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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 7 & 8

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 7★ 8

Gbemi Writes ✍️


☙ { Her Escape }☙

Cause there was Ricardo crouching right in front of her.

“Y- you can walk?” Flora gasp out in shock.

❉ ~Flashback >> Three Months Ago >> Hospital ~❉

“There must be a way, I just won’t accept the fact that I can’t walk again, I can’t!” Ricardo who had bruises over his face yelled as he glared at the poor doctor who came to give him the news.

“Well in a few months time, we can try the possibility of you walking again but you can’t do that right now” The frightened doctor told him.

“Why can’t I ?”

“Cause you aren’t fully healed yet and besides—”

“I don’t care and wh@ťěver the possibility is, I want to try it now” Ricardo stated ignoring the look Tony gave him.

“But your injury haven’t fully healed—”

“That’s up to me to decide and right now I want you to try out that possibility. Make me walk again” Ricardo cut him off once again.

“I really think you should listen to the doctor, boss” Tony said trying to make him see reason but the look Ricardo sent his way made him regret speaking.

“Fine. It’s your call but don’t blame me if you end up getting worse” The doctor let out in anger before storming out of the room.

Ricardo proved the doctor wrong by walking with the help a walking stick just after two months of extreme therapy.

It had been hard and excruciating for him but he had wanted to walk again and he will be damned if he will give the culprit the satisfaction of seeing him as a cripple.

During the third month of being hospitalized. Ricardo stood in his ward gazing outside when Tony came in pushing in a wheel chair.

“Here’s the wheel chair you asked for” Tony informed and slowly Ricardo left the window and went to seat on it.

“Don’t you want everyone to know that you can walk?”

“I don’t cause I plan on finding the @@$$h0le who made me this way and when I do, he sure is going to regret ever messing with me” Ricardo replied having that cruel and scary look on his face.

❉ ~Present Time >> Knights Clan Hide Out ~❉

Flora woke up to find herself in a room. For a while everything seemed new to her but whena she sat up the memories of last night came to haunt her.

There was the attack and Ricardo calling onto her and— she still can’t believe that Ricardo can walk.

If he could walk then why on earth did he lie about it? She thought as the knock on the door intruded her thoughts.

“Good morning” Mona greeted accompanied by a lady Flora wasn’t acquainted with.

“How are you now? I was worried when the boss brought you here unconcious last night” Mona asked.

“You mean Ricardo brought me here?” Flora asked and Mona nodded in return.

“Did you see him walk or was I just imagining it?” Flora asked.

“You weren’t imagining it. The boss seemed to have fooled everyone cause we were all surprise to see him on his two feet” The girl who had accompanied Mona said as she quickly took a seat beside Flora.

“I must really say— you are beautiful. Now I get why Boss Ricardo and Giorgio went through that mission just to have you”

“Now is not the time for your joke, Marissa. Leave her alone” Mona said.

“But it’s no joke. Everyone’s been talking about it and besides I need to give her a heads up about her new master, you know how Ricardo gets sometime and there’s no better person than me to fill her in on it” Marissa said as she took hold of Flora’s hand in a friendly grip.

“Am Marissa known as the clan wh-_-re. Well it’s a bit crude for a nick name but I love it since I love f-__-king handsome guys ”

“And that makes you feel so proud?” Mona let out slowly.

“Of course it does. You haven’t gotten a taste of it cause am sure that if you had something put into that hole of yours you wouldn’t be acting like the saint you are. Hope you aren’t like our virgin Mona?” Marissa asked and when Flora looked away in guilt, Marissa came to conclusion herself.

“Ricardo surely will have a lot of teaching to do”

“I don’t intend to sleep with Ricardo” Flora said defiantly.

“I don’t think you have a choice sweetheart. Ricardo is a man with a high s*x drive and you as his possession will end up fulfilling that high drive” Marissa teased while Flora squeezed her face in disgust.

The thought of having Ricardo touch her makes her feel sick to the stomach.

“But here’s a bit of warning. Just as much as Ricardo has a high s*x drive, he’s also a maniac. He h@ťěs being thwarted and when someone betrays him or try to make a fool out of him, he ki||s them. You should see him whenever he’s—”

“I think you’ve said enough Marissa. You’ve scared her enough” Mona interrupt.

“But she has to know about Ricardo if she’s going to be his lover” Marissa stated just as the door opened revealing a guy who was chewing gum.

“Are you girls coming. Everyone is headed for the punishment room” the guy said and immediately Marissa stood up pulling Flora up too.

“You can’t miss this, Flora” Marissa said as she pulled Flora out of the room ignoring Mona.

❉ ~ Punishment Room ~❉

The groan of a man filled the air due to his fingers which were being chopped off by Athena.

When it comes to dismembering someone, Athena is the best.

“I will ask again. Where is the devils hide out?” Athena asked the man who was still groaning out in pain after having three of his fingers cut.

After last night incident. Only one out of the men had been able to escape while the other had been captured by them.

When he didn’t answer, Athena chose to chop off his whole hand and it was at that moment Flora, Marissa and Mona walked in.

“Speak up! Where is the devil hide out?” Athena screamed at him and when he didn’t reply again, she move to his other hand wanting to chop it off when someone ordered her to stop.

From where she stood Flora saw Ricardo getting out of his seat. He went towards Athena and the injured man.

“I don’t think he’s going to talk. He’s willing to die just to protect his clan so why don’t we make this easy for him?” Ricardo said just as Athena handed him a pocket knife.

With fear, Flora watch as he move towards the man and pulling back his head, he slit his throat in one swift move making blood splatter on his shirt and face.

With that cruel look of his, he turned to everyone.

“This is just the tip of an iceberg. Once I find out that anyone of you is betraying the clan, I will chop you into bits and feed you off to the lions” He yelled out and at that moment his gaze caught hers amongst the crowd.

“Go against me or the clan and be prepared to die and it’s going to be an excruciating death” he said and that got Flora shivering in fear.

Just as he turn his gaze away from her to speak to Tony. Giorgio showed up pulling her out of the room.

When they got to a secluded spot, he gave her a hug while she embraced him back with all her might.

“Am sorry that I couldn’t win the mission. It’s my fault for being tricked ” Giorgio let out in annoyance when he pulled away from her.

“But you aren’t going to leave me in his hands right? You saw what he did, he’s a scary man, am really scared of him” Flora cried out and once again Giorgio pulled her into his arms for a hug.

“Don’t worry. I will find a way to get you out of this mess. I promise” Giorgio whispered into her ears while she held him more closely.

The two were so engrossed in each other that they failed to notice Ricardo watching them.

“I thought we made it clear that the loser stays away” Ricardo said and immediately the two pulled apart.

Flora quickly hid behind Giorgio while Ricardo walk towards them not bothered about the blood stain on his shirt and face.

“Fine. Am a loser when it comes to you, you win all the time and have finally come to terms with that fact but can you let Flora go. She doesn’t have to be a part of our fight ” Giorgio said.

“Sorry bro but I already made her a part ever since I found out the truth” Ricardo replied with that devilish smirk of his and moving around Giorgio, he took hold of Flora.

“Flora is mine now, know that and know peace” Ricardo added before pulling a reluctant Flora off with him.

❉ ~ Ricardo Room ~❉

“Don’t just stand there, Come in” Ricardo ordered when Flora stood at the door way, frightened to go in.

“I don’t repeat myself twice, so if you know what’s good for you, get your @zz over here” he said harshly and immediately Flora went towards him, keeping a bit of distance between them.

“What are you waiting for. Get this off of me” he ordered referring to his shirt and slowly Flora move towards him to unbutton his shirt.

Wrapping his arms around her slim waist, he pulled her closer to him.

“Are you scared of me?” He whispered into her ear, a cynical smile appearing on his face.

“You shouldn’t cause pretty soon you will be mine body and soul and I rather prefer cooperation than force” he added and immediately Flora pulled out of his arms.

“You are being unfair! Taking me away from the man I love and wanting to do dirty things to me is really cruel of you” she lashed out at him with tears in her eyes.

In one swift move, he pinned her down on the bed with him on top of her.

“Unfair? You should be dead by now but I chose to spare your life and the mission was won by me which makes it totally fair. Giorgio failed in winning the mission due to his narrow minded thinking”

“While I was on my way to see Milo. My stupid brother made a fake document just so he can win but as luck will have it. Milo returned to the hide out with me ruining his plan. I won it fair and square so don’t you ever tell me that it’s unfair again. Get used to the fact that I own you now!” He yelled down at her and for a while she thought he would tear off her dress and have his wicked ways with her but he sat back on the bed while she sat up too.

Shrugging out of his bloody shirt, he stared at her.

“My taste in women are of the highest level but am willing to try you out since your innocence is quite alluring and besides you are my possession and it’s only right that I be your first lover”

“I am going to be your first lover right?” He asked and her silence made the answer plain to him.

“As much as I would love to play with you right now. I am a very busy man so you might as well leave but I will be sure to call you back tonight and you better be prepared” he said just as two of his guards came in.

“Escort her back to her quarters and make sure nothing happens to my possession” he warned the guard before going into the bathroom.

❉ ~ Meeting Room ~❉

“Isn’t Giorgio coming?” Dacio asked as he walk into the room.

“He’s better off not showing his face. We might as well begin” Ricardo stated just as Ten filled him up on their last mission.

“I should have known that Alexio would double cross us. So, is the piece of $h|t dead?” Ricardo asked.

“He isn’t but we found out that there’s a spy amongst us though you know that now” Queenie said to him while everyone stared at each other.

“Just like I told you guys, am not the spy” Marissa said quickly.

“No one is saying that it’s you” Bonnie assured.

“After all you are the clan’s wh-_-re, not even worthy enough to hold a gun” Athena mocked.

“That’s good to know. At least have tasted a bit of the boss but I doubt if you ever will and so a piece of advice, stop thinking yourself to be the boss lady cause you won’t ever be one” Marissa said in return.

“What the hell did you just say!” Athena yelled while hitting the table in anger.

“Enough!” An order from Ricardo got them shutting up.

“Stop patronizing each other and let’s focus on the agenda here. Do you have an idea where this good for nothing Alexio might be, Red?” Ricardo asked and Red got out of her seat to show him something on her laptop.

“He’s currently hiding here, boss” She said showing him a location on her laptop.

“Can we rely on this?” Ricardo asked and she nodded before returning to her seat.

“Dario, Athena, Queenie, Red and Ten will be following me on this mission” Ricardo said.

“Me? Can’t I just stay here and take care of things in your absence?” Dario said already hating the fact that he will be leaving for the mission.

Mona who was present couldn’t hold back her laughter.

“Am sorry. Carry on” she said quickly when all gaze went on her.

She let out a slight cough and quickly Bonnie offered her his water while Ten gave him a angry look since he’s her boyfriend.

“You are coming Dario and that’s final. Meeting is over but make sure you are ready cause we leave tomorrow” Ricardo said just as everyone stood up to leave.

“When will Leon get here?” Ricardo asked Athena as she was about to leave too.

“Probably in the evening. Will he be going on this mission too?” Athena asked.

“No. He will be watching over Flora during my absence”

“During your absence? Are you going on this mission too?” Athena asked and he gave a nod before leaving the room.

“Great! He’s coming” Athena said in excitement before leaving the room too.


*But I will be sure to call you back tonight and you better be prepared*

Ricardo words kept troubling Flora as she threw down the rope she found over the window.

The thought of facing Ricardo makes her feel scared and it’s probably the reason why she chose to escape.

Gently she got down with the rope and took to her heels.

Luckily for her, she stayed out of harm’s way and got to the garden where the wall was easy for her to climb.

She got onto it and was about to get off when she heard someone say.

“And where the hell are you going?”

….❤️ TBC ❤️….

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