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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{ . . Savage Hearts . . .}

Theme; Law Of Revenge 👠

Emery. J.



Writer’s Pov ✍🏻

How time really flies, Sapphire got the peace she wanted and right now she was now living in the countryside with Easton.

They are also expecting their first baby.

Yeah, did I forget to mention that their wedding was fantastic. It was the biggest wedding in town with over thousands of people and wealthy companies.

Easton became a multi-billionaire overnight and was widely known for his ski||s in technologies.

Sapphire got her own fashion designing store where she was widely known also.

And as for Jasmine, she was paying dearly in jail after the cops did their investigations and all allegations pointed to her. Mrs Celine couldn’t believe her eyes when she found her, but life is life.

A 2 year imprisonment.

Well, Adrian met karma, within the five years that flew by, he caught a stroke that had him on a wheelchair till date.

He became a total psychopath, and was sent to a rehab for proper treatment. He was left with nothing.

Truly, the evil that men does doesn’t go after them, it now leaves with them. He’s currently paying for everything he did.

He had the eyes of the police on him and any moment he regains his senses after treatment, he’d be sent to jail for the unlawful things he committed.

Yisabel successfully moved on and got a life with her boyfriend, Grayson. They are currently planning on getting married. She comes visiting the countryside once in a while though.

Sapphire learnt how to move on from her past and didn’t let herself in the shadow. She forgave Adrian for everything he has done but the laws had their implications as they may have it.

Pregnant Sapphire was sitting in the living room, licking bunch of bananas as Easton descended the stairs as he knotted his tie.

He was actually dressed for work.

“Good morning, love” He pecked her cheeks abd Sapphire frowned.

“What?” He asked.

“Is that how you’re supposed to do it? What happened to my lips?!” She snapped at him.

“Oh, pregnancy hormones” He mumbled, and rolled his eyes.

“What did you say?” She asked almost immediately.

“Um, nothing! I said you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in this planet” He smiled at her.

“Beautiful? Do I still look beautiful to you? I’m no more beautiful” She started crying, throwing the bananas and Easton stared at numb.

That was how it had been for the past few months ever since she was pregnant. She acts so childish.

“Did I say you’re ugly? C’mon love, you still look beautiful” He smiled lightly as he slowly used his fingers to wipe her stares.

“I know you are cheating on me. I’m carrying your baby and you’re still cheating on me! Because I’m not beautiful anymore!” She cried out, beating his chest.

Easton exhaled softly. “I’ll show you the mirror to see how gorgeous you are” He replied before walking to get a small mirror. 30 seconds later, he was back. He handed it to her and smiled out, expecting her to smile but she only screamed out which made him staggered.

Her scream were like microphone.

“Really?” He asked in awe.

“I’m so ugly!! This pregnancy is making me fatter!” She cried out again.

“No one told me pregnancy will be this difficult” He mumbled to himself.

“You are still so beautiful, my love. Infact you’re 100 times beautiful than Beyonce” He clarified and Sapphire shot him a dead glare.

“Are you comparing me to her? I don’t look beautiful!” She sniffed and Easton went to her.

“You’re so f-__-king beautiful in your own way. You don’t need heavy makeups oj your face to look gorgeous”

“Do you think I…”

Sapphire couldn’t complete her words when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She froze for some moment with widened eyes.

“What’s wrong, my love?” Easton asked.

“I think the baby… That baby is about to come out.” She freaked out as the pain came again.

“Ah!!! My water just broke!” She screamed in pains and Easton was left confused.

“Hum, I mean what should I do?” He paced to and fro, and Sapphire threw her shoes at him.

“Get me to the hospital idiot!!”

“Ahh!!!” She screamed out again, holding her waist as Easton tried carrying her up.

“Oh, Easton!!”

“I’m sorry baby. You’re gonna be fine” He tried to pacify her.

“Be fast!!” She shouted as he carried her. Just when they reached the door, he forgot his car keys on table where he left it.

“d@mn, I forgot my car keys… I’ll just go get it” He muttered and rushed back.

Sapphire started swearing at him, pouring all American insults on him as she cried out.

“f-__-k! In my next life I won’t go through labor again!!” She screamed as he finally took her out.

“We both know you still have five more kids to give to me” He winked at her.

“Wait, what?!!”

“Hold on, have you forgotten that we wanted six kids?”

“Catch me, I’m going to faint!”


hehehe… If I hear pim 🥱🔪


Come to think of it, this is the shortest book I’ve ever written 😂(At least I didn’t stop it halfway, duhh)

Next one isn’t going to be like this one guys.

Now, who’s your favorite female character?

Favorite male character?

Happiest scene?

Funniest scene?

Saddest scene?

Say something to me at least 😩😄

Our next book will be out soon💋

Purple y’all 💜

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