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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“I’m telling you Barney, that girl is really pissing me off so badly” Nadine ranted.

She was a VC with Barney.

“Just let her be Nadine” Barney said.

“Let her be? I can’t do that Barney. She’s trying to steal Carding from me, She’s even spending more time with Carding than I have”.

“So what do you want to do?” Barney asked.

“I want to hit her where it really hurts. She’s always acting so strong and all that, I want to cut off some of her wings”.

“Then trying finding about her family background. You can use her family being poor against her” Barney said and Nadine smiles.

“Your a genius Barney, I haven’t thought about that yet, Thanks for your idea” Nadine said smiling.

“That’s why we’re friends Nadine. Anyways I have to end the call, the writer of FOREVER YOURS already uploaded few chapters, gotta read it” Barney said.

“Alright Barney, see in school after the weekend, I have lots of photo$h00ts to do, so I can’t hang out with you”

“I understand. If I get bored, I just know the perfect person to lighten it up, No one else but Dylan, he won’t turn me down as long as his parents is involved”.

“That’s why I envy you Barney, anyways goodnight” Nadine said and ended the video call, and she sighs smiling.

“Finally I have a thing on you” Nadine said and smirks.

“What’re you planning on doing to Paige?” Nadia asked.

“Have you been listening to my conversation?”

“No I didn’t, You were just too loud for me to hear your conversation with Barney. Wh@ťěver your planning don’t do it Nadine” Nadia said.

“And who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Huh!!!!” Nadine barks.

“I’m just concerned about you Nadine, Paige is a crazy girl and she won’t let it slide if you mess with her, you don’t own Carding, Nadine”.

And Nadine forcefully grab Nadia’s arm, and she (Nadia) winces in pain.

“You’ve no right to tell me what to do, understood!”

“Let go off me Nadine” Nadia said.

“You may be my twin sister but I h@ťě you so much, and I also know your in love with Carding too”

“What the heck are you saying Nadine? I don’t love Carding”

“I’m sure you do cuz I’ve always seen you secretly looking at someone’s picture, who’s he? Answer me!!”

“Is no one Nadine, let go off me” Nadia said looking scared.

“Listen to me and listen good, Carding is mine, and I’ll do anything just to make sure he’s becomes my boyfriend, I’m going to clear off any weeds that comes in my way, even it means ki||ing you Nadia” Nadine said and pushed Nadia to the floor.

Nadia falls to the floor, hurting her arm.

Nadine hisses and leaves.

Nadia fights back her tears, bearing the pains she was feeling.


Stacey smiles widely as she walked side by side with Angelo.

Since it was weekend, both where at the movie center getting ready to watch a movie together.

“What kind of movie do you like Angelo?” Stacey asked smiling.

“Let’s go with any your choice” Angelo answers checking his wrist watch.

“Romantic movies are my favorite, Should we go with that?” She asked trying to act cute, but too bad, Angelo didn’t notice her cuteness.

“How’s Rina?” He asked.

“She’s fine” Stacey answers faking a smile, the fact that Angelo was asking after Sabrina kinda hurts her.

“Let’s get some popcorn” Stacey said taking him by the hand, but Angelo stylishly removes her hand from his, and Stacey only faked a smile to cover up her sadnesses.

Both got their popcorn and enter the Cinema where a new romantic movie was being shown.

All through the minutes and hours they spent watching the movie, it was as if Stacey was by herself. Angelo for once didn’t talk to her, even when she tried starting a conversation about the movie, he’ll just nod his head.

She even went as far as trying to rest her head on Angelo’s shoulder, but Angelo never gave her the chance to.

“The movie was epic, right?” Stacey asked when they came out from the cinema.

And Angelo just nod.

“Can’t you talk? I’ve been talking to you, but you just keep nodding as if your a lizard” Stacey said trying to hide her pain.

“That’s because I don’t have anything to say…. Since we’re done with the movie, I’ll be going now” Angelo said and tries to leave, but Stacey held his wrist.

“Buy me ice cream, I’m suddenly craving for ice cream” Stacey said.

“Alright” He said and Stacey brighten up.

Both were on their way to get the ice cream when Angelo bumped into Sabrina, and a frown created itself on Stacey’s face


“Angelo… Stacey, What’re you both doing here?” Sabrina asked.

“We came to watch a movie together. What about you Sab? Why’re you here?”

“Actually I got a job as a janitor here in this movie theater” Sabrina said.

“Ain’t you over working yourself? You look tired” Angelo worriedly.

“I’m fine, You both should go ahead” She said with a smile and leaves.

She hasn’t walk five steps away from them, When she fainted.

“Rina!” Angelo call rushing to where she was laying unconscious on the floor.

“Rina, wake up, open your eyes…. Rina!” Angelo said crying.

Stacey stood watching him, speechlessly.



“That was a very nice photo$h00t Nadine, your hot charisma are top notch” The director said.

“Well I’m hoping for the best, So I got to do my best” Nadine said.

She got a call, and looked at the caller, then she face the director.

“I’ll be back” She said and leaves the studio room.

“Hello, Any information about Paige’s family background?” She asked the caller.

“Yes. I found out her Dad is a gril master who sells barbecues at a road side here in Chicago”

“Her Dad is a gril master” Nadine said and smirks.


Edward was selling his barbecues at the road side, and he had a lot of customers since his best as grilling barbecues, when Nadine came down from the car.

? Oh my, is Nadine

? She’s so beautiful in person

Some of Edward’s customers said.

Nadine ignores their comments and went straight to Edward.

“Do you know your selling your good for nothing barbecues on my godfather’s property?”


“This is my godfather”s property and your making income from it without her permission” Nadine flicks her hand, and few men came out from her car, and began scattering everything Edward owns, including his grilling machine, the cats fishes, the barbecues and some many more.

Edward tried to stop them, but they were more powerful than him.

And people available were already taking videos of everything happening.

“Make sure you destroy everything, his a criminal” Nadine said smiling wickedly.

“You all should stop, please” Edward begs.

But the men were not ready to stop, they kept matching and destroying the fishes.

And it was really bringing shame to Edward, seeing how people were looking and taking pictures of him.

Carding’s car pulls into a halt, when he sees the scence going on. He was actually going to Paige’s house so they could go on a picnic together.

“What’s going on here?” He asked.

“Carding” Nadine said rushing to him.

Carding looks around and sees Edward’s things that were destroyed and seeing how the man who treated like a son was in pains, he angrily face Nadine.

“Did you do this? Did you ask these man to destroy his things?”

“Yes I did, he’s invading in a property that doesn’t belong to…..”

Nadine was cut short by a resounding slap from Carding.

“Carding” Nadine said holding her cheek looking surprised.

“How dare you Nadine? How dare you treat Paige’s dad like a cabbage when this place actually belong to my Dad!!” Carding yells.

“But your dad favors me, I was just protecting his….”

Carding cut her short with another slap and she falls to the floor.


“I’ve been putting up with your crazy act, but not this one Nadine” Carding said and face the men.

“If you don’t want me to turn into barbecues, Disappear from my sight this instant!!”

And the men quickly leaves.

“Now start picking up everything they destroyed” Carding said to Nadine.

And Nadine could feel people’s phones on her.

“Carding, I’m a model, I can’t be seen picking up trash” Nadine said.

“Then you should have thought about that before trying to disgrace an elderly man old enough to be your Dad”.

“I won’t do it”

And Carding slaps her again.

“Carding!” She screams holding the both sides of her cheeks, that has Carding’s finger prints on it.

“Start picking everything up or I’m going to do something worst than just a slap, I don’t care if we’re childhood friend, Now!!!” He yells at her.

And Nadine began picking up everything her men destroyed.

Carding face some of the people available.

“You can take as many videos as you want, your also free to upload it on the internet and write under it, Hashtag popular model, Nadine McDonald gone mad”


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