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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY YOU – Episode 13 & 14

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*** ♡ ***


Yisabel stopped what she was doing immediately the knock came again for the second time.

“Yisabel, what are you…”

Easton tried speaking but he fell asleep on the desk as Yisabel rushed to the door.

There, Sapphire was standing there.

“Yisabel!” She exclaimed surprisingly and Yisabel scoffed.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“What do you mean? This is Easton’s office and I want to see him!” Sapphire replied, pushing past her as she walked inside.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw Easton’s condition.


She rushed to him, trying to regain him but all to no avail.

“He is just having his rest, can you just leave?” Yisabel pointed at the door and Sapphire became furious.

She walked briskly to her and the next thing Yisabel felt was Sapphire’s five fingers landing on her cheeks.

“What did you do to him?” Sapphire half yelled, staring at her with burning anger.

“That’s none of your business! And do you wanna know more? I’m replacing him in his board meeting soon since he said he’s busy. You even ruined our mood when I was just about making out with him right here” Yisabel replied and Sapphire stared at her with disgusts.

“You’re shameless aren’t you?!” They suddenly heard a voice and they turned to see Aldrich standing beside the door with bottle of water in his hands.

“Get out old rat” Yisabel replied rudely and Aldrich scoffed as he walked towards Easton.

“What are you doing?” Sapphire asked him.

“Trying to wake my boss up” He replied before pouring the water on Easton’s face, making him jerk up.

“f-__-k!!” Easton shrieked as the water bathed him.

“Finally you’re alive again” Aldrich rolled his eyes and Easton stared confusedly at him. He pointed the other side and Easton’s eyes feel on Sapphire and Yisabel.

“Sapphire?” He stood up.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Oh, so you actually told Yisabel to be at your office because you wanted to make out with her?” Sapphire replied and Easton raised a brow at Yisabel.

Yisabel lowered her head shamefully.

“Yisabel, is that what you told her?” He asked but silence followed.

“f-__-king speak up!” He shrieked and she flinched.

She has never seen him yell so loud like this before.

“Y-Yes, I did.” She replied.

“I always thought you’re good, Yisabel” He spoke.

“It’s just that, I wanted to make my feelings known to you” Yisabel replied, nibbling on her fingers.

“Interesting, stupid love” Aldrich snickered.

“Feelings? What type of feelings, Yisabel!” Easton yelled.

“Don’t yell at me! If it’s Sapphire here you’ll be glad she did such to you because you have feelings for her, but why can’t you see me?!” Yisabel cried out, poking her chest and Sapphire shook her head with a chuckle escaping her lips.

“Have you gone nuts?” Easton replied.

“Yes! Have gone nuts because of you! Why can’t you notice me? What does Sapphire has that I don’t have?! I’ve been your personal chef for four years now and you’ve never notice my approach towards you! I had to take it the other way round!” Yisabel drawed and Sapphire scoffed.

She couldn’t take it anymore, she held her bag and stormed out of his office.

“Sapphire! Sapphire!” Easton ran after her immediately.

Yisabel teared up that instant as Aldrich kept glaring at her blankly.

“Crazy witch!” He spat at her before walking out too.

“AHHHH!!!!” She screamed, smashing her shoes on the wall.


“Sapphire, hold on!” Easton caught up to her before she could reach her car.

“What do you want Easton? A kiss? A good fúck?” She replied dryly and he felt slightly hurt. He had never seen her spoke dryly to him like this.

“What are you saying?” He asked calmly and she scoffed.

“Don’t try to f-__-k with me now! I clearly saw Yisabel trying to make out with you! Didn’t you see that the door was locked!” She snapped at him.

“But you could have noticed that I wasn’t myself. I dozed off and I don’t know why. Yisabel just made a coffee for me and the next thing I saw was blurry visions of her going to lock up the door” He explained.

“Wow! That girl is really testing my patients!” Sapphire frowned and made to walk back inside but Easton held her back.

“No, don’t.. I’ll deal with her myself. She’s not going to be working for me again at the villa. I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment” He said softly.

“I almost went sick” She pouted and he chuckled.

“I missed you” He muttered.

“I missed you too” She replied as they kept staring at each other.

Yisabel who was coming out of the company so how they were staring and smiling at each other from the garage and her cry doubled as she clenched her fist in jealousy.


“Why have you decided to ki|| yourself, Jasmine?” Mrs Celine complained.

Jasmine has been sobbing on the floor ever since she got back home from Adrian’s place and she’s been on it.

Mr Brock walked into the mansion from work and with a tired look on his face, he didn’t even notice his daughter.

“Honey, your daughter has been tearing up!” Mrs Celine said and Mr Brock halted on the stairs and slowly turned to them.

“Jasmine?” He walked towards them and Jasmine immediately stood up.

“Dad” She sniffed.

“Tell me, why are you crying?”

“Dad, I don’t want this please! I don’t want to leave the country!” Jasmine cried out.

“Don’t tell me you’re still on that case? Look, you’re going to be leaving next tomorrow so better get prepared” Mr Brock replied and made to walk upstairs to his room but Jasmine held his legs.

“Dad please listen! I don’t want to leave Adrian! We love each other!”

“I never thought that Celine spoiled you to this length. I’m disappointed” Mr Brock shook his head and kicked her as he went upstairs to his room.


“Don’t ki|| yourself. I’m sure you’ll find someone who really loves you” Mrs Celine smiled out as she hugged him but Jasmine pushed her away instantly.

“I h@ťě you guys!” She fired meanly and stormed upstairs to her room.

“Jasmine! Jasmine!”


The maids were in the kitchen chitchatting when Jasmine walked in. The maids quickly arranged themselves while some ran outside.

“Good day ma’am Jasmine” The few greeted.

“Get out!” She ordered.

The maids stared at one another before looking at her.

“But, ma’am…”

“I said get out!” She repeated, more louder than the first time and they rushed out.

Jasmine looked around before walking to the cabinet. She brought out a long sharp knife as her lips curved into a smirk.

“You want this the hard way…” She muttered before leaving the kitchen.

Mr Brock was in his room dressing up in his walk-in closet and he didn’t notice Jasmine come in.

Jasmine looked around before walking in fully, the knife behind her. She tiptoed to his walk-in closet and she smirked when she saw him turning his back on her so he didn’t see her.

She tiptoed briskly to him and before Mr Brock could turn around, Jasmine stabbed him right on the chest.

Blood dripped from Mr Brock’s mouth as he felt on his knees with wide eyes as he starred at his daughter.

“You made me do this daddy” She muttered and he coughed out blood.

“Y-you will r-regret this” Mr Brock coughed out and Jasmine gave a crook laughter.

She brought out the knife from his chest and he yelled in pains as she stabbed him on same spot again.

“Arrgh!!!!” Mr Brock shrieked as she kept stabbing him continuously till death and his blood all over her face.

Jasmine’s hands shook as the knife fell from her hand and Mr Brock dropped dead on the floor like a lifeless chicken, and that’s when Jasmine got hack to her senses.

She suddenly held her head when voices began echoing in her head. Her head was banging.

“Stay away from me!” She screamed out as the voices became stronger.

She was going crazy.

She suddenly cleaned her bloody face with one of his shirt. She grabbed the bloodstained knife. Fortunately, the room has a two paired windows so it was easy for her to run through.

“Adrian is mine, either way and I’m going to let that happen” She muttered and finally jumped off the window.

Mrs Celine came in after five minutes with smiles on her face.

“Honey! I have good news!” She announced but her smile fell off when she saw her husband in a pool of his own blood, lying there lifelessly.





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