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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.








The clinking sound of their cutleries could be heard as both Nadine and Odessa eat on the glamorous dinning room, and the different kinds of food on the table could feed more than 300 people who are homeless.

Odessa looks at Nadine before dropping her cutleries.

“So what kind of help do you need from me?” She asked.

“I heard your in charge of the students intake this session”

“Yes. And what does that have to do with you?” Odessa asked.

“Everything Aunt Odessa” Nadine said and Odessa raised her eyebrows.


“There’s someone you shouldn’t grant the scholarship”


“Paige” Nadine answers.

“Paige? Isn’t she thesame girl whose friends with my son?” Odessa asked.

“You know her too”

“Not really, I haven’t met her in person, but Carding once talked about her”.

“Believe me when I say this Aunt Odessa, She’s a bad influence, and am afraid she will ruined the school reputation” Nadine said.

“And how sure are you Nadine? Do you know her?”

“Of course I do Aunt, and she’s not fit for Empire High, She must not become a part it”.

“I’m sorry Nadine, but if this is your request, I can’t help you”

“Why not?”

“Carding won’t have want me to accept her into Empire High, if she was bad like you claim, and besides I can’t displease my son, just to please you” Odessa said.

“So Carding told you to help her into Empire High? You want to help that Paige girl through illegal means, is that it?”

“Of course not Nadine, And even I want to help her through illegal means, it got nothing to do with you”

Nadine sighs.

“You of all people should be understanding, Because we’re sailing in thesame boat”


“Aren’t you taking all the shits Uncle Vince throws at you because you love him, Despite not getting married to him, your still hoping he’ll put a ring on your finger and love you someday, right?”

“And what’re you trying to imply Nadine?”

“I love Carding, it should be obvious to you since Carding have been my childhood friend, and am patiently waiting for him to confess his feelings for me, I don’t need a third wheel”.

“Third wheel?”

“Paige is the third wheel Aunt Odessa, I feel like if she becomes part of Empire High, she’s going to take Carding from me, ever since I was a kid, he has always been the only guy I’ve looked at, I won’t want a random stranger to come between us, so please Aunt Odessa, don’t grant Paige the scholarship” Nadine said with pleading eyes.

Odessa sighs.

“I love my son so much Nadine, Carding is my life, even if sometimes I don’t act like a mother to him, he still shows me how much I mean to him, and am ready to do anything to make him happy”

“What’re you trying to say Aunt Odessa?”

“Sorry Nadine, But my son’s happiness comes first, He wants Paige to become a part of Empire High, and I won’t just throw his wish to the river, If Carding loves you, Paige won’t be an hindrance” Odessa said and Nadine tighten her fist under the table.



“How do I look?” Desiree asked Bryan with her hands on her waist.

Bryan is her childhood friend, whose working for her Dad, Desiree’s dad took him in after he lost his Parents in a fatal motor accident, and he has been living with Desiree and Dad.

Both are sometimes friends, sometimes siblings, or often times, act like cat and rat.

Bryan looks at her, he scoffs and continues arranging the new products on the shelves.

“Hey Bryan, I just ask a question, How do I look?” Desiree asked, reposing.

“Do I look like a Photographer to you?”

Desiree hits him so hard on the head.

“Ouch!!! Are you nut!!!”

“Maybe that’s going to make you answer my question, I’ll soon become a student of Empire High, I need to get ready since is a school that doesn’t require uniform”

“You haven’t received a scholarship, and your already preparing, tsk tsk tsk tsk, I have no doubt your going to fail” Bryan said.

“I have all the confidence in the world that am going to pass, So your bad prayer won’t work” Desiree said.

“Suit yourself then” Bryan said jotting down the prices of the product.

“Can you stop being rude and tell me how I look in this dress, I have other clothes to check out too”.

“Can you stop disturbing me? You aren’t helping out here, and yet you keep distracting me”

“I just want to know how I look in this dress?” Desiree whines.

“You look awful, Happy now?” Bryan said moving to another side of the shelf.

Desiree runs to him, and jump on him, coiling her arm in his neck.

“Awful?, huh?”

“Hey Desiree, let go of me, I still have a lot to do” Bryan said.

“No I won’t, how dare you say I look awful huh!!!” Desiree yells tightening her grip on his neck.

“Do you want to ki|| me?”

“I think it’ll be more better if you die” Desiree said.

Bryan bite her forearm and Desiree screams releasing her arm from his neck.

“Ouch!!!! Am going to ki|| you!!” Desiree yells and Bryan stick out his tongue, taking to his heels.

“Bryan!!!!” Desiree screams going after him.

Both continues running around the spaces of the convenience store.



Paige smile satisfactory, enjoying the comfortable bed she was laying on.

There wasn’t any mosquitoes, neither the room being hot or suffocating, rather than receiving awful smells she always perceive in her neighborhood, sweet fragrance filled her nose.

*I must be in heaven* She muttered in her sleep, rolling side to side on the bed, which was enough to contain ten people.

“Are you going to continue sleeping forever?” Carding ask.

*I know that voice, Why’s Carding in our neighborhood…. Wait* She muttered and opened her eyes.

Her eyes scans the room.

“This isn’t my house” She said and when her eyes met with Carding, She screams.

“Why’re you here?” She said spranging up.

“Cuz is my house” Carding answers.

“Your…. Your house?” She asked stuttering, and when she confirmed it was indeed Carding’s house, with how luxurious it was, She screams again.

“Why did you bring me to your house!!!”

“Cuz I don’t know where you live, I ask you a thousand times, but you kept saying down down down down the street”

“You should have just left me in the road side” Paige said.

“That’s what I’ll never do Paige, and stop overreacting ok, I didn’t do anything to you, even if we kissed last night”

Paige’s eye widened.

“We…. Kiss?”

“You ask for it” Carding answers.

And the memories of last night flashback at her, and she screams again.

“Why did you kiss me back!!!” Paige yelled at him.

“What was I supposed to do? Am not a stick”

“Carding, your so dead for kissing a drunk girl” Paige said hitting him with the pillow.

“Ouch! It hurts Paige”

“I was drunk, you shouldn’t have kiss me back” Paige said hitting him with the pillow.

The door opened and Odessa enters.

“Is she finally awake?”

“Yes Mom” Carding answers.

And on hearing the word Mom, Paige’s jaw dropped and the pillow in her hand fell, without her knowing.

“How’re you feeling now Paige?” Odessa asked smiling.

Paige gulped down hard, looking at Odessa.


Paige keeps crimping her lips under the table, as the maids serves their breakfast. She was so nervous and this is the first time it was happening to her.

“You should eat, rather than crimping your fingers under the table” Odessa said with a smile.

Paige fakes a giggle and timorously took the cutleries, and slowly began to eat.

Carding looks at her and smiles.

“Carding told me you took the scholarship exam into Empire High” Odessa said and Paige instantly dropped her cutleries.

“Yes” She answers sharply.

“You don’t have to feel nervous Paige, I don’t bit or do I look scary?” Odessa asked.

“Of course not ma’am” Paige said and reluctantly took the cutleries, taking a half spoon of seafood to her mouth.

Carding smiles again looking at her, Odessa saw it and smiled too.

“Are you in love with my son?” She asked and Paige chocked on her food on hearing her question.

“Mom!. Are you alright Paige?” He asked worriedly.

But Paige just gulped down a full glass of water, trying quench her cough.

“I’m okay” She answers.

“Mom did you necessarily need to ask her that?” Carding asked.

“It was only a question, but I think I already got my answers” Odessa said smiling, and both Paige and Carding looks at her.

“Anyways how’s your Mom?” Odessa asked changing the topic, and Paige gasps, standing to her feet

“I’m dead, my mom is going to ki|| me, I f-__-king spend the night outside” Paige said in a panick.

“Don’t panick too much, just tell her you spend the night at your boyfriend’s house” Odessa said.

“Mom!” Carding calls, Odessa secretly smiles and forcus on her food.

Carding place his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t mind my mom ok… I’ll take you home” Carding said, Odessa looks at them and smiles.

“Alright.. I’ll just get my bag” Paige said and hurriedly leaves.

Carding watch her as she climbs the stairs.

“Since when?” Odessa asked, and Carding looks at her.

“Since you recently met her, does that mean it was love at first sight?”

“Stop with the question mom”

“I know you more than anyone Carding, and I know your in love with her, I already like her for you son, You should ask her out”


“What? Don’t tell me your afraid to ask her out, I think she loves you too, she doesn’t know about it yet” Odessa said and Carding looks at her.

“Am ready” Paige said coming downstairs and Carding diverted his gaze to her.

“I’ll just take her home Mom”

“Sure, it was nice meeting you Paige, you should come by more often, so we can get to know each other” Odessa said.


“Just ignore my Mom” Carding said, he takes her by the hand and both leaves.

“They look good together” Odessa muttered and smiles.

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