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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 21 & 22

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 21β˜… 22

Gbemi Writes ✍️




β˜™ { Her Task }β˜™

“What’s going on?” Flora asked.

“I think someone doesn’t want us to leave” Tony replied as the door open to reveal….

❉ ~ $h00ting Ground ~ ❉

*What do you know about being warm when you are nothing but a cold unfeeling jerk*

*A piece of advice, if you keep up this way, you will never know the true meaning of being warm neither will you have someone warm by your side*

Flora’s word kept going through Ricardo’s mind as he fired his gun. The reason why he had come to the $h00ting ground is to clear his head but even with the distraction, her words kept bugging him.

Throwing the gun aside, he pulled off his glove to unbutton his shirt when he noticed Tony running towards him.

“There’s been a problem, boss” Tony said breathing hard.

“What’s wrong?”

“Your girl…your girl has been taken” Tony replied.

On hearing this, Ricardo stance change and immediately he pick up his gun.

“Who took her?”

❉ ~ Private Room ~❉

Flora was dragged into the room by two men who forced her to kneel on the floor and in front of a man.

Flora swallowed nervously before starring at the man sitted in front of her.

Judging by his looks, Flora could tell that he’s in his late sixties. The scar along his cheek and the cold glare he sent her way made her feel like She’s seen him before but somehow she’s sure that this is their first meeting.

“So you are Flora?” He asked which got her starring at the floor.

“You are the girl that have been disrupting the peace between Ricardo and Giorgio?” He said again and that got her starring at him.

“How did you manage to do it? What exactly do you have that you’ve got both men wrapped around your finger?” He asked again.

“I…I….don’t possess…such quality” she stuttered.

“Tch! So you are saying that my informant is a liar?” He question which brought her gaze on him.

“That’s not what I meant…what I meant is that….”

“Silence!” He ordered which got her shutting her mouth.

“Girls like you are only meant to be a distraction and distraction is the one thing I don’t want for my sons” immediately he said that Flora stared at him.

“You are Ricardo and Giorgio’s father?” She asked feeling a bit stunned.

“I am and have heard so much about you already. To think my foolish sons have to go gaga over a mere waitress boils my blood with rage, I wonder how crazy they will act once you are gone” he said slowly earning Flora’s gaze again.

“Y…you intend to k…ki|| me?” She stuttered and he didn’t bother to reply, instead he pick up a gun from the table and after twiddling with it, he point it to her fore head.

“Death is the only thing left for someone whose aim is to distract my sons” he said as he charge the gun prepared to fire when the door burst open revealing Ricardo.

“No!” Ricardo yelled as he pulled the gun out of his father’s hand and a frightened Flora let out a sigh of relief.

“What are you doing?” Ricardo asked glaring down at his father.

“I should be asking you the same thing! How dare you take my gun?” Stephan Knight yelled at him.

“Wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you have to say just say it to me and leave the girl alone” Ricardo said more calmly as he pulled Flora up.

“I can see that this girl has gotten to you. What exactly did she offer? Her body?” Stephan taunted.

“That has nothing to do with you dad. What matters is the clan and have been doing my utmost best to make sure things go well, what I do in my private time is none of your business”

“So what you trying to say is that you are the boss to your own life?” He asked slowly.

“Think of it whichever way you want. Let’s go ” he said as he pulled Flora.

“Seems like you want the same thing that happened to Camilla to happen to her” Stephan said and immediately Ricardo stopped which got Flora stopping too.

“If you value your life then I suggest you don’t walk out of that door with him” Stephan added while starring at Flora.

“I doubt he’s told you what happened to Camilla. What he did just to get rid of her and….”

“Stop it dad!” Ricardo yelled startling Flora who was beside him.

The tension was tense between father and son as they stared at each other. Flora knew she had to do something or it will be one bloody night.

Quickly she pulled her hand out of Ricardo’s and went to kneel in front of the old man.

“I think you are mistaken sir. I mean nothing to Ricardo and he also mean nothing to me. When you arrived I was about to leave this place for good but now I realise that am meant to stay here” she said.

“You are meant to stay as what? Ricardo’s lover?”

“Not as Ricardo’s lover but as one of your men. During my stay here have notice that everyone talks of one thing which is the spy ”

“Everyone knows about the spy just tell me what you are going to do about it?” Stephan said grudgingly.

“I will find the spy and bring him or her to you” She replied and that earn her a smile from Stephan.

“Flora!” Ricardo call to her name got her starring his way.

“Are you sure that you can find the spy?” Stephan question brought her gaze on him again.

“I can” Flora replied which got Stephan smiling.

“Fine then, I will be giving you two weeks”

“Dad do not listen to her, she’s just…”

“Two weeks in which you’ve got to find me the spy and bring him to me, agree?” Stephan cut in and Flora could only nod in return.

“You are dismiss” he said and immediately Flora got off the floor to leave and Ricardo was about following when Stephan stopped him.

“You know it will be impossible for her to find the spy, So why give her such a task?” Ricardo asked.

“Cause she offered to do it and quit with the yelling. I asked you to wait for something else” Stephan return smoothly.

” The devil clan will be holding a banquet some time in the week, I want you to go there and ki|| Lord Santos”

“Lord Santos is the leader of the devils, will it be easy to ki|| him?” Ricardo asked.

“I will leave that to you to handle with the others but I want results. Santos have been my long time hindrance, it’s time we make him gone” Stephan said just as the door open to reveal Athena.

“It’s so good to have you back big boss” Athena cooed and she went to give him a hug.

“You look skinnier than ever, haven’t you been taking care of yourself?” Stephan asked.

“I have but it’s just that work have been too tiring” Athena said this while starring at Ricardo.

“I will take my leave” Ricardo said before leaving the room.

“So? Did you meet her big boss?” Athena asked.

“I did” Stephan replied referring to Flora.

“She’s just like Camilla right? A distraction for Ricardo and it’s only right that we get rid of…”

“For now I won’t get rid of her” Stephan cut in while Athena stared at him in surprise.

“B…but why?” Athena stuttered.

“I gave her a task and I doubt that she will be able to complete it. Let’s just wait till then so when I decide to ki|| her, Ricardo won’t be able to do anything ” Stephan told her.

“That’s awesome big boss. Am glad you always think ahead”

“If I don’t then how will my three sons and this clan survive?” He said which got Athena laughing.

“You must be tired from your trip big boss. Which is why have got the maids to prepare your bathe and also we will be having a party to welcome you tonight” Athena told him and he nodded.

“This is why I think you will make a perfect bride for my son” Stephan told her as they went out of the private room.

❉ ~ Kitchen ~❉

Red walked into kitchen only to stop short when she saw Dacio and a maid caressing each other.

She wanted to leave at first but then she changed her mind and went further in to pour herself a glass of water.

When they noticed her, the maid quickly set her clothe properly before dashing out of the kitchen making Dacio sigh out in frustration.

“Didn’t you see us here?” Dacio asked impatiently.

“So, Did you expect me to leave just because you two are doing your dirty deed in the kitchen of all place?” Red replied stonily.

“You know, I always get the feeling that you dislike me” Dacio said as he came to stand beside her.

“You are right. I don’t like you” she replied glaring at him.

“That’s a shame cause a girl like you is obviously wasting her youth away by pushing men like me away from them. I doubt you know how it feels to have something huge put into that hole of yours” he said and that got her eyes widening In shock.

“You obviously don’t know which is why you look like a bitter old lady. Tch! It’s a shame you don’t like me, I would have love to teach you” he added and blowing a kiss her way, he left the kitchen.

Red had never felt so angry in her entire life, she would love to go after him and slit his d@mn throat but he’s the son of the big boss which makes him untouchable.

It’s true that she’s been untouched and that’s because she and Lazaro had wanted to take things slow. They had never gotten to the stage of being intimate with each other when he died.

A death which is solely Dacio fault…she thought still fuming.

Pulling out her phone, she dialled Ten number and after the third ring, he answered.

“I will do it. I will do wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you want just to make that jerk pay for Lazaro’s death” she said into the reciever.

❉ ~ Some Hours Later ~❉

Ricardo was heading to the meeting room when he saw Flora.

“Why are you here?”

“To attend the meeting not like it’s any of your business” she replied steely.

“You don’t have to attend just go to your room ” Ricardo ordered.

“Sorry but I stopped taking orders from you and since am working for your father now, I will only be taking orders from him” she said defiantly.

“Are you going against me?” Ricardo asked menacingly.

“Perhaps. I have nothing to fear from you since am no longer your f-__-k mate” she said steely.

“And who told you that?” He asked, a devious smile splaying on his lips.

“Your father for one wouldn’t allow it and I also don’t want you to ever touch me again” she said shakingly.

“Why don’t we put your last statement to test ” he said and in one swift mood, he lifted over his shoulders heading for his room.

….❀️ TBC ❀️….

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