?” Helena asked.

“I found out on my own. Paige only told Dad” Greg said.

“Paige told Edward what?” Helena asked.

“She’s in love with Carding”

“What!!!!” Helena screams.

“What’s the shout for mom, Your screaming as if Paige got pregnant” Greg said.

“Why won’t I shout. Have you forgotten who Carding’s Dad is? I may not have met him before, but he’s Vince Wendell, the top 5 richest man here in Chicago” Helena said.

“And so? He doesn’t see Carding as his son remember” Edward said.

“It still doesn’t count Edward. Carding is still his son no matter what. Do you possibly think he’s going to accept Paige as his son’s girlfriend, if by chance they become a couple?” Helena asked.

And then they heard laughing and murmuring sound from outside.

They went to the window to check and they see Carding and Paige in a lovey dovey moment.

Both were tickling and pecking each other.

“Seems like they’re already dating” Greg said.

“Stop kissing me Paige, what if your parents sees us” Carding said smiling, and he won’t deny he was enjoying the kisses.

“Don’t worry about them. They’re sleeping already. Kiss me” Paige said coiling her arms around his neck. Carding smiles and went for her lips.

“And who told you we were sleeping” Helena asked coming out from the house.

Carding quickly broke the kiss.

“Mom, Dad, Greg. You all are still awake?” Paige said rasping her hair, faking a giggle.

Carding kept his face on the ground as he could feel Helen’s face on his.


“Do you love my daughter?” Helena asked, a few seconds later when they were inside the house.

“Yes I do Aunt” Carding reply instantly and Paige blush.

“I didn’t ask you to blush” Helena said looking at Paige and Paige immediately kept a straight face.

“Can you be able to fight for her” Helena asked again.

“Huh?” Carding muttered.

“Your Dad. You might be living with us now, but there’s an assurance that his going to come back for you, and being the daughter of an average family, your dad will never accept Paige as his son’s girlfriend. Can you be able to fight for her when that time comes? Cuz looking at you, I can tell your someone who’s scared of his Dad. I know my daughter so well, she’s crazy, but she’s also someone who gets hurts easily, will you be able to fight for her and not break her heart, just for your Dad?” Helena asked.

Carding looks at Paige and then to Helena.

“I’ll Aunt, if you give me the chance to date her” Carding said and Helena smiles.

“I have no problem with you dating my daughter, The only problem I have is your father, I don’t want our peaceful life to be crumpled, Understood?”

And Carding nods.

“Are you happy with him?” Helena asked directing the question at Paige.

“Yes I’m” Paige answers smiling.

“That settles it then” Helena said.

“You know I already love you as a son, right? The only thing I want from you is to always make my daughter happy. If you make her cry I’ll forget the fact that I cherish you as a son and grill your body into barbecue, deal?”

Carding swallows hard before nodding his head.

“My own is that, don’t get my sister pregnant” Grey said.

“Greg!” Paige halfyells at him.

“What? I’m just protecting my sister. You both aren’t allowed to have s*x yet” Greg said.

“I agree to that too” Edward added.


“Do you want me to tell you both to break up then?”. Edward asked and Paige squeeze her face.

“Look at her face, is obvious she was planning on having s*x with Carding” Greg said.

“I wasn’t!!” Paige yells at him and Greg sticks out his tongue.

Carding was trying so hard not to show how uncomfortable he was, with what they were saying.

“I’ll be going to bed now” Helena said standing up from the couch.

“I’ll go with you love” Edward said wrapping his hand around her shoulder and both left for their room laughing with each other.

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