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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.








Carding had his eyes closed, as he listened to a song from his headphone, waiting for classes to begin. Dylan and Angelo enters the lounge in a rush and Carding takes off his headphone on seeing them.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Why didn’t you tell us Paige is a Kung Fu Panda?” Dylan asked.

“Kung Fu Panda? Where’s that coming from?” Carding asked.

“Paige isn’t just crazy but knows judo so well, Do you know she beat up fatty and his friends?” Angelo said.

“Paige beat up fatty and his friends?” Carding asked with unbelievable eyes.

“Yes she did, it was uploaded in the school’s blog, that’s how we knew about it” Dylan said.

Carding quickly takes his phone and enters the school’s blog, and his eyes widened when she sees Paige fighting, and also students paving way for her.

“Where’s she?” Carding asked.

“Since is her first day in school as a student, she’ll be in the principal’s office” Angelo said and Carding quickly leaves.

“She’s so good” Dylan said watching the video with Angelo.

“So so good, I can’t even throw a punch like she does” Angelo answers.

“Should we tell her to teach us?” Dylan asked, and Angelo looks at him.

“I think you should concentrate more on your fiancee”.

“Don’t even bring that up Angelo, You and know I h@ťě Barney so much, am only engaged to her cos my parents wanted me to” Dylan said.

“How’s the night classes going?” Angelo asked changing the subject.

Dylan sighs.

“Is fraustrating…. Taking art lectures in the morning and science lectures at night always spins my brain, my life sucks alot… Am engaged to a girl I don’t love, and I have to take medical lessons at night just so I can prepare for medical college, when the real truth is that I want to be a lawyer… I wish my big brother didn’t die, guess I won’t have been force by my parents to study medicine and surgery after high school” Dylan said and Angelo pats him.

Dylan let out a slight smile.

Angelo’s phone buzzed and when he checked the message, it was a message from his Mom


Angelo sighs and pocketed his phone.

“Is everything alright?” Dylan asked.

“My mom wants me back home”

“Are your Dad and Mom back?”

“Seems like it, tell Carding I’ll see him in school tomorrow” Angelo said.

And Dylan nods, Angelo takes his backpack and leaves the lounge.



Paige’s eyes were fixed on the principal’s phone, as she watch the scence she made ealier, Desiree was also with her.

“Wow, that’s so impressive Paige” Desiree said smiling.

“Are you nut?” Principal James asked, directing the question to Desiree.

“No I’m not” Desiree answers.

“So why will you call what she did ealier impressed, is her first day in Empire High, and she did this, what more if she spend more days here, she’s definitely going to send the entire students to the hospital or even the morgue”.

“Those amateur Agric fowls should thank their stars it wasn’t me… Cos I’d break their heads” Desiree said.

“I was planning on doing that, but I just had to control myself” Paige said.

“You should have done it Paige, or better still less their fatness with needle”

“Your right, I should have indeed less their body fat, maybe they would have become skeletons by now” Paige said.

“That’s true, or better still become the tiny rope Inside a wire”

Principal James hits the table and Desiree and Paige looks at him.

“Do you both realize your on scholarship and it can be rescinded if you show off silly behaviors?” Principal James asked.

“Simply because we’re on scholarship doesn’t mean we should let those who’re in the school because of their reputation bully us, I’d send them to a morgue if they try to act like spoilt brats” Desiree said.

“High five” Paige said and both she and Desiree hits hands together, looking at the principal.

Principal James was about saying another word, when the door opened and Carding enters.

“Carding” Principal James calls, standing up to his feet.

“Are you by chance scolding Paige?” He asked.

“Of course not Carding, I was just giving her guidelines on how the school runs” Principal James said, Desiree and Paige looks at each other.

“Don’t worry I’ll do the teaching myself” Carding said.

He takes Paige’s hand and leaves the office, Desiree also followed suit.

“Are you all right?” Carding asked looking worried.

“Yes, I’m fine”

“Did you have to fight with those fat fools?” Carding asked.

“And what about you Carding? Why’re you turning a blind eye to the happenings of this school? Even if students are here on scholarship that doesn’t grantee the rich students to bully them, Why can’t you do anything about it?” Paige asked.

“Your here now, You can make things right” Carding said and both look at each other with non of them trying to break the staring.

Desiree intentionally coughed and that made them stop looking at each other.

“I’m Desiree, Paige’s best friend” Desiree introduce smiling.

Carding looks at her before speaking.

“I’m Carding”

“I already know that, Everyone knows you” Desiree said smiling.

Carding nods and looks at Paige.

“Are your sure your alright? You didn’t get hurt, right?” He asked.

“No I didn’t, they didn’t get the slightest bit of chance to get to me, so am more than fine” Paige answers.

“That’s a relief then” Carding muttered.

“Paige, let’s go and meet our homeroom teacher, so we can get the keys to our locker” Desiree said holding Paige’s hand.

“See you later in class Carding” Paige said and Carding nods smiling.

And Carding continues looking at her, still she took the other direction leading to the staffroom.

“Carding” Dylan called, approaching him.

“Oh Dylan, Where’s Angelo?”

“He got a call from home, His Parent are back” Dylan answers.

“Will he be okay?” Carding asked worriedly.

“I’m sure he’ll, we’ll call him after class, is already time for the first lecture, we should go to class” Dylan said.

Carding sighs and both went to class.


“Your necklace look so beautiful Barney” Nadine said admiring her silver sparkling necklace.

Barney smiles.

“Dylan got it for me” She said smiling.

“Really? But I thought he h@ťěs you, So why did he get you an necklace?” Nadine asked

“His mom made him to, You already know Mrs Cromwell likes me so much, and to top it all, my Parents has a huge shares in their hospital, which means I have Dylan wrapped around my fingers, since his parents have my back” Barney said smiling.

Nadine sighs.

“I’m so jealous, I wish I and Carding could be like you and Dylan…. His mom is not helping matters” Nadine said.

“Carding’s mom has no say, she was only in charge of this year’s students intake because uncle Vince is away for a business trip, if I were you, I’d get close to Carding’s Dad, have you forgotten he favours you alot?” Barney said.

Nadine looks at Barney and smiles.

“Thanks a lot Barney, this is why I chose you as my best friend”

“Anything for you Nadine… There’s a popular story am reading on website, is so fascinating and Thrilling, you gotta read it” Barney said.

Both Nadine and Barney might be a bit annoying, but they were lovers of books.

“Really?, What’s the title”

“FOREVER YOURS, the writer’s name isn’t known, but is darm so interesting, you should check it out” Barney said.

“I think I’ll” She said with a smile, and looks at Nadia, who was talking to some students.

“Gosh, I so much h@ťě her” Nadine said and Barney looks at Nadia.

“Don’t let your twin get to you”

“I h@ťě the fact that she’s my twin, she’s nothing compared to me, I mean why does she like hanging out with those stinking brats” Nadine said and glared at Nadia.

Nadia sees her glaring at her, and she quickly stopped talking to her friends. Nadine scoffs shaking her head.

Carding and Dylan entered the classroom and the female students got so excited on seeing them, commenting and drooling on their new outfits.

Barney brought out a gift wrapped in a beautiful design and went to Dylan.

“Dylan” She said smiling, but Dylan glared at her.

“Since you took me out for shopping, I also got something for you, you should take a look at it” Barney said, with her smile still on her face.

Dylan looks at the gift in her hand, and without saying a word to her, he puts on his headphone, resting his head on the table.

Barney went back to her seat looking so angry.

“Are you all right Barney?” Nadine asked.

“No I’m not, Dylan is so going to get it from his parents, when I report to them” Barney said and looks at Dylan, who was already talking to Carding, laughing.

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