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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ENSLAVED BY A MAFIA – Episode 15 & 16

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{…Toxic Dominance…}

THEME: The Devil Wants Me.

Chapter 15★16

Gbemi Writes ✍️


☙ { The Party }

“What did you just say?” He asked angrily.

Oh, She’s certainly done for… Flora thought.

“I just asked you a question! ” Ricardo angry voice jolt her back to the present.

She should have payed attention to Marissa and should have kept quiet, she thought silently cursing herself.

“I– I didn’t say anything, I just– I just– you must have heard wrong” she said slowly retracing her step.

“Then how about I make you remember what you said ” he muttered moving towards her and immediately, Flora ran out of the room like her life depend on it.

She was breathing heavily when she made it down the hall and luckily for her, Ricardo wasn’t following.

“That was close” she muttered just as she spot Mona.

“Let me help” Flora said as she took the heavy tray filled with food from her.

“Thanks. It’s time for breakfast and no matter how busy everyone is, they always show up for breakfast” Mona told her as they walk into the dinning room which had some occupant in it.

“If it isn’t the boss lady” Bonnie murmured on seeing Flora.

“Watch what you say? There’s a difference in being f-__-ked and being the boss lady” Athena said to Bonnie who rolled his eyes at her.

“Well at least, she has been f-__-ked by the boss whereas you haven’t even been able to accomplish a thing” Marissa let out as she walk into the room.

“You keep on getting on my nerve, Marissa!” Athena warn as she sat up banging the table.

“Come hit me then” Marissa jeered in return annoying Athena.

“Now easy girls. It’s too early to begin a fight” Dacio said as he walk towards Athena putting his arm around her stiff shoulder.

” You are right, Dacio. It’s too early for a fight” Marissa quickly said starring at him dreamily.

By then Red and Ten had arrived to join the group including a hungry Leon and Tony.

“I believe that things have been hectic lately and that’s why I propose we have a– party!” Dacio suggested excitedly.

“But we only hold a party whenever we succeed in a mission” Mona commented and that got Dacio moving away from Athena to stand in between Mona and Flora.

“It’s true that we only hold a party whenever a mission has been accomplish but then we also hold a party whenever someone new join us and that someone new is little miss Flora here” Dacio said his gaze trained on Flora.

“We only welcome those who work with us but she’s not doing that” Athena said glaring at Flora.

“That doesn’t matter, she’s new here and so a party must be held in her honour. Who agrees with me?” Dacio asked and everyone agreed apart from Athena.

“You all are annoying” she said before leaving the breakfast room almost knocking down a poor maid bringing in more food.

“Now that that has been decided. Let’s all have our breakfast” Dacio said as he took a seat while Mona and Flora served them.

“Partying freak!” Ten muttered under his breath while starring at Dacio but Red who was seated beside him had heard.

“Arrgh! I h@ťě them all” Athena let out her frustration as soon as she got to the garden.

“Am I among the people you h@ťě?” Someone ask behind her and she turn to see a girl there.

“Claire” Athena called out in relieve before going to hug her.

“Your lesbo babe is back. How have you been fairing?” Claire asked still holding onto Athena.

“A lot has happened ever since you left for your holiday” Athena cooed softly.

“A lot? Don’t tell me that you and Ricardo are finally an item?” Claire asked.

“I wish we were but – see that girl over there?” Athena said as she spun Claire around to take a look at Flora who was heading back to the kitchen.

“She’s beautiful, exactly my type” Claire said while licking her lips.

“If you are interested in her, you are too late since she’s f-__-king Ricardo” Athena let out angrily.

“What! Didn’t you do something about it? ”

“How can I? Ricardo hardly pays attention to me, it’s like she has completely bewitch him”

“So what? Are you going to give up on Ricardo. You’ve been in love with him for years, will you just let that little twerp steal him away?” Claire asked.

“Of course not and it’s one of the reason am glad you are back. With you here, I can get rid of her for good” Athena said which got Claire smiling.

“Then we might as well start thinking of something cause the longer she stays, the slimmer your chance with Ricardo is” Claire replied as they both made way to their room.


“You seriously aren’t going to come?” Dacio asked Ricardo who was busy checking out some important document.

“Am not” Ricardo replied slowly.

“But your girl is going to be there, she’s the reason why we are throwing a party tonight ”

“Let’s get one thing straight. Flora is not my girl and she won’t ever be one” Ricardo let out steely and that got Dacio sitting up right.

“But with the way you took her away from Giorgio, I thought you were–” Dacio let the words trail off when he saw the look Ricardo gave him.

“That I was in love with her? You should know by now that love isn’t for me. I’d rather take and discard just like you do and after all I learnt my lesson a long time ago” Ricardo muttered deep in thought.

“You must be referring to Camilla right?” Dacio said which got Ricardo starring at him with rage.

“It was a slip– Er, I will go check on Giorgio” Dacio said before dashing out of the room.

❉ ~ Giorgio Room ~❉

“Is no one in?” Dacio muttered as he knock on Giorgio’s door for the third time.

Hating the long wait, he chose to go in and what he saw got his eyes widening in shock.

There was Giorgio asleep and in his arms was Queenie and judging by the intimate way they slept, it must have been one hell of a night… Dacio thought as he slowly made his way out of the room.

On the other hand, as soon as Queenie heard the door close, she opened her eyes to continue starring at Giorgio.

All her life, she has only had eye for one man and that is Giorgio, it’s one of the reason why she chose to be his right hand man and also his lover.

Pushing back a strand of his hair, she couldn’t hold back the impulse and made to kiss him but Giorgio chose that moment to open his eyes pushing her away from him.

“What’s the time?” He asked as he sat up.

“Ten in the morning” Queenie replied while fiddling with the sheets.

“And why did you wake me?” He yelled suddenly.

“Because you seem tired and I didn’t want to–”

“When it comes to things about my life, I will decide myself. You have no right to interfere” he cut her off abruptly.

“Oh! Let me guess, Flora has the right to interfere in your life right?” Queenie snap her anger rising too.

“Don’t bring Flora into this”

“I will. You keep doing crazy things all in the name of Flora when you don’t even love her”

“How are you so sure that am not in love with her?”

“If you were in love with her, you wouldn’t have slept with me last night” Queenie replied which got him looking away from her.

“That was a mistake, it never should have happen” Giorgio muttered hurting Queenie feelings.

“But it did and you should think well about it cause no matter what you do, you won’t be able to run away from it and that’s because you want me just as much as I want you. Keep that in mind when talking to Flora” She said this in anger and picking up her clothe, she went into the bathroom to get dressed.

❉ ~ Evening ~❉

After a long day spent in his office, Ricardo was heading to his room when he heard music coming from the party room.

They must already be partying now, Ricardo thought and for a while he wondered how Flora might be fairing.

“Why the hell am I thinking about her and besides Leon is there already ” he murmured before walking off.

On the other hand. Dacio, Bonnie and Leon stood at the bar counter gulping down their drink while having a merry time.

“But aren’t you suppose to keep watch on Flora?” Bonnie said to Leon who filled up his glass with more whiskey.

“This is a party and it’s only right that I enjoy it and besides, she can’t run away when everyone is here” Leon replied.

“Leon is right. Let’s party and stop thinking of work for a while, Cheers everyone” Dacio said which got the three men clinking their glass.

“Aren’t you going to have a drink?” Red ask as Ten declined a drink from a hovering maid, his gaze trained on Dacio.

“Do you still intend on getting your revenge?” Red asked and that brought his gaze on her.

“I do and just like I told you during the mission, I will need your help”

“What do you want me to do?”

“To get back at Dacio for Lazaro’s death and the only way to do that is by using his weakness on him. The opposite s*x” Ten said to Red who got more confuse.

“I want you to seduce Dacio and make him fall in love with you” Ten added which got Red eyes widening in shock.


“Isn’t he so hot?” Marissa muttered while starring at Dacio who was oblivious to her stare.

“Who?” Flora who was sipping her orange juice asked as she followed Marissa’s gaze.

“Boss Dacio. Marissa believes herself to be in love with him and so she’s been trying hard to get him to notice her ” Mona explained.

“I don’t believe myself to be in love with him. I am in love with him, have slept with Giorgio and Ricardo in the past, no offence Flora but all that happened before you came into the scene” Marissa said quickly.

“Like I said, have slept with Giorgio and Ricardo but have yet to do that with Dacio. He seems to prefer other women and even when I made it obvious that I want him, he totally ignored me which perk my interest and it’s one of the reason why I fell for him, I want him and am going to have him” Marissa declared.

“That’s more like stalking and I doubt that Dacio will ever look your way. He’s more notorious than his brothers when it comes to girls and–”

“Instead of analysing my love life, why don’t you just think about yours. Don’t you ever wonder why Ten and Red are always together? He may be f-__-king her behind your back” Marissa said in annoyance.

Mona turned to see Red leaving the room while Ten went after her.

“For your info…Ten and I are no longer together and besides, they’ve been close friends even before I arrived in the scene. So don’t talk about what you don’t know” Mona yelled at Marissa who rolled her eyes in return.

“Girls, let’s not fight ” Flora said knowing that if she didn’t interfere soon, hell will break loose.

On the other hand, Claire and Athena stood a distance away watching the trio.

“Are the men ready?” Claire asked while Athena gave a nod in return.

“The only thing left to do is to give her the spike drink” Athena muttered as she stared at Flora with so much h@ťě in her eyes.

“Leave that to me” Claire said as she picked up a whiskey filled glass and went towards Flora and her friends.

❉ ~ Ricardo Room ~❉

Ricardo was checking out his gun before preparing for bed when someone began knocking on the door.

He went to open the door only to see a distressed Marissa.

“There’s trouble Ricardo. Something bad has happen” Marissa said with tears in her eyes.

….❤️ TBC ❤️….

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