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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY YOU – Episode 19 & 20

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Adrian stood up after so many attempts as he rushed out of the room. He ran towards the elevator as it lifted, making it’s way down.

The elevator opened as he rushed out, chasing at Sapphire who already had her heels in her hands as she kept running for her dear life.

“Sapphire!!” He screamed as they got outside, but she kept running to God knows where.

The only thing in her mind that moment was to just get away from him. But how can she do that when he keeps running after her.

She was still running when someone suddenly pulled her from nowhere. Sapphire turned to see a tall masculine body.

Adrian stopped running immediately he beheld them.

“Jace?” He muttered, staring dumbstruck.

“This is so low of you, Adrian. Chasing after a girl” Jace replied, gawking at Sapphire.

“Please take me away from here”

“Give her back, and stay out of this” Adrian glared as he started coming towards them.

“There’s no way I’m giving her back to you! You’re going to hurt her, sociopath!” Jace spat at him, and Adrian clenched his fist.

“Take me out of here!! I don’t want to be with him!!” Sapphire shouted abd in a swift, Jace grabbed her wrist and began running with her.

“Jace, you traitor” Adrian gritted his teeth and brought out a gun from his pants. He aimed it at Jace, and the next thing that sounded was a gunshot, Jace dropped dead.

Sapphire’s eyes widened in horror as she ogled at Jace’s lifeless body in front of her. Her body became shaky as she slowly looked at Adrian.

“Y-You ki||ed him…” She muttered as he walked closer to her.

“And do I look like I care?” He muttered back, as he grabbed her waist possessively.

“Let me go! I don’t belong to you, why can’t you leave me?!” She cried out, slapping his chest several times.

“You wanna know why I can’t leave you? You really wanna know why?” He sneered, pushing her to the nearest car door in the garage.

“Why?” She panted heavily.

“That’s because I badly want to screw you, I want to end your f-__-king life just the way I ended your parents life!” Adrian uttered, and Sapphire became numb.

Did she just heard him correctly?

“You ki||ed my parents?” She muttered, staggering backward, and Adrian laughed out.

“You’re so dumb you know that, that land was bought by me. I used it as a means for my quest for revenge. I found out everything about you, I knew your weakness and that was what I used against you. You became my prey but that wasn’t enough. There are times I badly want to tear you apart, but I end up doing the opposite. Your parents are the reason for my dad’s death!!!” He growled, and Sapphire cried.

“You’re a monster, a real one!! I can’t believe I let myself get used by you! I’m such a fool”

“Oh, yes you are” He nodded and smirked in agreement and Sapphire looked at him with disdain.

“You ki||ed them!! You ki||ed my parents!!” She screamed.

“Do I need to start explaining…”


Young Adrian was just returning back home from college that hot afternoon with his friends when he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see.

His dad dad was quarreling with a man just his age. Adrian stood behind the door as he eavesdropped on their Convo.

“You have to give me some time to give you back the money, I used it to pay for my son’s fees. You’re my friend, Walton! Why are you so impatient?” Riccardo’s voice said.

“Impatient? Don’t you get that I paid that moment and was expecting you to pay me back within a specific period of time? What happened to that? My daughter is out there too, and I need to sponsor her” Walton replied.

“Still give me some time”

“I’m giving you twenty-four hours to provide that money, Riccardo or else you won’t like what I’d do to you” Walton warned.

Adrian quickly hid inside the basement as Walton walked towards the entrance door without spotting him.

He made sure he left before coming out. He walked to the living room to find his dad pacing to and fro.

“Dad” He called, and Riccardo looked at him.

“Adrian, you’re back!” Riccardo exclaimed and pulled him into a hug, but he pulled away immediately.

“Dad who was that man that just left?” Adrian asked, and Riccardo the re his gaze away.

“How was school today?”

“I asked you a question! Who was that man, dad?” Adrian snapped at him.

“Fine, that man is Walton. Walton is a friend of mine whom I borrowed money from to pay your tuition fee and other expenses” Riccardo replied, and Adrian sighed softly.

“Is that why he thr_@tened you? I’ll try and pay him back before tonight” He muttered.

“What? You can’t do that, Adrian. Let me handle this, I’m your father” Riccardo quickly said, but Adrian stormed out of the house.

“He never listens…”

Later that evening, Adrian was in his room playing video games when Riccardo knocked. He sauntered to the door and opened it.


“I’m going out to get some groceries. I’ll be back soon” He announced.

“No dad, you’re not going alone. I’ll be your escort” Adrian said as he rushed out even before Riccardo could speak.

“You don’t have to”

“I have to” Adrian said almost immediately.

“Fine. Not like my words would change your mind” Riccardo surrendered and Adrian chuckled as they left the house.

In the middle of cold night street was father and son having their best time together as they kept chitchatting and laughing. They were just on their way back home from the grocery store when someone suddenly came out of the blues and obstructed them.

A huge guy who had a scary look on his face.

“Who are you? And what do you want from us?” Adrian glared fearlessly, and Riccardo quickly hid him behind himself.

“Adrian stay out of this”

Before Adrian could speak again, Riccardo was shot in the head right in front of him, his blood wetting his face.

“Dad!!!!” He screamed out as he fell on his knees, trying to wake the dead man up.

“The job is done, Mr Walton” He suddenly heard the voice of the guy who ki||ed his dad just now.

“Walton” He muttered, clenching his fist as tears fell from his eyes.


“Do you now understand everything?” He smirked and Sapphire hiccuped.

She grabbed her heels which were on the floor and started walking away.

“You have the guts to walk away?” Adrian shouted behind her.

“I cussed the day I was enslaved to you, Adrian Riccardo! I pray you rot in jail!” She shouted back and finally left his sight.

“f-__-k her!” He muttered, raking his hair backwards.


Easton was reading from a magazine that morning when Sapphire suddenly rushed in, panting heavily like someone who was chased.

“Sapphire!” He stood up and made to go to her but she motioned him not to move any further.

“I want to leave. I’m leaving this country” She dropped the bombshell, and Easton raised a brow.

“Sapphire, what are you…”

“You heard me clearly! Thanks for everything you’ve done for me but now I’ve come to know everything. I can’t stay in this country anymore. I want to leave, I want to start a new life” She interrupted abd walked past him as she ascended the stairs.

Yisabel met her on the stairs, Sapphire looked at her and made to walk away but Yisabel held her arm.

“Sapphire? Are you okay?” She asked.

“Stop acting like you’re concerned” Sapphire scoffed.

“I’m just asking. I know I did wrong but at least I’m not a bad person” Yisabel replied and she sighed.

Sapphire looked at her once more before going to her room.

“Easton, is anything the matter?” Yisabel asked as she walked down the stairs.

“She is leaving” Easton replied calmly.



Life as Sapphire knew it was fun and all lovey but she had expected the wrong from the wrong person. She felt her world shattered, and her biggest mistake was falling for her parent’s ki||er.

Yeah, she never mentioned that but there was no hard feeling. Becoming a slave for her enemy was a bid deal that she wanted to run away from.

At least to find her peace.

“Are you sure about this?” Easton asked as he walked into her room. Sapphire was done packing her things, she was ready to leave.

“Yeah” She smiled lightly, and Easton felt like tearing up.

“You’ve always known I had feelings for you, Sapphire. I want to accept you the way you are, it doesn’t have to include him” He replied sadly.

“You can always come for me in Poland” She replied, carrying her luggages as she walked past him.

A tear fell from Easton’s eye as he trailed behind her.

“Aldrich already processed everything you’ll need, I’ll just drop at the airport where you’ll take your flight” He said in a shaky voice and she nodded gently.

Cassandra and Debbie suddenly came out of the kitchen with a sad expression on their faces as they approached Sapphire.

“We’ll miss you ma’am Sapphire” They both chorused, breaking down into tears.

“Don’t cry now. I’ll miss you all. It’s just a staycation” She responded and they embraced themselves warmly.

“It’s time, let’s leave before you miss your flight” Easton cuts in.

“Bye!!” They waved, and Sapphire smiled as she waved back at them.



They got to the airport and made the proper booking of seat in the planed and other necessary things.

“My flight is in 3 minutes” Sapphire came back after the checking of her bags. Easton who was sitting down stood up with teary eyes.

“Can I do something before 3 minutes is over?” He asked.

“What’s that?” She asked, and he pulled her close as he pressed his lips softly on hers, kissing her passionately. Surprisingly, she responded.

He broke the kiss gently as their lips made a sound.

“I have to go” She smiled and he nodded as he walked with her to the plane. Passengers were already getting in, abd flight attendants were already doing the necessary things.


Adrian’s Bentley suddenly pulled up in front of the airport. Sapphire actually dropped a voice message for him, confessing everything to him, and he just rushed down here immediately he read her VN.

He ran crazily towards the flight department but he met Easton standing there as he kept waving slowly at the plane that just took off.

“Easton!” He called, and Easton looked at him with tears he has been trying to hold back there.

Easton wiped his tears, and ignored him as he walked past him.

“Where the hell is she? Say something!”

“Can’t you see the fúck that she just departed?! She f-__-king left the country!” Easton yelled back in tears.

“No! I just read her voice message.. she can’t leave just like that” Adrian shook his head.

“It’s just like a dream, isn’t it?” Easton chuckled hurtfully.

Truly, everything comes and goes. Nothing last forever, and so is life. Spend it with the ones you love because when they aren’t there anymore, you’ll know the value of them with you.

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