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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Angelo knocked on Dylan’s door and when he didn’t open up, he went in and met Dylan on the floor crying.

“Are you still on it again?” Angelo asked, cuz he knew why Dylan was crying.

“My parents still blames me for what happened to Desmond, Angelo. And they’re right is all my fault”

Angelo sighs and sits beside him.

“I’ve told you countless times that you aren’t to be blame Dylan. Stop soaking yourself in tears, and let’s find a way to help Carding”.

“Carding? What happened to him?” Dylan asked cleaning his tears.

Angelo heaves and told him everything.

“Is he okay? Where’s he now?” Dylan asked worriedly.

“Apparently he’s at Paige’s house, His Dad took his entire debit cards”

“What? How’s Carding going to survive? He may not have been treated like a son, but he has lived in luxury for 18 good years”.

“I know. And as his best friends, this is where we come in, let’s help him out” Angelo said and Dylan nods.



Carding sighs as he looks around the small room.

“This is going to be hard, but I’m going to try” He muffled looking around.

“You find it uncomfortable right?” Paige asked entering the room.

“No I don’t. Your family let me live here freely, so I should be grateful”.

“You will be sharing this room with my brother. He’s in the night shift at his work place and will be back soon. You will be okay sharing a room with him, right?”

Carding nods with a smile.

“Thank you” He added.

Paige’s eyes met with the injury in his forehead. It wasn’t bleeding, but it had blood circulating on it.

“Come with me”

“Where’re we going?”

“Getting you treated” Paige said and leaves the room holding his hand.


“Ouch” Carding let out a pain.

“Are you eight years old? You can’t even withstand a little pain” Paige said and hits his forehead after patching it.

“Ouch, Paige!!”

Paige giggles.

“It heals faster that way”

“Then you must be a bad doctor”

“Good thing I don’t want to be a doctor, Cuz my patients will all die after five seconds of bringing them to my hospital”.

“Your crazy” Carding said and both laugh.

“Where’re your parents?”

“They’re fond of sleeping early, so they’re already sleeping” Paige said and Carding nods.

He looks around and sees a Ç0çƙroach on the wall.

“Ahhhhhh” He screams and quickly hide behind Paige.

“What’s wrong Carding?”

“Wh.. wh.. what’s a Ç0çƙroach doing in your house” Carding stuttered frighteningly, pointing at the wall.

Paige looks at the Ç0çƙroach and smiles.

“Oh, Is our tenant”

“Te…. What?” Carding asked with widened eyes.

“Tenant. Ç0çƙroaches is commonly found in people’s homes, so don’t faint where you see one inside your shoes”

“Inside my shoe?” Carding asked.

“Yes, or even in the bed”

Carding’s jaw dropped immediately.

“Mom… I’m Dead” He muffled.



“Huh? Carding is living in our house?” Greg asked Paige over the phone, as he came out from the company. He has just finished his night shift.

“I’ll explain everything when your back, he really needs my help” Paige said.

“Really? Or maybe your looking for ways to always have s*x with him”

“Greg! How can you say such a thing? Carding isn’t my boyfriend” Paige said.

“Wh@ťěver. I don’t have a problem with it anyways, Carding is a sweetheart”

Paige smiles.

“Thanks a lot Greg for accepting to share your room with Carding. I love you”

“You love me now simply because I accept sharing a room with your boyfriend”

“He’s not my boyfriend Greg, Should I announce it in the radio station so you can believe me”

“Then what’re you both waiting for, is obvious you both love each other”

“Really? You think he loves me?”Paige asked smiling.

“Since your slow witted figure it out yourself. I’m on my way home we will talk when I’m home” Greg said and ends the call.

A message came from Nina, and he smiles when he sees a picture of her.

“She’s beautiful” Greg muttered smiling.

And then he heard someone grunting. He looked towards where the sound came from and sees Velvet hitting her car fraustratingly.

“Can’t you just work!!!!” She yells at the car, like it could hear her.

Greg chuckles.

“Good for her” He muttered, taking another direction to leave the premises of the company completely, but his feet halted, and he sighs roughing his hair.

“Why do we Castillos don’t have the habit of minding our business” He muffled and turns towards where Velvet was.

“What’s wrong with your car?” He asked and Velvet looks at him.

“Is refusing to start” Surprisedly she answered without being arrogant.

Greg takes a look at the car and face her.

“Your car battery is faulty, Do you have an extra one in your trunk?” He asked.

“I think I do” Velvet said.

She went to her trunk and brought out the car battery. And in no time, Greg fixed the new battery to her car.

“Start your car again, let’s see if is going to work”

Velvet nods.

She enters her, starts the car and it work immediately. A smile escape her lips.

“Is working now” She said smiling.

Greg looks at her and chuckles.

“So you can smile?” He asked and Velvet looks at him.

“Anyways I have to go”

“Thank you” Velvet said, making Greg stopped walking. He turns to look at her.

“Did you just thank me?”

“Yes I did, Thanks for helping me despite always being rude to you”

“Is in our lineage to always help people out, even if is our enemies” Greg said.

“What’s your name? I’m sure you know mine, So is okay for me to know yours, right?”

“Greg” He said and leaves, looking at Nina’s picture as he walks.


Greg send the text to Nina smiling.

Velvet keeps looking at Greg, hoping he turned back to look at her, but he never did.

“Greg. It’s suits his handsome face” Velvet muttered and smiles.


“Good morning Mom” Paige greeted when she came out from her room and sees her mom setting the table for breakfast. She was also ready for school.

“Morning Paige”

Paige smiles and sits down.

“Where’s Dad and Greg?”

“Edward left to get his new shop cleaned up and Greg, he’s helping Nina in finding a saloon”.

“He must love her a lot. His whole life is revolved around her. I hope he loves me the same way”


“Secret” Paige said giggling.

“Stop showing your teeth and call Carding to eat breakfast with us” Helena said.

Paige nods and went to Grey’s room and without knocking, she barge inside the room and Carding was about putting on his boxers.

And he screams loudly on seeing her.

Paige looks backwards and then to him.

“Why’re you screaming? Did you see a ghost?”

“Can’t you see I’m trying to dress up?” Carding said.

Paige’s eyes went to his Ďïčk

“Wow, is so huge. Can I touch it” Paige said trying to touch his Ďïčk. Carding quickly move backward.

“Ar.. Are you crazy!!”

“Don’t be stringy, Lemme just feel its texture” Paige said going more closer to him.

“Don’t come anywhere closer Paige, Don’t” Carding said going backward.

“I just want to touch it” Paige said going more closer to him.

Her feet met with the water on the floor, she slipped and almost use her face to land on the floor, but she quickly grabbed on the nearest thing close to her.

And that was Carding’s Ďïčk

“Arrghhhhhh” Carding screams agonizingly.


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